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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. Yeah that’s funny bc he does workout to but only goes few times a week hahha and I rigged him up a weightless senko and he threw that around and got a few Thanks for saying I’m not ha. We always do have fun and laugh and joke threwout the day. It’s relaxing no matter what but I enjoy watching others catch fish. I love going with my fiancé bc that’s the only time where 99% of me would rather watch her catch fish than myself .. but of course I have to wet a line here and there ha
  2. Yeah I’m still going to go with him just wonder if I should keep showing him everything or kind of let him figure it out on his own that way maybe he feels more accomplished at the end of the day
  3. Ohhh that’s a tough one... haha jk
  4. I gave him an informative fisherman book and some random book I got at local bargain store but it was rly good, talked about the seasonal habits, pre spawn, spawn and post spawn. Which baits to throw depending on water color and temp etc , even shows how to tie knots but I can’t remmeber the name
  5. Yeah I try my best, I did help him catch his PB bass the other day , 4 pound 7 oz smallmouth so that was fun to watch
  6. You sound exactly like me haha, I am always out in the summer around 5 am and he says “oh I’ll meet you there we can get that early morning topwater bite” around 11:00 am he shows up ha .. I guess I can give it a laugh now and chuckle about it
  7. It doesn’t matter but we both go in a canoe since we don’t have a boat and I want him to have fun. He starts getting mad when I catch fish and he says he wants to leave. Or he comes over to me and stops me from fishing and asks how to do this or that. Or he gets a backlash and can’t get it out so I have to etc .. I don’t rly get my blood pressure up I just want him to have fun and enjoy it instead of getting mad and wanting to leave bc “there’s no fish “
  8. Yeah I feel bad sometimes bc I’ll say something like “ well what do you think you tell me” then he just looks at me like uuuuuuhhhhh
  9. So I’m wondering if I’m a jerk or just think old school and people should take it upon themselves eventually to learn. Wondering everyone’s opinion of this, so I have a friend who we both started fishing at the same time. We have been bass fishing for about 2 1/2 years now. I did tons of research, bought books, joined this awesome site, YouTube and just spent tons and tons of time on the water to learn as much as I can. So we go fishing together and every time we go he is the exact same as day 1 fishing 2 1/2 years ago.. he asks what to use, what color, what do you think they want, why am I not catching them. Will tie on 5 baits in 30 minutes and if he doesn’t get a fish he gets mad. I have given him books , told him about this sight and have told him every time we go out about fish. Like today it was dead flat, post front and he was trying to rip as fast as he can lipless cranks etc. told him to try a black and blue senko and let it sit , i told and showed him how to rig them .. instead he uses a different hook and threads it on like it was live bait all bunched up and tosses it out waits 2 seconds then starts hopping it back ... and wonders why he doesn’t catch fish. I have shown him about as much as I can and every time we go on the water it’s the same so I was going to tell him to learn so he can get better himself, is that mean ?
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. I didn’t think I need to put that I do help that figured anyone would obviously know that. I let them try and figure it out themselves then if they struggle I show them. But what will someone learn if they are babies all the time ok funny guy Yeah I don’t let them struggle either. I guess everyone took what I said wrong. Didn’t think to much into it but I guess I have to clarify before everyone gets sensitive. Obviously I help them and show them what to use etc and how to find the fish. But I also let them try to learn themselves so they can get better at it
  12. For me it’s actually researching and fishing. Most of the time I try to take friends of mine who fish and they always get mad bc I catch fish like 5:1 ratio. Just on Tuesday he had an hour head start and caught 3 fish and I was there for 30 monutes and caught 5.. so of course he asks all the questions what are you doing what life what color how fast or slow what line what depth etc.. I told him to take his time and try to figure on his own. I put a lot of time in on the water and learn what he fish want (most of the time)
  13. Yeah I was just burning the “lipless” above the weeeds and they loved it. I went out yesterday and csught sbout 50 smallies in 6 hours on spinnerbaits and jerkbaits. just so much fun. @MikeInWyandotte and I love fishing out of my canoe , a bass boat would be nice but this was only 600$ and I catch just as many @UPSmallie and @Boomstick I tried the spinnerbait and they loved it! Thanks
  14. Yeah it’s perfect water temps for jerkbaits. I can’t wait for it to hit around 60 and they just get so aggressive and you can’t work the bait fast enough. I went out todsy and caught easily 40 fat mommas. They are all just so big
  15. Thanks , I always have a life jacket with me it sits right behind my seat but I should probably wear it lol
  16. So this is the first year I have a canoe to be able to fish out of and I’m lucky to be 5 minutes from one of the best small mouth areas good ole Lake Erie! So I went out todsy and omg it was s blast. Got tons of hawgs and even a surprised northern who almost took me in. New PB smallmouth at 5.1 pounds and for sure my Pb northern, round two for tomorrow .. hoping I get some luck like @A-Jay with the 8 pounders ha. So excited for this pre spawn. Also should add any pointers would be great. This is my first time ever fishing smallmouth like this. I been using lipless cranks and jerkbaits with luck so far. Around docks etc , 3-9 ft of water. It’s currently 55-57 degrees depending where I go.
  17. Yeah I usually start being able to head out in March but this spring was horrible, lakes were still frozen up untill first or second week in April
  18. Yeah I tried filling first and using jerkbaits and nothing, changed over to a lipless and got one on the first cast so I had to continue, an yesh the 85 degree sun deft calls for sun gear. Oh yeah I didn’t wanna stop but of course.. had to go into work yucky , this same lake last year though I got my PB best with numbers. 72 bass in around 8 hour fishing day
  19. So up in Ny we finally had some decent weather out of the 30 degree temps and the lakes all unfroze and the sun has been out woohoo! So of course I had to take advantage and went out picking apart the banks with a spinnerbait and crankbaits and just crushed them! Around 25 total and a few nice chunkers.
  20. Thanks everyone for the input! I went and got some panther Martins and some blue fox vibrax today! Can’t wait to try them
  21. Oh really where are you located ??
  22. Awesome thanks for help! I hope I can get some trout even if it’s a 6 inch one just for feeling of something on the other end of the line Awesome thank you
  23. Sooo I hve been bass fishing for couple years and I live up in western NY so we don’t have a long season of warm weather specially this year. I decided I want to try trout fishing as we have tons of creeks , and rivers around me that have tons of trout. Some small lakes and of course Lake Erie with big trout runs in early spring and fall. I have a 6 ft 6 inch spinning rod medium light and a couple spoons but not sure exactly how to fish for trout. I seen some posts on eggs? Or types of bait. Someone mentioned inline spinners but not sure how to start out for this. Not looking for huge trout but just to catch anything would be fun. Sorry for the long post but any help from you guys and gals would be very appreciated
  24. I went out and fished for 8 hours! Got 2 bites but no hookups ... maybe someday I’ll catch a bass ha, crazy to think the place I went to fish has ice still on it! In mid April !!
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