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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. I fish alone 90% of the time and I prefer it that way honestly , the only time I am with someone is if my fiancé comes , her brother who is who got me into fishing again or once a month my friend nick comes. I enjoy the alone time honestly it’s my happy place, away from work, away from people, away from everything noisy. I love fishing before the sun comes up bc it’s peaceful and you get to watch the “world” wake up. It’s nice.
  2. I can’t say how many I have caught in a year but I know I have had plenty 30-100 fish days already this year. Pre spawn was crazy for the smallies this year on Lake Erie and the other inland lakes I fish. If I had to guess a years worth I’m sure it’s in the 1000s
  3. HMM might have to just close my eyes and buy one, the 15 pounder. I tend to catch a lot of northern pike and the boga would be nice to have to help hold them
  4. I thought about getting the boga but don’t like how it only measures in half pound increments not the exact
  5. Welcome to bass resource !
  6. Looking for a decent fishing scale, I fish mainly from a canoe and I have gotten the Berkley scale 15$ and it has broke both times. I need something water proof and can take somewhat of a beating while still being accurate. Not looking for anything more than say 50$ .. might go a little higher if it’s worth it and will last
  7. I prefer mornings myself but lately I haven’t had much time to fish early and been going later and it seems to be just as good. Actuslly caught my Pb this year around 8:30 at night.
  8. Make that 2 for emptying the bank account haha
  9. It looks a lot like that pithophora for sure! Almost identical, and for sure milfoil then
  10. That might be why it was a little slow as I was fishing before sunlight.. should have fished later in the day then and punch threw it
  11. So the algae takes away from oxygen? I was wondering why there wasn’t any bass in there. I went out todsy around 5 am and threw top water of all kinds, frogs. Poppers. Buzz baits, swim jigs, regular jigs, spinnerbaits , tried punching. Senkos. Crankbaits in the open stuff. Didn’t have a single bite.. last year this area of the lake was the best but there wasn’t all these algae and weeds. Tried all different kinds of soft plastics and nothing.. didn’t even seen a bluegill or sunfish
  12. So another lake I typically fish has been overtaken with weeds like this. It usually has some weeds poking up threw the top but this year it’s covered in this nasty stuff. Anyone know what it is? Also the fishing has been horrible.. days I would normally catch 10-20 bass I maybe catch 1 or 2, and the past few times I have been skunked.. wondering what’s going on.
  13. Heck yeah man you can’t beat a frog blowup ! An I wasn’t sure which frog I liked the best either but I found it .. the one is inside that basses throat hahahah
  14. I was stunned, after I got it in my canoe I just thought I was dreaming and after I released it I literally just sat in my canoe for like 5 minutes just staring at the water haha. And thank you @Gundog for having a prayer for my brother in law , means a lot. And thank you everyone else for the comments! Hope everyone gets a PB this year.
  15. Ha it might be .. it’s just a piece I didn’t rip off good but thanks for noticing ha.
  16. So it had been super hot up north in NY weather has been stable so I figured I would get some fishing in. Got done visiting my brother in law who currently has cancer (is doing very well and most is gone) but he is the one who got me into fishing so he was pumped for me. I went out to this little 50 acre lake I always fish out of my canoe, it was around 8 at night so I was using my hollow body frog bc I want to get better at it. I started tossing it in the usual spots and I noticed out in the middle of the lake was a random grass patch and figured that would be a great ambush point so bass should be staged in there. FIrst cast I slowly walk it and BOOM! The biggest bass I ever seen comes out of the water like a shark and dives back in, I set the hook and install adrenaline started rushing. I do my best to turn it’s head but it dives down and surprisingly takes drag, it was at that moment i started shaking. My drag was set to around 9-10 pounds where it barely slipped if I tried to pull some out so I knew it was huge! I finally get it turned but I feel dead weight.. scared as I see this giant clump of weeds but as soon as it was boat side I could see her massive head sticking out. Without worrying where the frog was I stuck my hand right in her mouth and grabbed hold.. pulled out this giant 7 pound bass and just stopped breathing for about 30 seconds just staring in shock. Hurry and grsbbed my measuring tape. Was 22.5 inches long and 16.5 inches around. Was hoping to hit 8 pounder but for a norther strain ill take a 7 pounder any day ! Thanks @WRB for the advice on Fred’s magic stick! Would have never hauled that out with another Rod
  17. He means your first post said your PB was about 8 pounds then after said it was about 9 pounds
  18. Hello and welcome !
  19. Thanks man. I wish my reel was green to match it
  20. What type of line? 50# power bro braid
  21. Update for everyone I returned the abu Garcia and got the quantum smoke S3 which is amazing. @new2BC4bass @CrankFate @fishindad
  22. Yeah I just bought it so I have the receipt still. I bought it from cabelas this past week. I’m sure they would return or exchange it. And @new2BC4bass I usually use daiwa or quantum
  23. Sooo second time out with the revos and it broke!!i was working my frog like normal. Reeled in and went to make a cast and the side plate fell right off and into the he water.. broke after the second day. @new2BC4bass so I’m disappointed ..going back to my normal reel
  24. Sweet thank you that helps a lot. As I have only bass fishes for couple years I still am learning as much as I can.
  25. I took those pics earlier and I did get to use it! Omg I love it. Super lightweight, the handle is perfect and has enough length to use as leverage. A very good rod and I think I’ll use only irod from now on for all setups
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