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Everything posted by Rollincoal420

  1. Haha. Yeah, I'll be stuck at work. Butt fishing during the eclipse does sound like a good reason to lay out
  2. Fair enough. I just aquired a new to me reel so it seems only right to spool it up with florocarbon and have at it. See which one I like better. That being said, many people seem run braid for things like frogs and and pitching and such. The question becomes, when would one choose braid over fluoro, or fluoro over braid?
  3. Comparing the abrasion resistance of braid vs. equal diameter florocarbon. What your saying is braid will not resist abrasions, and there for cut real easily, but floro, copolymer, and mono can be drug across wood, stone, concrete, whatever, and not break? I have experienced the opposite. Even advertising claims braid to have superior restance to abrasions over other lines.
  4. How comparable to equal diameter braids?
  5. Good point. Never thought about that happening. As for a leader, I wasn't using one at the time, and haven't been mainly because i was worried about abrasion resistance of n e thing but braid, but do plan to start using them more often. Coming through trees and brush, is there a concern about a floro leader being cut?
  6. 10-4. Thanks. I'll give it a good look over this afternoon on my first cast.
  7. So, I've searched but the first 50 threads out of over 1000 didn't help me any. Real simple question, does braid need replaced after abrasions? Like mono? I ask because the other day, I cast over and through half dead tree. To my surprise, that cast actually hooked up. I had to winch the fish over and through the tree. The top of the tree was about 12ft over the water, and about 6ft above the the ground I was standing on. Luckily it was a smaller fish, but the whole time bringing him in, my line was in the tree. The line is 40lb braid. Can't remember the brand.
  8. Very nice post. Thanks for breaking all of that down to the next level. Many of this I've heard many times, but never broken down to that level. Very helpful for someone like me who always over analyzes everything.
  9. I'm finding myself more often it's easier leaving the tackle box in the car and just stuffing a bag of an assortment of soft plastics in my pocket. It seems there is a lot that can be covered with one hook. I do my fishing from the bank so I just take 2 rods with me when I leave the house. Lately they have been one Texas rigged and one weightless 3/0 hooks, and a cargo pocket of soft baits. Im no expert at it, but it seems very easy and effective way to be ready on the go and be able to travel light.
  10. Had a good weekend. Finally broke the dry spell. Got invited out on a john boat Saturday and found one with a weightless senko under a tree. Then today we were at a park with a walking trail with spots along the waters edge. I went to a spot with access to the edge of the bank but still had trees blocking direct access to the water. I said screw it and tossed a fatty craw on a belly weighted hook over a tree and it got picked up shortly after hitting the water. Had to winch him up over a tree, lucky my rod barely reached over it. All came from bits of advise taken from this thread. Thanks!
  11. I wouldn't say I'm efficient just yet. Finally getting to where I can cast an acceptable distance in a general direction without a birdsnest. As long as the bait is heavy enough. Lol. It is quickly becoming my go to rod tho. Got another casting rod sitting here I would like to find a reel for. Got one here that won't put any tension on the spool with the knob.
  12. I can agree, lots of awesome info on here. Especially when the internet is your only source. As for fishing creeks, it's beet hit and miss. Usually miss because I'm in a bad spot. But my first bigger bass, couple pounds, came from a creek on a frog. Again a few weeks later. Same location, I almost think it was the same fish. Right where a spring fed pond spills into the creek. (Plan on going there today after work hoping to get momentum going in the right direction) the only one I caught bigger, came at 3pm on a cloudless day in the 90's, after someone said, u probably won't catch n e thing today. Too hot. He was buried in heavy grass and I threw a weightless Texas rig right at the edge of an opening. BassNJake I been there twice. Walked it from the parking lot ur talking about, and once came in from haw ridge. Day one was almost a strike out until we wr heading out and I decided to toss a worm next to the log that's laying right about where u started the red loop around the old bridge. A couple ticks of the worm and I was realing in a little bass. Around a pound. Been thinking I need to head back out there. Maybe tomorrow after work.
