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Sword of the Lord

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Everything posted by Sword of the Lord

  1. I fish every Friday evening, Saturday morning or evening, and Sunday morning. I've fished Monday and Tuesday this week and I'm going after work today as well. That just leaves Thursday and I'll probably fish then too.
  2. Uhhh, spent on lures and gear. Sorry not sorry.
  3. Basically. Since I bank fish and hike a lot I go out with 2 setups and 3 baits. 2 bags of Senkos, 2 Whopper Ploppers, and 2 spinnerbaits. 2's for different colors. Rarely get skunked. Rarely have over 10 bass per trip too. But I go light, cover everything, and have fun.
  4. That is cool man and I'm glad you're happy. But for me that's a whole lot of sale and/or coupon style shopping. Buying stuff you never really wanted or needed because you get a deal on it. That's how they get ya. Personally 20 bucks is a bad of Senkos, a bag of Trick Worms, and a spinnerbait. Stuff I actually would want and use confidently.
  5. So like I said I was fishing the WP earlier. I was on the river. There was a group of 2 girls and 2 guys just relaxing, not fishing. I was a 6 pack in when what would have been my best bass all year smacked it. I mean just annihilated it like I've never had happen before. Huge mama flying out of the water. Then it unbuttoned. I didn't even give a crap. That hit was unreal. I was shouting, y'all see that?! d**n!!! One of the girls let out a reactionary yelp when it happened. That's just the joy of fishing man. I've never been so excited to not land a fish. Top water is so cool. That's so odd. I'm usually after LMB and they are the ones messing up lol
  6. The ole definition of insanity adage
  7. Even people. I was hooked twice by it this evening unhooking bass.
  8. Quiet a few of my WP fish manage to get hooked right in the nostrils and not the mouth at all. I use 12lb mono for it. I would probably be losing them on braid since it would likely rip it right out.
  9. "Depends on what you're offering."
  10. I never drag a Texas Rig. I always pop and twitch it; not because I have to, but because that has always produced more strikes for me.
  11. I think that I've been skunked only a few times all year. There would be a lot more but I fish multiple bodies of water in a day.
  12. Idk I feel like id serve papers
  13. Almost missed the point of my reply! So as it usually seems to be, it's a matter of finding the bass. Burning a Senko and stopping it right in front of a fish isn't good technique. I mean there's no way that bass didn't see a stick of plastic flying at her like a bullet, yet she still took it. So she found me instead of me finding her. But my bait came before a bass and I got the bite. She was shallow. I was fishing shallow, but I was fishing along a weed line that usually holds them. She was roaming completely open weed free water near the shore.
  14. I was feeling the same way this morning but I kept on grinding away. Nothing was working. Eventually I saw this lady swimming right in front of me. She stopped and stared me down. That's how I know she is a she. She was admiring my charming good looks. Anyways I had a Texas Rigged Senko in the water about 15 yards away from her so I reeled in real fast and let it fall in front of her. Like any good gold digger she took it. Really nothing more than dumb luck.
  15. But then how can we fish?
  16. I didn't know what the hell my wife was doing a few weeks back, but she stood directly behind me I was getting ready to cast. I stopped and moved over. She moved over too. Ok... I moved over again. So did she, again right behind me. I finally turned and asked her what the hell??? Are you trying to get hooked? She was using me as a sunblocker...
  17. I had a little bluegill annihilate a whopper plopper right when it hit the water today. I was like, are you serious? Really?
  18. I won the rod, reel and line setups for different lures. Just bring up attire and makeup. Women need specific shoes for specific outfits, shirt to go with pants, color of makeup to go with outfit, etc etc. So I brought that up one day that each outfit requires different things. Just like each bait requires a different setup. Right tool for the right job. She understood. She was never really mad about it, just lacked understanding because for her a rod and reel should be able to fish anything.
  19. This guy's pet LMB is super smart. The thing is like a dog. He has a ton of videos on her.
  20. Sometimes I'd almost prefer it that way. It's my job to tie every knot, every lure, deal with every snag, unhook every fish...sometimes to the point of not really having time for myself. But then when I do get time it's endless chatter about absolutely nothing. Lol I love the "this one is mad" comments. No kidding hun, you just put a piece of metal through its mouth and now you're pulling it through water, and it didn't even get a meal.
  21. My wife saw me fishing a whopper plopper for the first time today. Her response? "Oh that's so cute, listen to it!" and now she wants one. Because it's cute. My boy said under his breath "It's a killer, not cute"
  22. It's not an exaggeration at all. I use Gammy octopus hooks for wacky rigging. Those things can be brutal when they swallow them. Once in s blue moon I'll have a fish out for a long time trying to get it out. Just a few days ago I had one like that. My buddy and I were floored when it took off like a bat out of hell immediately.
  23. This reply reminds me of people who scold people for saying "we" in regards to their sports teams. Nonsensical.
  24. Horrible reasoning in my opinion. I've had gut hooked fish out of the water for upwards of 5-10 minutes while I work hard to remove the hook, and then when I put them back, they splash and swim off ferociously. You and I would be dead at that point, or at least unconscious.
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