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Everything posted by FattyWnnaCookie

  1. Got a good deal on a duckettt triad, 7'4 heavy. However, it looks like the recommended lure weight is only 3/4, and I had planned to use it to go into cover as I didnt previously have a heavy rod. Am I out of luck? I was looking to go to use something closer to and ounce to get through the weeds...
  2. Well my question wasnt about ignorance or not having the means etc... It was really about a tournament rod that a pro uses being almost 300 dollars less than another rod. I do not see where the extra 300 dollars improves the other rod. Thats the real question. I agree about his line of rods. However, my question (somewhat skewed throughout this thread) was more about how his rods could be priced less than half of the other rod, yet perform great for a world class bass angler. They do the job great, so its tough for me to wrap my head around a 400 dollar rod that cant possibly catch the fish any better.
  3. Well thats kind of my question. What about the rod its self is fun? It can only change so much before it is just another rod with a higher price tag. I can gauge the difference in a phone because of its internals and capabilities that come with the bigger tag. However, with a bass rod, does the rod it self really continue to change with almost triple the price. I will almost certainly never get a chance to use one, so i can't really figure it out for myself.
  4. I have a couple of the Scott Martin signature tournament rods, priced around $120 dollars and I love them. They are rods designed by Scott himself, and they are the same ones he uses across the country during tournaments. He swears by them, and now so do I. I am planning on getting more to complete my arsenal for this year. However, I recently saw a video where someone affiliated with St. Croix gushed about the "Legend Xtreme", a rod priced at 400 dollars. The reviews for the rod, as you would expect, are great. My question is, how much better can this $400 dollar rod be compared to a $120 rod that a pro uses in tournaments everywhere? How can someone justify that much more money, surely the performance cant be worth that.
  5. are for what? Arent all your bases covered by either football jigs on the bottom, swim jigs through the middle, and flipping jigs in heavy cover? What is the point of having a casting jig among others?
  6. Connected to a smaller pond. A small land bridge goes in between with a pipe running under that allows water to go through. The pond attached I cannot get to however.
  7. Huh that's actually what I had tied on today. I only tossed it once but had to head out. I was thinking dragging a frog across would be best because its pretty thick covering but yeah letting something sink would probably be best.
  8. Yeah I was thinking it would be a great spot at first especially since no one really heads back that way, but at the same time it looks kind of shallow and I am sure mid summer it mostly dries up as most of the water remains in the bigger pond. I will have to go back asap.
  9. It's a marsh that feeds into a small pond. It's in a nature preserve that allows fishing near my house, but I didn't have time to try it. It looks pretty shallow and i'm assuming it isnt full year round, only when we get a bit of rain. Would I be wasting my time if I went back some other time?
  10. Usually a small split shot. Thats all i have currently, but not an issue to buy others. I have just opted to take it off to relieve snagging. Is weight necessary?
  11. Fishing into heavy cover, have a kast king assassin on a heavy 7'3 Berkley shock rod. Using 20 lb braid. My issue is not being able to cast rubber worms worth a dam. I have always had luck using rubber worms or other baits across the tops of lillies and in weed, but unless I add weight which constantly snags, my cast cant be more than about 10 or 15 feet. Whats my problem? I certainly would hate to switch to a lighter action rod in the case I catch something that will just snap my rod.
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