I feel your pain.
Sunday I decided to clean up my boat a bit. I went to replace a cup holder and came prepared with a "factory replacement". ANyway, I start on the broken cup holder and find that it is riveted in place and the back of the rivets are under carpet. Nice clean install, but sucks for me to replace. I drill out the rivets and try to line up the new cup holder. The holes don't quite line up. Grrrrr. I manage to get two screws in and it seems to be a tight fit.
Next aggravation....go to install another cup holder...drilled some pilot holes and started screwing things together. As I'm doing the second screw, the head of the screw shears off. Fabulous. I can't get this thing to come out or go in any further. Luckily, it holds the cup holder on and it doesn't look hideous (unless you know where to look).
Next....I decided to vacuum out the boat. I break out the house vacuum, b/c it's got a lot of suction and I'm wanting to get the cracks between the carpet and the gunwale clean. My minivac won't do that. So, all is well until I can't reach a spot b/c the hose is too short. I lift the vacuum into the boat, but it's collected some grass on it and it begins to deposit this all over my freshly vacuumed carpet. I then decide that wet grass will wipe off of vinyl easier than it will vacuum, so I put the vacuum on my boat seat. I fired up the vacuum and hear some bad sounds coming from my seat. The vacuum rollers had instantly burned a nice hole into my boat seat. GRRRRR. This was the real pisser of the day!
Next....Wife calls me in to help install a shelf. I hammer in the spreading wall mount and tighten....remove the screw and begin to mount the shelf bracket. My wife gets her side tightened, but mine just keeps slipping....screw won't go in and won't back out. After 20 min of fighting it, the pliers come out and I managed to rip the mount out of the wall leaving a nice hole. Luckily, the shelf had a couple other holes in it, so I was able to slide over a few inches and place another mount. The 2nd mount attempted to hose me, but I realized what had happened and avoided disaster the second time.
Needless to say, I did not attempt to install my new fish finder. I will save that for another, hopefully less cursed, day.