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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. Thank you everyone! It will probably be a little muddy but nothing I haven’t fished before , suprisingly the wind is calm tomorrow it’s supposed to be around 8-10 mph winds it shows. I’ll try fishing the areas you all said. It’s a man made lake which was use as a watershed program for farmers when the creek overflowed. Hoping for my first bass of the year!
  2. The area I’m going to fish is a 60 acre lake made for canoes only, has lots of bass as I caught 72 in one outing before which is a PB for numbers. Not to deep at 17 ft for max depth and between 5-7 ft is the average. Usually is a clean water lake but can get muddy or stained during storms.
  3. Soo I know there has been lots of talk of cold rain fronts but what about warm rain? For the last couple days it’s been warming up slowly from 35-45 and todsy is 55! Now it has rained so far todsy but it’s a warm rain compared to how it normally is. Tomorrow is supposed to be 65! With scattered clouds mostly sunny.. usually the day after a storm the fish don’t bite as much but in this case bc it’s so warm would it be a good time to go out? Would they react better bc the water warmed up
  4. Not bad that’s only a 12 hour drive from me probably could make it in 10 ha. I’ll have to venture out that way sometime. Thanks!
  5. That’s awesome ! Where about a do you live? Might have to take a trip there also. Always love fishing new places with good people
  6. Yeah the wind sucks ! Wind and snow is my least favorites, I'm deffiently looking forward to a trip to clear lake sometime this or next year, just not sure the best time for big girls! thinking pre spawn or fall.. hoping for a 8-10 pounder but you can't ever know
  7. Mexico and California's clear lake have been a dream of mine to fish ever since I got into fishing again. Going to have to make that happen soon!
  8. Gonna have to book a trip soon! Thanks everyone
  9. So I'm wondering how the snow and cold weather will affect bass as it gets further into spring and still freezing. The forecast shows 34 degrees and snow still into mid April, first I have seen it snow this far into spring, or since I can remember , will this make for a bad season this year?
  10. Sooo I live in western NY and it looks like we're going to have 12 months of winter this year ha. Shows snow still up till mid April soooo I'm wondering how far south do I need to go for some open water fishing? Anyone know of any smaller lakes I can take my canoe for the day, or even wanna go fishing together ?
  11. Depends where your what you fish around , if it's around a lot of rocks and trees or stumps you want heavier line like 15 pound+ flouro I usually throw or something like 30# braid. Braid is way more sensitive and can detect strikes better but it floats and frays easier. Flouro will sink but is stronger against fraying or nicking.. so it's more personal preference. I use flouro for my jigs or soft plastics and it's keys "intrusive " I guess. It's almost invisible underwater as they say.
  12. This isn't my second year of bass fishing or fishing in general so I'm still learning ALOT. BUUT. I learned from time and time on the water, I loved this sport since day one so I would spend 3-5 days a week fishing. Plus YouTube videos like tactical bassin or bassresource, read lots online and family members who fished since they were born
  13. That special moment when the mailman comes !
  14. That's a beauty, I tried fishing the rivers around here and no success. Even tried open water pockets on lakes and nothing maybe someday
  15. Not cool .. I'll be over here in feedle position
  16. @ApacheGuns515 yeah I know I fished for couple hours but no success for any bites and @LadiMopar I'm so sorry to hear that but good! Let it stay up there ha. I just want it gone
  17. Ugh seriously ! Another one ccooommmee on , its usually at least 45-55 by now and some sun. Let's pray to the sun and fish gods
  18. Ugh I can't wait for warmer weather , we had 60 degree days turn to 25 degrees .. starting to get the itch! Haven't had a fish since November.. soon my precious sooon...
  19. About 75% bc sometimes I like to see what I'm buying in person (weird habit ) acruslly just got hit by he bait monkey and bought 125$ in lures from tacklewarehosue today ?
  20. Thanks ! That helps a lot , and so it's not a floating plastic it sinks? Slow like A senko or something
  21. Thanks @Weedwhacker I was going to try it maybe nose pegged with a tiny weight or try weightless, do you know how much they weigh? And if they cast ok on a baitcsster setup or is spinning preferred ?
  22. So one fishing lure or technique I have wanted to try is the zoom super fluke or just any fluke type. I live in western NY and have access to penty of ponds and lakes and Lake Erie is 5 minutes away. Wondering if anyone has had success with them ? And how they work it etc .. haven't seen much on them
  23. Haha yes it was.. I was thinking holy sh** just breaking 25 pound flouro
  24. Thanks everyone, I see a lot of people for the Norman baits, I'll have to loook those up. I have some rat l traps and some red eye lipless already , I'll check out 6th sense to as I use some of there baits already
  25. I was trying to research crankbaits, all my tackle shop has is strike king, rapala, or the xps series.. I wanna try new crankbaits but unsure of which is good? They occasionally have a megabass lure or something but I don't wanna just use those, was looking st tackle warehouse at tons of cranks and just unsure, mainly shallow to medium divers as the lakes I fish only go to 20 ft. We have bluegills and pumpkin seed if that helps. Live in western NY area
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