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  1. It was great meeting you and everyone at breakfast. I was glad I drove over.
  2. I will be waiting in line.
  3. Lol. I meant tickets for the classic.
  4. Can we buy tickets at the entrance?
  5. Count me in. I will be there.
  6. My plan is to put a hds 9 carbon at the console. After that I will upgrade the one on the bow.
  7. 2014 Ranger Z117.
  8. I ended up with a Dobyn's rod and really like it.
  9. Here are some picutre's. Took her out today for the first time. It ran great and everything worked as it should. I am very happy. It ran right at 50 mph which im happy with for it having a 115hp. Thank you to everyone that commented and gave advise. caught the first fish in the new boat today. Nice 3.5lb largemouth. Many more to come.?
  10. I picked her up late this afternoon so only have one picture as of now Heading to the lake for the first time in the morning. Say's file is too large. I will post soon using computer where I can shrink it.
  11. Just bought the bost this morning. Looks brand new and they showed me print out with 10 hrs. The are putting 3 new batteries in it and an impeller kit just to make sure after sitting. They are detailing it and we go to the lake in it tomorrow. I will post pictures. Thank you to all that responded. It is greatly appreciated.
  12. Update: when I got to the dealer this morning they had sold the 518. They have a 2014 Z117 with an Evinrude 115 on in. The boat only has 10 hours on it and got them down to $22,000. + tax. They are holding it until Monday. Told them I will be back Monday. The boat has sat at their dealership for 3 years. He said they will make sure it is ready to go. They are detailing it and will let me test drive on the lake Monday. Is this a fair deal and is there anything I should be cautious of since it sat? He said it is still under warranty. Is the Evinrude 115 a good motor?
  13. I'm going to the Ranger dealer in the morning. He said he will make me a deal on a left over 518c. He said he should be able to do $36,000. I will let you know what he actual does. That puts me at $3,000. more than the Z18.
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