Loch Raven MD. Got out Sunday December 10th early morning. Day after the snow storm. Clear sky's and 29 degree's. Snow still all over the ground. Some areas 4 inches. I'm shore fishing this time of year. Ive never tried bass fishing in December in my life. Always thought it was a waste of time. Come to my surprise I caught the biggest bass I have ever caught. 8.55am I felt like a strong snag, keep in mind Loch Raven has heavy grass and vegetation right under the surface, yanked the rod just to check and felt a huge pull back. Had a nice battle. Bad thing is I was by myself. The wife was suppose to come but 29 degrees is a little cold for some. I was able to weighed it once I got my scale set. I some how switched my Berkeley scale from lbs to kgs and was trying to figure it out with a 4.8lb bass in one hand. Panic was setting in but I got it. Weighed it. Took a picture with it on the ground next to my boot, a couple selfies and also got a 30 second video of me weighing it and releasing it.
Its never to cold to bass fish.