So the weather today wasn't too terrible... high 60's at my house. However once I got to my usual fishing spot in a park, it was windier and cooler than it was at my house. I sat around a bit, rigged a few poles... kinda just watched to see if there was any signs of fish activity. Didn't see much happening. A touch of the water told me the water was very cold... so I decided to skip the float rig and just go bottom rigging/finessing with my new Shroomz finesse heads I just got. So I set up a little "weedless" ned rig, casted it out and wiggled it while slowly working it back in a few times, starting to my left and working to my right. Got a light nibble or two but nothing committed enough to set the hook on. So I casted parallel to this giant tree next to me out near the middle of the canal where I felt the fish were sitting. Was doing great until about it got to about 4 foot in front of me. Just as I lifted my pole up to reel the lure out of the water, it happened: it snagged. And badly! I tried everything to get the 10 pound flourocarbon leader to get free, but nothing worked. So I decided to pull out my little "rescue pole". It's a cheap Dock Demon that I spooled with 50 pound braid and a small drop shot. I use this for areas like this for when I know there are snags, and it usually works to pull out obstructions, like sticks and whatnot. But nope, I hooked into what I think is an entire tree! Took me a few casts to find it, but once I did, I tried to bring it in putting quite a bit of pressure on the little glass composite rod. POW! Line snaps, lost the hook and the weight. I knew then it was over... so I just yanked the other pole and broke the lure off. 1 finesse head and finesse lure gone!
I am irritated, cause I had to order both off of amazon since no store around here carries these. Needless to say... I packed up and left. Less than a 15 minute fishing trip total. I kindly made a complaint with the rangers on the way out cause that's kind of ridiculous, to have such massive obstructions in the water so close to the bank. They need to clean it out cause I've had this issue here before, always somewhere random and new from the last time I fished there. So... decided I'm probably not going back there. Had enough of losing stuff. How anyone can finesse fish around sticks and such is beyond me, I lose stuff no matter how I rig it. Just a little rant to vent... lol. Wish the weather would hurry up and get normal so I can warrant traveling a bit further to fish properly.