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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. I watch a lot of videos on YouTube and this one guy uses a pelican bass raider 10e. It seems pretty sturdy but has anyone uses one? Can you stand on it comfortable. I fish mostly small lakes and ponds.. the biggest lake is maybe 120 acres so it's not to crazy. Is this a decent purchase
  2. Thanks for the input. Your very informative on a lot of subjects. I'm going to have a lot of lwsneing ahead of me and patience. Telling when the bass strikes on small things has always been a problem of mine which is why I always power fish with spinners or cranks etc. gotta learn the jig I guess. Hear big bass love jigs
  3. Thanks for advice, the lake I fish is pretty small but has tons and tons of bass big and small. Last week was a feeding frenzy and caught 71 total for the day. So starting there would be a good place to learn .. gotta know the difference between weeds and strikes
  4. So don't be scared of ripping it out of the mouths? Aim for the stars huh.
  5. Ok deff going to have to try this. Never ever fished a jig before so I'm sure I'll get skunked my first day Yeah I'm going to have a hard time at first dextigf strikes vs weeds but I'm sure I'll get it. I have a good flipping rod that's pretty sensitive. Just gonna learn by trial and error
  6. So I looked on the forums for it but maybe I just can't see. How does everyone improve hookups on the weedless jigs ? Do they trim the weedguard at all or trim the skirt ? Or when I put my rage craw on it seemed to long. .. or is that the way it's supposed to be
  7. Awesome! Just picked up a few jigs in 3/8 and 1/2 oz so I hope it pays off. Black and blue and green pumpkin colors @RichF I hope so ! Excited to try them now
  8. Ok awesome. I tried getting ahold of @Siebert Outdoors but they haven't responded yet so I'm gonna try some others at cabarlas. And they do have weed guards so try will be "somewhat weedless " @Turtle135 nice man! The weeds I have are slowly growing to the top of the water so it looks somewhat like that. Nice fish to!
  9. And the jig shouldn't get hung up? I was looking st the arky head or they have terminator series and booyah flipping and pitching skirted jigs. Those are good for weeds ?
  10. Heading to cabelas now so I. Hoping they have what I need today. Thanks !
  11. Up in western New York .. the 10 pounders are just "hear say" and "folk tale" but a buddy of mine pulled a 8 pound 2 oz out of the lake, 7 pound 7 oz, I got a 6 pound myself. Then another guy showed me last night a fish he got. Couldn't get a weight but he took a pic with 2 beer cans in the mouth to show how wide the mouth. Was and was prob about 27 inches long. Prob another good 7-8 pounds. Hoping there might be bigger Anything specific ? I have some rage draws or 10 inch ribbon tail worms. And brush hogs I think.. or would you go another route ? Ok I'll try that.. it's not to deep so would a 1/4 oz work as far as weight ? And state above I have some ribbon tail worms or rage craws
  12. So the lake I fish is pretty small and it has submerged weeds in the middle area and that's where I have been catching all the fish. I canoed the whole lake and that seems to be the only area with good vegetation. I have been using a spinnerbait only to catch the fish, throwing it out and reeling it fast enough to just get over the tops of the weeds. Problem is I know there are some huge hogs 8-10 pounders in here but there prob at the bottoms or in between these weeds not chasing down a spinnerbait. How would one go about fishing this to get the huge bass? The weeds are just your typical underwater weeds.
  13. Awesome thanks ! Good find then Awesome ! Can't wait to try it. It says it's rated for 1/2 - 1 1/2 oz weight lures. Should be good for flippin and pitching and heavy cover
  14. Love the whooper ploopers haha
  15. I use 30# braid on everything. For me I think it casts smoother and further. I also feel like the thick 50# braid an up the fish can see it... that's just me. I never had 30 pound braid break on me. Even wrapped it around a tree and pulled my canoe over to it without even a problem.
  16. Sooo I was out fishing today and I look in the water and boom! A baitcaster rid and reel. So if course I pull it up and ****** it for myself .. it's a 7 ft MH redbone hurricane casting rod. Never beard of them before .. anyone know if it's any good. And the reel in not sure of either .. has some Japanese writing on it.
  17. Thanks man! I did my homework before hand and it paid off.
  18. It's funny Bc I told everyone st work the next day and everyone said I was making it up.. that no way a person can catch 71 large mouth in a day... they just haters Hell yah Don't worry nobody believes it hah
  19. d**n never realized that haha that looks good
  20. Any specific areas ?
  21. I want something cheap and that I can take my canoe on.. take like a 3-5 day trip and learn the lake and hopefully catch a hog
  22. Sooo I have never been on a actual fishing vacation before and I'm wondering if anyone knows any good places. I live in New York and don't mind driving a good ways. I don't own a boat all I have is a canoe so smaller lakes/ponds is what I'm looking for. But waters that hold huge fish! Anyone know any good places maybe down south that hold Hogs and is a fun place to vacation at?
  23. Like EastNCbassin said , I don't use anything else but braid. I never have a problem with "spooking" the fish or getting bad hook sets. Or any other factor with braid. I usually go with anything between 15 pound and 30 pound braid. If I go into some real slop I know I'll be getting 10 pounds of weeds I'll go to 50 but still even then I try not to. I feel like if you tie a leader on that's just another weak spot in he line that could break. And I tie everything with the Palomar knot. Hasn't fails yet
  24. So the lake I fish is small, has one tiny creek running into it but it's blocked with a dam. It was used as a water project to prevent the creek overflowing. That's the only real water flow but it's usually closed so my question is where would the bass go in the fall? Usually I see how the bass go to the backs of creeks in a body of water but this has none. So would they just go shallow then? Or stay where they are
  25. This made me LOL for real. I love watching fishing videos and they got all there sponsors on the shirts and they start throwing "random" companies .. oh and you must use this and this. Oh no that pole won't work you have to buy this or you won't catch the fish .. and everyone has 65 pound braid.. I don't understand you gonna do with 65 pound braid? Didn't know we had freshwater whales ? Prob lost them not using that 65 pound braid
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