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Sword of the Lord

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Everything posted by Sword of the Lord

  1. 1 poor review for 100 good ones. This is typical of any product. 2 things. 1, there's a manufacturing error for every product. 2, AND MOST IMPORTANT, Zebco said that if you use braid on this reel, to use 30lb. He said he was using 60lb braid. Gee...
  2. I'll have my 1 to 3 fish days, and I'll have my 20+ fish days, but 90% of the time it seems like I sit at around 10, a few dinks, a few decent ones, a few good ones. Hardly seems to change. Other people fishing at the same time could be getting nothing, or they could be catching them cast after cast, but I always sit right there in a never changing mark. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's frustrating.
  3. I was fishing a nice little pond this morning when two young teenage boys came to retrieve their catfish rods they left over night. On one they pulled out a nice catfish, on another they pulled out a nice largemouth. The bass swallowed the hook, so one of the boys said to the other to just cut the line. I yelled out, no, I'll get it, but they cut it and threw it in. That bass was probably a good four or five pounds, and now it will die. I hate seeing that, especially when I could have gotten it.
  4. I can't stand that. Catch and release the bass, especially good ones, especially from ponds.
  5. My biggest fish come out of unassuming ponds. My buddy has an 8 pounder on his garage wall; he caught it in a pond 10 minutes away from us.
  6. I haven't gotten one yet, so I don't know. However, I've read tons of user reviews from several retailers with the exact opposite experience. Time will tell, I will surely get this reel and try it out, and drop feedback afterwards. Best case, I love it, it works, I continue to use it. Worst case, my wife gets the best reel she could ask for, although she'd also be getting one if it performs well.
  7. Pffft, this idiot will be streaming games, burning my data, while I'm on the water. Football and beer, fishing and beer, good combos. Football, fishing, and beer, holy mother of God, what a d**n good thing.
  8. As technology advances and spincast reels expand to sport fishing rather than being aimed at kids and newbies, I could see them becoming regular rigs down the line.
  9. My PB is 6 pounds. I've gotten a few like it since. I'm much happier catching 10-20 in an outing over a couple real good ones. I'll take *** pounders all day and be perfectly content.
  10. The gear ratio is worse, and you're talking 29.4 vs 29. Also, it's even heavier than the Bullet. The Bullet is also metal. KVD has a YouTube video about the Bullet for those interested. I feel you on hating one of the main bass reels. For me, I love baitcasters but hate spinners. I'm learning to use them though. However, I think I'm going to get the Bullet, and if it's what it claims to be, I won't even deal with spinning gear anymore tbh. No reason to force myself into it.
  11. I'm a lefty and a righty when it comes to my retrieve, depending on what I'm doing, and not just with flippin. I'm naturally right handed, and when I fish, I need my right hand doing the work. When I'm fishing worms, Senkos, craws, flukes, etc., baits where my arm and rod does the work, I retrieve left handed because I need my right arm for that. When I'm fishing baits I need to retrieve quickly, where the reel is doing the work, such as spinners and cranks, I retrieve right handed. Anyone else like this?
  12. I'm far more excited that this seems like the first phase in making a reel that has the power of a baitcaster and the ability to throw light like a spinning reel, while also being able to use braid, without the line trouble, than I am the Bullet itself. They claim it's faster than a 6.1:1 baitcaster.
  13. Good idea. I think I'm going to stoop lower and take a Shakespeare Excursion rod and a Zebco Platinum 33 on 10lb fluoro to a favorite pond this weekend and get video of me catching fatties. I have a lot of confidence in those little Zebcos for light stuff considering I was using them until I learned to use spinning gear. Always caught 1-5 pounders with no problems at all.
  14. I'm already in central Illinois, but I too am going down to southern Illinois for the eclipse party in Carbondale.
  15. I would say there's two factors. If you can make a reel that is as fast as a baitcaster and can throw the light lures of a spinning reel, without the backlash or line twist, that's remarkable. Add to it that it can be spooled with mono, fluoro or braid. It's your all in one reel that takes the headache of line issues away. Also, they're probably trying to get their brand and their iconic closed faced reel out in the spotlight. If this reel doesn't eat line, doesn't knot up inside, doesn't have garbage drag, and yet can be a baitcaster or a spinner essentially, there's no reason to not be interested for reasons other than pride and ego in my opinion. Closed face reels are so taboo in bass fishing that nobody is interested in the fact that it appears they are very very close to being a better option with new technology. I'm not gonna say the Bullet is necessarily a better option, but if this is phase one of making them baitcaster level, I cant wait to see what's next.
  16. As fast as a baitcaster and can use braid. Plus all of its other features. This thing looks beast. http://shop.zebcobrands.com/reels/spincast/bullet-zb3-10-bx3.html
  17. I always get a good laugh when my worm is in the water and I am fixing a backlash, and then reel in to discover a bass has had it and still has it. Whoops, but I'll take it. Also funny was when I wasn't paying attention to a wacky Senko 2 feet from shore because I was hollering at my kids for bickering, and my hand gestures were slightly moving it and a bass annihilated it. Whoops, I'll take it.
  18. I hit another pond today and did well with spinning gear. However I can't skip with either spinning or baitcasting reels, so I'm still using spincast for that. But I have a question. Am I right to have a casting rod with my spincast reel? I use lightning rods. I have seen flimsy kiddie spincast combos but never a rod suitable for bass. So I've always stuck it on a casting rod. Idk if there's specific spincast rods or what.
  19. Right when I get a hookset, as you spoke of, OP. But I'll go further and add that that excitement peaks when you first see the fish reach the surface of the water flailing. From the hookset to that first surface point is the best.
  20. Wacky rigged Senkos followed by Texas rigged trick or power worms (weightless or as light of a weight I can get away with, usually 1/16 or 1/8 if I must have weight), anytime, anywhere. Produces ALWAYS.
  21. I use Abu Garcia reels. Good but affordable. I figured it out today. I was putting too much tension on the line. I spooled up properly. Practiced in the yard for a little bit, then went to a nearby pond to practice on the water with my son and wife. I caught 9 bass, 3 good picture worthy ones. Used Zoom Trick Worm in green pumpkin on a 1/16 bullet weight. Thanks guys! My 3 good ones:
  22. I live in IL, unfortunately, but the gesture is kind regardless. I tried to spool braid this morning and failed. My wife has started to laugh, and truthfully so have I because this can't be that hard. I'm doing something wrong, clearly. I have noticed that the spool begins to look triangular. The top of the spool has little line and it gets fatter as it goes down, which is where loose line appears.
  23. I'll take the suggestions and advice and pick up some 30 pound braid and give it a go. 30 pound braid is about 8 pound mono so that should work. As far as mono, I only use it for certain top waters. I don't like bungee cord fishing unless I have to.
  24. 8 pound fluoro, Berkley vanish It becomes messy and falls off very quickly, well before it's even half way full
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