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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. That sounds awesome! I live in western NY so it's not that far of a drive for me , maybe. 3/12 -4 hours. I'll have to try it out someday!
  2. If the bass get slow to biting or I just feel like more of an adrenaline rushing day I'll go fish for northern pike or Muskie .. I would say 65% bass 35% toothy critters
  3. ! That's crazy. I wish I could do that How was black lake? Produce anything big
  4. Yeah same here but kind of reversed, I work second shift so I work 4 pm till midnight, so I'll go home and get to bed by 1 am and wake up at 4:30 to get some fishing in for sunrise. I love early mornings Bc nobody is ever out and the fish are always biting.
  5. I'm the opposite I usually have very good luck with top water and that surprises me! Loosing a fish with a whopper plopper! Those hooks are so sharp I'm suprised you can even get them out normally
  6. Actually neither, I thought about getting a trailer hook though, I have never used either of them on any kind of topwater. Or spinnerbait.
  7. So true!! Whenever I'm grumpy or had a bad day at work etc my fiancé tells me to "omg just go fish" .. she knows what makes me happy hahha
  8. You know I have never had any luck with frogs, I tried frogs the first time this summer and never even had a blow up, I have spros and livetarget , maybe next year. But I do love all topwater
  9. Soooo today I got to go out this morning, 5:30 am, slight wind.. sun has barely started to come up.. pick up my new cavitrons and booyah buzzbait and start slinging them.. well I had 3 blow ups and 3 fish all pretty good!(idk what it is about buzzbait but they just produce big fish) .. so I keep following the weedline with this random tree sticking out, of course I cast over and BOOM! I thought a shark hit it.. got hooked up but it buried itself in the weeds and lost it... so I keep tossing the buzzbait and what do you know he strikes again! This time no hookup.. I tried for another 15 minutes but nothing. So I keep fishing, it's been about an hour now and I decide to try once more for that fish.. I changed buzzbaita for a different sound and omg! Came flying out of the water a good foot and smashes back in! This time I know she is hooked up good .. after a few minute battle this 4 1/2 pound beauty comes out.
  10. MH st croix mojo boss for every plopper just adjust brakes as needed. And I tie 30 # braid. I always use braid for everything. Between 15-30# braid
  11. Nice to hear how everyone does ! During the summer I was going out in the mornings prob 4-5 days a week but eventually the misses stArts getting upset after never being home. So I keep it around 2 days a week now. Once on a weekday for 5 hours in he early morning. Then on a weekend I'll fish or try to fish from sunup to sundown ! Never gets old @Sword of the Lord @roadwarrior @BuzzHudson19c @Catt @IndianaFinesse YwH even a couple of hours a day just makes for a better day
  12. Was just out on the canoe and was wondering to myself. How often does everyone fish? Or what is there most consecutive days fishing if they ever counted.
  13. Yeah I think the Kate turned over as well. We had a huge storm with high winds plus cold. And it's small lake so might have happene d
  14. I fish from my canoe and I am somewhat new to bass fishing but I also do know some stuff. I did look for baitfish and birds feeding on them and went in that area. Fished the water colum, I know fall is here and bass are moving. The lake has no creeks or anything deep running into it so I tried healthy weed areas with no success. I have a portable fish finder I used and found some fish but no bites there either. I heard lots of bait fish scattering about but just couldn't get anything that day.. could have been an off day .. I didn't start off just throwing random stuff. I had a plan it just didn't work so decided to try all of what I had .. that's all
  15. Actually I did try a lot. I tried , crank bait, wake bait, Texas rig baits , senkos t rigged and wacky. Spinnerbait, jigs, swimbaits , swimjigs. Buzzbait , whopper plopper, underspin, lipless crankbaits, deep diver, shaky head, .. that's all the tackle I pretty much own so.. everything at my disposal I used. Oh and jerk baits and punch rigs. Weightless and with weight... might be missing a few things but that's all I own
  16. Never had this happen but I do know a lot of the times I get a whopper fish it's head hooked, gut hooked or whatever else. A lot of times they just swipe at it but those hooks are the stickiest hooks ever made! So if anything touches it , it gets hooked , that might be it
  17. Yeah I'm just hoping for some cooler days and the weather to stay around the same so I can find the right pattern. Just a matter of time So true.. just have to camp out on my canoe and wait for that moment hah
  18. Yeah we keep having crazy temps which is warming and cooling the water fast so they don't know what's going on.. stuck in like an invetween stage. For a couple weeks it was like 60 during the day and as low as 38 at night, now this past 7 days has been 80 and sunny lol
  19. Yeah it was just a bad day. Hit a deer with my truck on the way to the lake and lost 2 lures today on top of no fish Tried it lol
  20. So first time ever. Past two days I have been completely skunked .. even morning bite and sundown bite. Nothing !! Tried 3 different places and even the same place twice and nothing. Tried every lure known to man ! Just no bites at all.. wonder if the world is comming to an end ha. Anyone else having bad luck lately ?
  21. I believe bass are smart ! The past few days I have been using buzzbait sandbox have been killing the topwater. Well today I went to the same place with the same weather conditions etc and same everything and threw a buzzbait.. well nothing. Not one bite from a fish.. they learned to stay away from those
  22. My fiancé loves to fish as well but she is a huge huge animal lover. She usually only uses worms and when she catches a fish and doesn't get the worm she will literally feed the fish a worm haha. And say "here ya go fishy you deserve it " or she makes fun of the whopper plopper calling it " whopper pooper"
  23. Oh ok gotcha sry
  24. I'm on my iPhone 5s. Never tried pc
  25. How do I use that?
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