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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. It was a slow day, I did end up with 6 fish in a 5 hours period , wasn’t the best fishing but I still csught some. The next day and Sunday were amazing. It’s sad though Bc now it’s supposed to snow. I hate 2020 so far!! It was 70 and sunny this weekend and now calling for snow by Saturday... I don't understand
  2. No this is from Lake Erie by buffalo Love those brown bass! Going after more tomorrow ! 7 am sharp.
  3. Beautiful day today , air temps got to 70! Finally a decent day and water temps around 51-52. Caught a bunch today on all kinds of lures , ended up with 47 total. Here are a couple of the brown beauties. Back at it again first thing tomorrow morning ! Of course mocha wanted in on some of the action.
  4. Well darn I had no idea. Thank you
  5. Ok I don’t think my current fish finder is compatible with that. It’s a basic hook 5 that came with the boat.
  6. So I read the manual and for some reason I still can’t understand what this plug is used for ? Can anyone help.
  7. My baby! The 2019 1675 adventure series Lund ! Added the ultrex today, this thing is. Beast!!
  8. Guess im going Friday haha , actually all next week looks amazing ! 50-62 and sunny almost everyday. Looks like things are finally turning around..
  9. Would you think the rain would give them lock jaw? Let me show you the forecast. It’s currently 45 outside and a slight rain. Here is the 24 hour forecasted. Looks decent ! @A-Jay
  10. I like your way of thinking ! And yeah @A-Jay it usually goes beyond what they say but a man can dream. I just want some gorgeous smallies !
  11. It’s going to be calm winds 5-9 mph
  12. So this rain might actually make them active.. and I would love a 3 day weekend lol
  13. Yay that’s I’m thinking.. going from a basic 200$ trolling motor to a ultrex !
  14. Right haha 55 is warm for us in New York and I have good rain gear so rain won’t bother me.
  15. I get 3 weeks of it ... but that is smart thinking
  16. Soo I finally got my trolling motor installed , the minn Kota ultrex ! And a couple other upgrades.. so I’m supposed to go pick it up tomorrow morning. I obviously am super excited about getting it and getting to try it out on the water. My question is.. I can use a PTO day and fish Friday! Or just suck it up and wait till Saturday... the issue is today is a high Of 62 and rain, so warmer rain. And tomorrow is 55 with a 40% chance of rain.. would this hurt or help the fishing? Or would it not matter at all. This weekend looks promising with 62 degree and sunny/cloudy days. Just really want to try the new motor and rip some lips! Guess I’m trying to justify or not justify taking the day off haha ?
  17. I also cast with two hands when using a casting rod , maybe even spinning sometimes to.. I rarely use one hand
  18. Looks like a solid 5 pounder That’s a good one haha
  19. Sooo I got a recent amazon package in the mail and had no idea what it was.. my girlfriend likes to suprise me with random stuff and she knows I love fishing .. this is what came in the mail!! ?? some bass sandals !
  20. That is gorgeous and congrats on the pig Smallies !!
  21. Weather has been horrible here In western New York, I could fish but it’s been rough. On the warmer days it’s blowing 40 mph winds ugh.. just wish this weather would make its mind up. Almost May and still have 45 degree temps..
  22. Let’s bring this thread back!! So what’s everyone’s most expensive setup! Mine is now the megabass orochi XX perfect pitch 300$ and the lews tournament pro LFS 200$
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