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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. It looks like it’s supposrd to be 45-48 degrees all week but sunny’ ! So I’m hoping the sun will help make them a bit more active again.
  2. Yeah I just wasn’t sure how bad it would ruin the pre spawn I guess. I was killing it the last few days and when I went out this weekend I got 1 fish in 2 days.. What were the temps ? And did you have tjat nasty brown water also? I tried some moving banks and slow rolled stuff with no luck
  3. So I live in western New York like 5 minutes from Lake Erie , the past week we had some amazing weather and the harbor and shallow areas were hitting 52 degrees! Fishing was amazing and all as good.. now this last 5 days had snow! Temps around 38 and horrible horrible winds. The water temp today was a high of 43.. such a huge drop and brown nasty stained water. Not a fish to be caught.. what do you think will happen now? The next 2 weeks also look horrible.. like 45-48 for the highs and some 30s for the low. Super windy days and no good sunshine and warmth in sight.. could this ruin the spawn or what could happen with this .. they came in and left because of the huge drop in temps and Weather??
  4. I go threw 3 packs or more a day on a good smallmouth bite. This past week I used 4 packs in a 12 hour day on the water .. caught 50+ smallies so I figured I would grab 20 more lol
  5. Soo! Decided to try some new shallow cranks for prespawn bass ! This megabass knuckle LD looks so good! Along with the strike king and 6th sense! Oohh and don’t mind the keitechs .. those don’t ever catch anything.. those uuhhh, those are for a friend...
  6. Not dedicated enough to learn, location and presentation.. also not being aware of what’s going on and surroundings. This recently just happened.. this “associate” of mine I tried to help fish. I took him on my boat once and kinda showed him where the fish are and we had a good day. Next thing I know he is on his kayak fishing the same spots .. kinda. We were catching fish in 5 feet of water on this isolated submerged tree.. so instead of casting to the tree and sitting outside it he literally places his kayak over the tree and then complains how every fish is biting right at the boat and he can’t set the hoook. I wait about 30 minutes while he gets frustrated and moves away so I position my boat about 30 feet away and cast past the tree and bring my bait into it , next thing ya know I pluck about 8 fish off where he was.. he didn’t take the time and patience to learn.
  7. Looking to get my girlfriend a decent spinning rod, she went out for the first time in years fishing with me and got her first smallmouth! I want to get her something decent I was thinking a shimano SLX or dobyns fury? Looking for something lightweight for her to use all day. Doesn’t have to be insanely sensitive but lighter for her to use, the shimano intenza looks good to but I don’t see any reviews.
  8. Another beautiful day on the water! Around 50 smallies to finish the day! Going out again tomorrow before the storm rolls in! Hoping to get about 6-8 hours in before hand.. god I love me some brown bass!
  9. Oh yeah! I was trying to show my friend how to tie a knot after hahah, no way.. He doesn’t know how to tie a Palomar knot so I tried to show him and my hands couldn’t stop shaking enough to put the line threw the tie haha
  10. Thank you! She was a gorgeous fish to! Beautiful colors , can’t wait to see some big browns from you also!
  11. First day out this year! Got around 50 smallies and a new PB
  12. So today was the first day out on the boat.. honestly didn’t think I would catch anything and ended up catching around 50 Smallies!! Such an amazing way to start the season..so end of the day I was catching a bunch of smaller 2-3 pound smallmouth when all of a sudden I couldn’t feel my bait.. I dropped and set hook on this gorgeous 6.01 oz smallmouth!!! I finally broke the 6 pound mark and I’m getting my first replica made ! Couldn’t be a better way to spend the day ! And the second biggest went 5 pound 13 oz !
  13. That’s my issue ! I get a gym membership paid threw work But now it’s closed .. I invested in a small home gym
  14. I have cslled and checked every dicks sporting goods in my state and surrounding states. Called everywhere in the USA lol
  15. Sooo I wasn’t sure where to put this .. with this COVID-19 going on I decided to buy a home gym.. the problem is everyone bought out all of the Olympic size weight plates .. wondering if anyone has Any to sell ?? I have checked every forum and website across the USA and everything seems to be sold out.. really wish I could get back to my fitness lifestyle ! Thank you and appreciate any feedback.
  16. All lakes in New York still open.. I am looking forward to pre spawn as it’s my first year with my own boat!! Don’t tell me 2020 is ruined .. I’ll go regardless lol
  17. Not a lure but I thought this was a pretty sweet hat!
  18. Haha that’s not going to be used for awhile. Just my designated topwater rod
  19. I pray for warm weather for you This winter was so mild and I’m not complaining
  20. Locked and loaded boys !! Found some open water today! Heading out Sunday with 55 and sunny weather.
  21. This one is the worst haha. We have taken polls and argued at work about it before !
  22. All the snow is gone here, been 45-50 degrees! The next few days show mis 40s and low 50 and sunny... tomorrow I’m re spooling all my rods! You know the time is almost here when you start re spooling
  23. Soon as the ice is gone for me in western New York! Lake Erie is actually fully open so I’m just waiting for it to warm up a bit. Can fish for bass all year long here.
  24. Little updates for everyone and hopefully some motivation for myself and for others (please don’t laugh at me as I’m very self conscious lol) but this is me coming into the new year January 1st and this is me currently today! Thank you for the motivation @A-Jay and everyone else !! Going to keep going and pushing myself daily.
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