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About BayBoatFisherman

  • Birthday 02/07/1958

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Orange, TX
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Toledo Bend
  • Other Interests
    Flounder fishing, Golf, Ham Radio KG5JTP

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  • About Me
    I am just getting back into chasing largemouth after a 15 year stint chasing saltwater fish. GLAD to be back on T-bend

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Been awhile since I had anything to share, but that has changed this past couple of weeks! Found fish on a ridge in 28 fow. Started with c-rigged baby brush hog, once the fish where located moved over the top of them and started drop shoting a Adam Red Dawn robo worm. I have been cathing 15 to 25 in about 2 hours each time the wind would let me out there. It is tough to fish with white caps, but they still bite! Best summer up here for me in a long time. The fish are mixed from about 2.25 to 3.5 lbs, so nothing huge but really fun to catch. I am on the south end of the lake. Took a couple of guys out yesteday evening, they had nver fished the drop shot, and had a blast. Caught 28 fish from 6pm to 7:45.
  2. Just hope this wind will lay a little, 14mph at the camp translates to 20-25 on the lake :). They should be settled down by Monday. Tight Lines @Catt
  3. Got to the lake about 5pm Thursday, unloaded and headed out. Fishing shallow, caught quite a few small spots (13-1/2") and 2 decent LM 15-3/4" and a 17". All on soft plastic, fluke and senko, watermelon red and green pumpkin w/blue flake. Did not fish this morning, working from home :). Water was 61.2 to 62.3.
  4. I hear the 1/4-SOD can be loud if it does not have enough weight to get to the bottom
  5. I will be back up Thursday for the week plus a couple of day. Will be in the south end, if you see a white over red bayboat say hello!
  6. She weighted 4.49 on the scales at Fin & Feather. Will send in the paper work and pictures on Monday.
  7. Game Warden Doug Williams said it is a Spot
  8. Here is the jaw line, called Game Warden, waiting on call back.
  9. OK everyone, trying to determine if this is a spot. Dorsal fin is connected, jaw line does not pass the back of eye, but no tongue patch. Your thoughts?
  10. @Catt, not sure what is going on. Are you using Google Earth from a web browser or did you download to your computer? I get off work at 5pm if you want to try and work through it. This is going to be really nice once we all get it to working right.
  11. @Catt, in the top left (the port side) of the screen you should see Toledo Bend Maps.KMZ (orginal file) or GPX if you used the one I uploaded. If you do not see that select file at the top and load, find the file you saved on your computer, hilight it and select open. Now you should see the names listed, double click one and it will take you to that location on the map. Heading back up Thursday, look like it will be anogther wet one for me, but it still beats work. You going to be up this weekend with all the other pros? Just sent you a pm with my phone number if you want to call
  12. What part of the lake are you fishing? I am on the sounth end Texas side. The Fairmount general store has them.
  13. Ok all, I took the file created by Toledo Banger and converted it to a GPX file and a .USR file. The USR file should load to a SD card and then to a Lowrance plotter. If there is intrest I will see what I can do for the Hummingbird users out there. Found the info on doing the converions on this link: https://doctorsonar.com/blogs/educational-articles/12390197-google-earth-and-lowrance-waypoints Thank you @Toledo Banger USR Common Names.usr Common Names.gpx
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