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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. Wow that helps a lot thank you!! I was stationary at the time and I seen that come across My screen
  2. Well I’ll be darn! Must have caught me a lab lol. Glad we cleared that up haha. And thanks everyone! Guess I know what to start mimicking
  3. I’m sure they are basic settings. I haven’t messed With anything when it csme out of the box. I have the lowrance book 5hdi . Basic graphics.
  4. No kidding ! Ha I moved from the spot ? how silly. I marked it so I can go back though !
  5. Soo I am also new to using graphs and electronics , I’m wondering what this could be.. thank you for the help for anyone who comments. Much appreciated.
  6. Soo I’m out fishing Lake Erie , having a decent morning and I catch a smallmouth that spits this up.. what baitfish is this??
  7. @FryDog62 soo update on the new Daiwa Rebellion rods. They are very aesthetically pleasing to the eye as all foreign rods are. I had the 7 3 Mh/f rod and it looked great, everything was lined up correctly and no issues with guides etc. I weighed it on my scale at 4.4 -4.5 oz depending on how it sat but with this being said it felt awkward. I don’t like the real seat as I like to palm my whole reel in my hand and the trigger part was higher up it felt like and it was rubbing shading my pinky pretty hard. It made it awkward for me to set the hook or to feel as much. The sensitivity wasn’t horrible but not as good as I wanted for a 200$ rod. I usually use ALX rods and find that for the extra 15$ I would rather go with a ALX zolo series than this. I will give credit as the rebellion has a lot of power in the backbone and it was a nice soft tip, it loaded very well as I was casting a 1/4 oz swimbait and up to a 1/2 oz with ease. It seemed “bulkier” than most rods tho. I would compare it to a shimano zodias in terms of sensitive but the zodias “feels” better to me personally. It didn’t fit neatly into my hands and the blank seemed bigger than normal.. I ended up returning it and just going with my usual.. I upgraded a little bit and got the ALX ENOX series rod the decoy... now this I know is going to be amazing when I get it. I have a few zolo series so I can only imagine what the step up would be. More to follow on that rod when it comes in
  8. Same .. we got about quarter inch last night and currently blowing 25-30 mph with higher gusts and snowing like crazy... but 65 by Wednesday next week lol @A-Jay @Bird @PhishLI
  9. Will do! It seems pretty sensitive in hand and at home testing, I’ll be out tomorrow and give it the full test. As if right now it has a lot of backbone with a pretty soft tip. It’s a lot softer than some of my other Mh tips which are Pretty stiff. I’ll be using this for small open hook swimbaits and weedless. Maybe a few other applications so I’m liking the soft tip
  10. Finally got the new rod and reel combo! This thing feels and looks amazing! Get to fully try it out tomrorow! The new daiwa rebellion 7’3” MH/F
  11. Honestly I usually never bring any food so I don’t happen to have to poop ? while out on the water.. I do bring Gatorade and plenty of water though to stay hydrated..
  12. Yeah these Great Lakes are nothing to mess with ugh.. going to attempt to go tomorrow morning ! Good luck to you if you make it out
  13. This is true! And I was ready and warm this morning and I get to Lake Erie and it’s blowing like 20 mph from the north.. so turned back around and went home .. I can deal with cold but wind not so much
  14. Hello and welcome back! I been here for a few years now , glad to see you check back in.
  15. I’m going out now in 45 degree temps , “feels like “ 39 oh wonderful
  16. I have caught tons of bass and plenty of good sized ones with black and blue or I use a color called black light Which is black blue and some purple
  17. Will do!! I looked online for some kind of review but couldn’t find anything ! So figured I would be the first , rod should arrive Friday
  18. I ended up going with the daiwa rebellion ! MH/F , says it has a soft tip yet lock of backbone. Rated to 1/4-3/4 oz I believe. I’ll see how that goes and if not I’ll wait for the expride ..
  19. We are getting the same weather as you. Freeze warnings etc.. I mean I am staying positive and hoping maybe the pre spawn and spawn will just last into July and I can catch more fish !
  20. I wish! I can’t find any Exprides for sale.. literally everyone is out
  21. Looking for a good medium+ or mag medium rod for smaller swimbaits. I would even go to a MH as long as its not a broomstick, looking for something lightweight and sensitive as sometimes these bass barely touch it and just feel the “mooosh” . My price range is around 250$ ! Thank you !
  22. Not this bad... usually isn’t 34 the second week of May And I agree, I wonder what effect it will have. I’m thinking just a long drawn out ore spawn and spawn phase, well into June maybe July.
  23. Anyone else experiencing this insane weather lately? And how is it effecting you and the fish? Here in western New York we keep seeing crazy fluctuations in temps. It was 65-70 and sunny all weekend and now we have a freeze warning and potential snow with temps dropping to 34 degrees.. rain comming and then back into the 65 degree area! Also not to mention the crazy wind lately! Not 15-20 mph but 30-40 mph sustained with 50-70 mph gusts!!! What is this!
  24. Another beautiful brown bass, the fishing was amazing today but the crazy winds got us off the water after about 5 hours , was hoping to be a sunup to sundown kinda day.. and now the weather went from 70 and sunny to a freeze warning and potential snow.. I dont understand What is going on with 2020 .. I wish it would just be normal .. starting to get discouraged that it won’t ever end.
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