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Russ E

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Russ E last won the day on December 27 2018

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About Russ E

  • Birthday 12/09/1962

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Piper Kansas

  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
     Kansas: La Cygne. Wyandotte county lake, Perry reservoir
    Missouri: Smithville reservoir

  • Other Interests
    Deer hunting. Smoking just about anything.
    Entertaining my wife.

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  • About Me
    Spend free time Fishing eastern Kansas.

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Big 'un (7/9)



  1. In your price range sunline assassin is a manageable fluorocarbon.
  2. The kvd work when the bass are feeding. If the bass are finicky it is hard to beat the vision 110.
  3. No experience with Garmin. Accuracy that averages 15 meters is unacceptable. I would be replacing them. You don't need a $10000.00 unit to get accuracy. My hummingbird helix units are usually within 3 meters. If I mark a brushpile I can go right to it with my units. I can sit on a brushpile using GPS and sonar will show it directly under me. Most reservoirs I fish have lots of brushpiles. I can't remember the last time I used a marker buoy.
  4. Maybe mustad can improve live targets baits. Besides the frog, all of the other baits I have tried from them were gimmicks. Designed to catch fishermen. Not so good at catching fish.
  5. My scale must be off also. The bass in my avatar was 7lb. 12oz. According to my scale. Maybe it was actually a double digit fish.
  6. The pro qualifier 2 is a cheaply built reel. A lot different than the old pro qualifiers. I think you made a good choice.
  7. After owning a few aluminum Jon boats and mod v bass boats, I would have to say my current Ranger z175 is my favorite. Compared to my aluminum boats the fiberglass boat is like a mini aircraft carrier. Not as hard to control in the wind, quiet in the water, smoother and faster ride.
  8. I had a medium action premier for a short time. Basically an overpriced mojo. sensitivity was dead for a rod in that price range. Replaced it with a st Croix victory. Much better rod for just a little more cost.
  9. From my own experience if you settle for a smaller outboard, you will always regret it. My last boat was rated for 75, but to save money I put a 50 on it. Always wished it had a bigger motor. My current boat is rated for a 115. It has a 115 hp pro xs. Never regretted it.
  10. Didn't last long . Facebook is back.
  11. They are not a bony fish. Meat is white. I have tried them. It was ok. Relatively mild. My neighbor blackens them like redfish. He loves them. For their size ther is not a lot of meat. Mainly on the back.
  12. They are native. I don't know of any rules stating you are supposed to kill them. I would think killing and not using them would be considered wanton waste.
  13. The heart breaker freshwater drum. Had many a time I thought a big bass was on , when one of those slimy critters surfaced. I have caught them up to 12 pounds here in Kansas. They are very aggressive and will hit nearly any moving bait. Some people around here eat them.
  14. I did not mind people watching. If they did not get in the way. Most of my job was electrical work in Robotics . 480 volt 3 phase down to 24 volt control wiring. Often times machine operators were watching as I was troubleshooting their machines. There were a lot of interesting questions over the years.
  15. In the past transducers were usually mounted on the starboard. (right side if standing behind boat looking forward.) This puts the transducer on the downstroke side of the outboard. This was to minimize turbulence on the transducer from the motor. In all honesty I don't know if it makes much difference. I have not noticed any turbulence when running the boat in reverse, which would put the transducer on the upstroke of the outboard.
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