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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. Correct on all assumptions. It's Texas rigged weightless and I either leave the barn sticking out flush or slightly texpose and tuck it in just a little I could see one of the 5 that took the lure and it was indeed a large mouth. Maybe around 13-14 inches. The others I'm 99.9% sure are bass
  2. So today I went out and tried using a senko for the first time.. well it sure does get bit but I couldn't get a d**n fish in the boat.. I was using a 5 inch with a 4/0 and 5/0 ewg gamakatsu hook. I just couldn't seem to get a good hookset on them for some reason. Was using a M and fast tip baitcaster. I tried waiting for the fish to take it then set. Tried feeling the weight then set and just tried. Hard set when I felt the tick.. no matter what I couldn't get it done. Any help or tips with that?
  3. Ok gotcha ! Thanks for all the input. I'll have to take a fishing vacation sometime for some Florida strain bass sometime ! Would be fun trip
  4. That makes sense. It gets to cold for them to grow. I have to learn how to fish jigs and Plasrics more as you say, I would love a fish like that! My current PB is just shy of 6# it was 5 pounds 14 3/4 oz .. so anything 6+ I would be super happy with. And where is "big bear lake" ?
  5. Ok thank you! That's gives me some optimism. Yeah it doesn't have to be a 10 pounder but I'm hoping for anything 5+. I know they have huge Muskie and pike so I would think the bass population could grow to decent numbers to. So I'll continue to fish it. Yeah I would deffinetly be happy with a 5-7 pound. I know northern bass usually don't get into the DD size like Florida and Texas. I'll continue to fish it then and just keep trying everything. Finding new structure etc till I get on a good pattern.
  6. Well thank you ! That was great response and I am actually in the same "boat" as you were once. I'm a new fisherman and have only been fishing for little over a year. I have confidence in power foshingg. I use spinnerbaits, crankbaits. Jerk, and swimbaits/jigs. But I have a hard time with the slow presentation. Using arky jigs or senkos. Have a hard time with the finesse and slow tactic which produce the bigger bass. I'm trying to learn how to use a skirted jig curently a Texas rigged soft plastics. Doing alright so far I think. Ill keep trying to improve and not just power fish.
  7. It's hard to really know if they stretch the truth ya know? I have caught a 6 pounder out of it but I had friends of mine and a coworker said he "caught a 7 pounder" and "seen bigger" or had one break off on "17 pound mono" so maybe it's truth
  8. Well thanks man that's a boost of confidence .. im hoping i can get bigger ones even though New York isn't rly known as trophy bass heaven
  9. Yeah that makes sense, the lake I fish also has northern pike , and Muskie ! And have seen 40 inch and almost 50 inch Muskie and pike pulled out. So if there are fish that big I would hope it holds big bass That's awesome! I would love a 10! My PB is just shy of 6 pounds
  10. So how can you guys tell if there are big bass in a pond/lake.. and when would you stop fishing it. Say your out catching bass in the 1-2 pound range with a 3 pound in there but never seen anything else. Would you keep fishing it in hopes of a big one? The major lake I fish is bear lake in western New York if anyone knows .. never had anything big though.
  11. Thank you! That helps alota lot Ok sweet so I'm not doing anything wrong. I'll focus on accuracy now
  12. Oh I see guys online who pitch at it goes super far .. unless that's just my eyes playing tricks. Guess I wasn't doing anything wrong if that's eh case
  13. So I just started pitching or trying to pitch and I noticed it doesn't go very far maybe 20-30 feet max.. I see others who can pitch like 100 feet away. I feel like the line won't come out fast enough like it's getting stuck. I checked the guides and they are all fine. I just bought this rod and reel maybe 4 months ago so it's pretty new. I use a 7 ft MH st croix mojo bass rod and a abu Garcia orra onshore reel. Could it be the rod and reel aren't good for that sort of thing ?
  14. That's a hog! Nice PB man
  15. Wow no way !! Thanks man haha
  16. How did you make this ? Ha I was just googling ideas Bc I need one bad and this looks perfect.
  17. So it's supposed to resemble a shad though? The white and silver Or white and backish silver is a shad color
  18. So on the lake I fished I have tried several colors and lures but for some reason this specific color setup just slays fish.. always guaranteed with this color but idk what it resembles? Not a sunfish or bluegill. Maybe shad? White,red, with a little silver and black to it. Or some blue flake with whites and silvers .. anything with those colors always work.. even tried a rattle trap that was white, red eyes and clear/silver stomach and instantly caught fish..
  19. Beautiful pike ! Nice catch
  20. Yeah I have personally caught a 6 pound and seen a 7 pound pulled out and released .. just haven't had anything big recent.
  21. Went out this morning and when I tried moving I only got 1 bite in an hour .. I feel like maybe they were not feeding as much in other places ? Or maybe just not there
  22. I got a few answers but looking a little deeper. If you guys are out fishing on a small lake, it's 45 acres. The middle is filled with weeds and has a lot of vegetation , then the outer has some vegetation but pretty shallow 6ft or less, there aren't many laydowns maybe one or two logs up shallow. my question is if your catching bass st one spot would you move or change lures? This weekend I went out and was catching tons of bass in the middle area on a spinnerbait but nothing really big. I know this lakeholds some good 4-6 pounders but I fished for 8 hours with just smaller ones. Would you guys move away to hope and try to find the big momma? Change the lure even though I'm catching a lot?
  23. Ok thanks for the input, the entire day I styed with the same lure, I tried others for awhile but got zero bites .. they just wanted that specific one. I was pretty much fishing right above the weed beds. I tried changing lures but they would only bite that specific one. I didn't try anything else but a spinnerbait so next time I'll try that.
  24. I have a similar question for everyone. Say your out fishing and found the lure fish are biting , for me it was a spinnerbait , and you catch like 15-20 bass but they are all small. Maybe 7 inches -12 inches would you guys move to a different area or stay? Or would you change our lure hoping for something bigger to eventually bite.
  25. AWesome thank you! I just wondered if I could stand in it comfortable. I have a canoe but It's very wobbly. I can stand but have to use caution, was hoping this was better.
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