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About tacoman

  • Birthday 06/03/1978

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  1. thanks for all the help. i think you got it Munkin
  2. i was hoping someone would know the name of this stuff. and where i could get some. while fishing one day i came upon someone having boat trouble. so i pulled him back to the ramp. he tried to pay me but i wouldn't except it. so he gave me a few of his homemade jigs. i want to make some of my own and would like to use the same skirt material. its round and has black flakes. the pictures will better explain. so if you know what this is please let me know. thanks
  3. i'm looking at the 70lb with a 54" shaft. this will be my first foot controlled tm i've always used hand controled. i was just wondering about that new foot pedal. thanks for the reply.
  4. been looking at getting one. was wondering if anyone on here has used one? how the newly designed foot control worked?
  5. stanley 3/4 oz tandem or 1 oz stan sloan tandem
  6. thanks for the input. i hate to change something thats catching fish but i break off to much. so i thought i would go up a size.
  7. spider's silk. i like that one ;D
  8. will going from 12 .lb .014" to 15 .lb .015" line make any difference in how a 3/4 oz. jig performs? i'm wondering if the line change will hurt my success rate.
  9. I'm trying to find a skirt or skirt material like the VERTICAL LURES JIG-X GOLDEN SHAD. Does anyone recognize that skirt material? Or know of anywhere i can find it.
  10. i found some 1, 1.5 and 2 oz stanley big t roller in a store near my house. i was trying to find this thing on-line and i can't find it anywhere.
  11. i'm looking for 1 oz stanley spinnerbaits. can anyone help me? :-/
  12. he wanted to try and fix himself without sending it off. its an older rod. i don't think he really cares about the warrenty. if it ever broke or anything he would probably just buy another. we just thought there might be an easy fix to this. thanks for your help.
  13. my buddys got a mbr844 imx rod. the reel seat has come loose. the rod will spin inside the reel seat. but the two grips are still stuck. can someone tell me how to fix this? without sending to loomis.
  14. name: brad occupaton: tree trimmer for power company location: tn SEMPER FI
  15. thanks. love catching those big fish on spinnerbaits. heres another from todays trip.
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