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Everything posted by Rollincoal420

  1. Bringing back an old thread. Thanks for the post @baluga. I'm currently on a vacation/reunion (turned out to be more of an introduction than a reunion for me with most of the family) myself right now. We are staying in Manila. Our planned activities for the trip are mostly complete and I would like to rent a boat and find some green fish in lake Caliraya. Pantabagan would probably be my first choice from what I've been reading on the internet but Caliraya is much closer to Manila. Would you happento have any insight? Boat rentals, location or structure to fish on that lake? Or just any BS'n about it you feel like bs'n about?
  2. I couldn't find it on Google maps. Lol. They must spell it differently or something
  3. Bringing back and old thread as I depart for a 30 day trip there next week. @Brett's_daddy, how did the trip go? Find any good shops or fishing locations? We are bringing 3 rods and a small bag of tackle with Hope's of finding some fish and maybe some tackle to finish filling the tackle bag
  4. These came out of watts bar. Can't wait to go back there but I really need a boat to get to the dam at watts bar I say "These" but can only upload one pic. Lol. We had 2 - 25lbers that day and 7 or 8 others over 20lbs. Big fish at wattsbar.
  5. Nice fish! I mentioned to my girlfriend and now it looks like we are going Friday night. Lol.
  6. We considered going back that evening for the sunset bite. Looks like we might have to this weekend. Does the bite just turn off in the evenings? It sure seems to in the mornings. All of a sudden, bam. Their done.
  7. I was hoping for some of them spider man kinda isotopes, but it just gave me the runs.
  8. melton hill dam Thanks for the tip. I think where I screwed up was the initial cut right behind the head and gill. I didn't cut the head of, but I think my actions were the same if I was trying to cut the head off. Very aggressive. Do you start with a straight cut being the skull and gills? That was the most difficult to get through the scales and where I ended up being aggressive, also the cut the green goo came from. Next time I will start that incision with just the tip of the knife to get through the scales, like you described with the back.
  9. Yeah, that was definitely a learning experience. It looked so straight forward on YouTube. I was expecting my knife to cut better but it was more dull than expected and the scales took way more effort than anticipated to get through. I feel better knowing it was my technique and not something wrong with the fish. I can practice, and I feel better knowing we didn't waste the fish as we almost didn't finish filleting the fish worried about toxins as this body of water has warnings about radiation and contaminant in catfish from all the industry that pumps into the waterway. Thanks.
  10. Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was somewhat common, or something to be concerned with or what, but the meat washed right out and looked clean after a rinse, and no one complained. So that's a good thing.
  11. This morning we got up early and went below the d**n and had a great time with the white bass, some of which we kept and had a little fish fry tonight. This was my first time keeping anything I caught and my first time filleting a fish. 2 of them had this green goo. Anyone seen this before? I had thought sea weed of some sort, but idk. That yellowish tint on the meat is from that green stuff
  12. Lol, yeah, it seems about as predictable as the weather. Nice little cool down this weekend, then back into the 80's next week
  13. I snell knot my ewg hooks. I'm also not a fan of straight shank hooks mainly because i run through plastics and can never seen to keep the hook point burried in the plastics, which grabs grass, then tears up the plastics. With the snell not, the weight doesn't contact the knot and clanks on the hook eye and the knot can't slide to the side of the hook eye. I've heard it's not a good idea to snell ewg hooks, but I have yet to have a problem with hook ups, whenever I do happen to get a bite.
  14. This happens with my 90 also. It rolls sideways sometime, and I also lost most of the rear treble hook
  15. I've been watching them chase the schools of shad around up at the surface at every shoreline, I been to in the past week. I've got a shad colored whopper plopped and a couple jerk baits and lipless cranks to match, but they don't seem to care. But with as clear as the water has been, I can't say I blame them.
  16. I don't have experience with their warranty, but you math seems pretty solid. I'd find a tip for cheap and buy another rod just cause.
  17. I can get on board with this statement
  18. I'm averaging 6-7 days a week. I'm lucky enough to get off work early enough to get a couple hrs in each day during the week. And push for a 6hr day on the weekends. That doesn't mean I'm catching. Lol. I'm averaging 1-2 a Week if I'm actually catching. That being said, this pattern has been going on since mid July, and I can say, my 2 hrs each week day has been less and less exciting and I find myself getting to hot headed when things start heading south. (Snags, backslashes, and whatnots) it used to be everything I can do not to stay over my designated time limit, lately it's been a struggle to make it long enough to reach my time limit.
  19. I wondered about that when I watched the weather yesterday morning.
  20. I, myself am left handed, and always rod my lefty hand, crank with right.
  21. I know shakespeare doesn't get much love around here, their gx2 is available on a heavy action for $39. I just went through this search yesterday after I broke the top off another rod. It was also the only heavy rod I could find in a 6'6" length. (Besides a muskie rod heavy, cast. But it's handle was over 12" long. To long for my shortness)
  22. We managed to get out on a boat for the afternoon. They sure we dumping at the d**n. There way so much current. And we did happen to find huge numbers of bait fish a little way in a cove off the main lake. Seemed white bass was mostly chasing the bait. I didn't manage to land a fish the other 2 in the boat did well. Still had fun and learned alittle something too.
  23. So I'm pretty new, this is my first season change since I started fishing just after the beginning of summer. I only fish from the bank, and for the most part, heavily pressured areas. I was starting to get a grasp on the summer pattern, but things are cooling off here in Knoxville and I've been struggling with a bite the last week or so. What are some things to look for, what can I expect? What would be suggested baits for heavy pressure area fishing from the bank? I usually take 2 rods, both baitcaster, sometimes a spinning outfit. One with a Texas rig or jig of some sort and the other for whatever, be it a frog, lipless crank, spinner, or whatever.
  24. Im with this guy. Blowing up everywhere as far as i can see. Throw everything and get nothing. I'd also like to hear some advise on this situation. I understand they may or may not be bass, but many times I can see it's a LMB. If they arent bass, or your not sure, what would be the go to, if your just looking to get a bite, no matter the species?
  25. They are tungsten electrodes used for welding. Most are 3/32 diameter, roughly inch to inch and half length. Just scrap pieces I been saving for some reason. They would make good replacements for nail weights for a neko rig or something like that, but I got a bunch, and equipment that can heat and/ or melt it. Just need more opportunities to tinker.
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