  13. Gundog the only time I can see a fish is when they pop out of the water to stare me down. Lol. I wouldn't know if one was chasing it or not. I'm guessing polarized glasses really help, cause I can never see n e thing, let alone be able to tell what kinda fish it it is. One of the things I really enjoy about fishing, it it's rather cheap to do, until the boat comes into play of course. The jeep, nothing ends up being cheap. A full tank, and full cooler are usually needed just to start the day, and that can easily reach $70-80. Then parts break and wear out. Then we got 2 jeeps in our house that usually go. When it comes time to fish, I just need enough fuel in the tank to make it there and back. I can usually spend a whole day Saturday fishing and never spend a dime. ( until it's time to replace all the bait I lost in the bottom of the lake)
  14. I try to fish wherever and whenever I can. Especially if I don't suspect it getting much attention. Like the retention pond behind the high school I'm working close too. That one had a turtle that kept trying to eat my Seiko. Ultimately I'd love to find a nice pond that required some serious ohv to access but the large amounts of private land make most of the ponds around here off limits. Many land owners around here stock the ponds themselves and don't like other people fishing them. I'm always looking for new spots on the side of the rd to pull over and toss a rod, so much that I pretty much carry a rod or 2 with me whenever I leave the house. As Catt mentioned, I always assumed, that even tho nothing is biting, there is always fish there, they just happen to not b interested in what I got. So I always switch things up. Different retrieves then different bait. Then when nothing gives, I try to move on, but it usually involves packing up and driving somewhere. Just yesterday, I was running a walking bait when a decent size bass came up and swatted it with his tail. So I did it again figuring he'll sway it until he gets so aggravated he wants to just east it. He smacked it with his tail one more time then that was it. Happened again 5 min later with a smaller fish in another spot. 2 times, then that's it. I obviously got his attention, but how do u guys keep ours attention and take it to the next level? I even tossed a weightless Texas rigged Seiko after and nothing.
  15. https://goo.gl/maps/LJaxYyohKfB2 https://goo.gl/maps/nFgZRWuptu72 https://goo.gl/maps/q3noppLEE2v https://goo.gl/maps/iZRiumvNvEJ2 Hope these links work. These are the most common places I go because they are close and readily accessible at a whim. Plus I'm working close to that area right now. Pretty much always find some sort of vegetation on the bottoms. Some are completelycovered in grass/weeds with spots matting up on the surface. Depth varies but about as one would expect looking at Google maps and probably 8+ ft wherever there is a dock. A couple shorelines are built up rip rap and can drop a good couple feet, just a few feet out. I first head about Ned rig and tube rigs only a week or 2 ago. Wondered if the time was right to dabble or just stick with what I got until I get it figured out. Sounds like I should dabble.
  16. Yes, primarily bass but I'm not prejudice. I'm happy about any fish that wants to join in on the party. Or get the party started for me. I got 3 rod. One is a medium/ heavy spinning rod, I think it's a catfish rod, 7ft, with 65lb bread and a Texas rig right now, A medium fast, casting rod, right now 30lb braid, and frog at the moment. 6'6" And a medium fast spinning rod with 12lb mono. 5'5". And the usual assortment of lures. Not a great assortment as a bunch has been claimed by the lake. The one thing I haven't tried much of is jig. I seem to loose them in whatever is on the bottom every time I cast.
  17. So, I'm relatively new to fishing and have started going every day after work since I get out a couple hrs before my girlfriend. We sometimes go in the evenings after she gets home, and usually at some point during the weekend. Here recently. Last month, month and a half, I started to get serious about it due to restrictions that arose for me in my other hobby/addiction whatever u wanna call it. It's pretty common for us not to catch anything for days, even over a week. We do all our fishing from the bank, like parks, lakes, rivers, usually a boat ramp or some other highly pressured access point for fishing. We wear out Google earth and usually spend roughly a day in the weekend checking spot off the list. The success I do have is all from info taken off the internet, and applied as best I can since all of our friends are jeep friends, not fishing friends. No one to turn to for advice, if u know what I mean. I see posts on social media, YouTube, and other fishing or "news feed" type apps of people always slaying fish. Whether from shore or boat, don't matter. I get a boat give u all kinds of access, and things like fish finders offer a huge advantage, but I usually strike out. Doesn't really slow me down, I still enjoy the fishing part even without the catching part, but I'd like to see better results. Today and yesterday, for example, Fish wr busting out of the water everywhere. As close as I couldn't see through the water n e more, to all the way across the lake. Tried everything, and got nothing. So I'm here to try and improve on that. Sorry for the long winded post. I usually avoid creating them.
  18. thanks. Been lurking for a little while finally jumped aboard
  19. Hey everyone, my name is James. New to the forum and fishing. Not 100% new to fishing, but I definitely don't know what I'm doing. First off, I grew up in Florida, on the water, so I've always been around fishing and used to as a kid off the dock with balls of mashed up bread. Fast forward a while, and my life has been consumed with jeeps and anything and everything ohv. My girlfriend always looses the jeep bug in the summerr to fish and said to me, "all u ever do is Jeep so I threw her a bone, and we'll, she created a monster. I can't catch a darn thing most of the time, but I still enjoy the hell out of it. Just today and yesterday, fish blowing up everywhere around me, close and as far as I could see. Still not even a nibble after 1hr and half. Threw everything I had and nothing. But I'll be back after work to try again. Now owning a jeep restricts me to bank fishing (can't afford a boat when u jeep) and it seems very discouraging at times since everywhere we go is heavily pressured, but I still can't get enough of it. At the moment. I'm sure you guys will be seeing some questions from me posted as all my friends are jeep friends, don't know any anglers to find a mentor. So to speak. Anyways, that's enough rambling for now. Look forward to whay this forum has to offer.
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