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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. So last time fishing I accidentally tipped over in my canoe and sent my rods flying etc. I looked over my rods after and everything seemed fine.. well I just took a look now even closer and noticed one of my guides was broken.. it is the 4th one up from the bottom on my fenwick HMG 7ft2 medium rod. Can i still use the rod without any problems as all the others are perfectly fine?
  2. Not exactly sure, its a buddy of mine,'co worker. I can ask him though. I know it's almost new I think he got it 2 years ago.
  3. Greetings and welcome! Fellow New Yorker myself
  4. Hello and welcome!!
  5. I have used all whopper poppers and love them. I would sugggest the 110-130. They both catch bass. Some days the bigger 130 can just be a ***** much but I have caught 7 inch bass off that 5inch lure so it does work. I would use a snap swivel to help prevent the turn over spin your talking about. I have always used it with that and never have any problems. For the retrieve it's pretty much either a straight retrieve back or a retrieve pause. Usually pause for 3-5 seconds as sometimes they hit it on the pause. Favorite colors are loon or bone, never had success with anything else. You can go slow or fast depending how they want it but usually just enough speed to get the tail spinning and hear that " plop plop plop" sound. It's usually fished in a morning or late afternoon but have had success up tilll 12 in the afternoon with low light cloudy conditions
  6. Yeah it's been sittin in there for a good 6 hours now.. hoping maybe by tomorrow morning it might dry out. And @RB 77 thanks man! Yeah I just got a new phone tonight and purchased a lifeproof waterproof case..! Idk why I never did before
  7. Thanks @Bankbeater @Darren. @RPreeb An yeah I won't ever forget that.. not gonna try and go overboard anymore ha
  8. Yeah I was using 20 pound braid so that might be a problem
  9. Sooo today was another day for a personal best for largemouth. I started out the morning great! This small lake I have found recently holds tons and tons of big bass.. started off using buzzbaits around 6:30 am .. first fish blows up!! Boom 4 pound 8 oz fish.. about 20 minutes later another!! This one topping 5 pounds .. I'm getting excited now. I keep fishing about an hour it's near 7:30, I caught a few more in he 2-3 pound range. I'm pretty happy as i float around in my canoe. The sun is coming up soon so I get one last top water and then switch to a senko.. well things couldn't be any better until..... I went to stand up in my canoe and for the first time ever... I slipt and lost balance and whoop there I go. In he water, phone ruined. Rods and tackle box etc fell over , everything was just soaked, luckily I was only in about 2-3 ft of water as I was casting into a deep hole from shore. So now I'm ticked.. took me a hour or so to get everything , got my rods first before they had chance to get really wet. Don't wanna ruin them.. well after that bad luck i decided screw it I'm not going to stop now so I changed clothes and fished on.. I had this feeling though, gut insinct. I throw out my senko.. about 3 seconds into the fall I feel the smallest "tick" so I set the hook and boy she set it back. Drag just starts peeling off ! I was so happy. About 5 minutes later and a huge tail walk across water. I pulll out a. 5 pound 15 oz beauty! 21.6 inches long fat as ever.. my old PB was 5 14, still haven't hit that true 6 pound mark but I know she is in lake... somewhere. Sorry I don't have any pics as my phone won't turn on now after being wet today at least we have this story ! Till next time, tight lines
  10. I tried it yesterday and I seemed to keep yanking the popper out of water .. or the treble hook would get caught around the line after a couple pops. Maybe I'm going to hard ?
  11. Yeah same here. The only time I go for smallmouth is prespawn on Lake Erie .. pretty much from maybe march-June. After that they head to far out as I only have a canoe
  12. So I haven't gone out for smallmouth in a very long time and it was way overdo. We took off on the Niagara river today.. was super slow at first with 3 hours with no bites then finally started hooking up.. 2cnd fish of the day was this hog.. or hog to me. 4 lb 1 oz dark beauty.
  13. Thank you , lots of good information there
  14. Yeah I got the black orochi for now, probbsly will try it out tomorrow.
  15. That's insane man! I hope I have such luck... idk how to walk a bait so I guess it's time to learn.. might have to do some research but this popper sounds fun
  16. Hope I can get something off it. They look exciting to use!
  17. That's what I got , sorry I thought it said pop x.. I got a black pop max
  18. How exactly do you work it? Never even seen one worked/used. And what kind of brands do you normally throw. I only have used whopper ploppers and buzzbaita for topwater so a walk the dog or "finesse sit and wait" I never used
  19. Hopefully things get better. Prayers for the family
  20. So I love topwater and have never used a poper. I was at cabelas today and picked up a megabass Pop Max. These things look amazing .. yeah they caught the fisherman not the fish. Anyone ever use these? Or use poppers in general? Any advice for them
  21. Yeah I would love a NRX but I could never come to take myself to spend 400$ or more on a rod.. I usually only like like to spend 250$ between rod and reel! So this will be my first more top tier rod
  22. I do the exact same thing !! I'll catch and talk to them like "hey buddy how are you today. Oh your a little fatty aren't you, or the hyper ones I say calm down dude chill out " and I have moved them like you said and watch there eyes on you.. it is creepy. They just stay locked on .. like they are planning there take over !
  23. I don't want to spend 490$ on a rod
  24. Yeah the problem is my cabelas and field and stream I don't think carry those.. so I can't physically handle them to tell how they feel.. @Turkey sandwich
  25. 219$ isn't bad... would you say this rod is better than the G loomis or the avid x? If you had one choice. Have you used it yourself? How is it as get as sensitivity. I currently use a st croix mojo bass and a fenwick HMG .. I'm looking for something more sensitive yet sturdy
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