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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. Thanks. Ihave never used a fish finder so I’ll hahe to go to a local store and play with them
  2. Looking to get a good fishfinder for my kayak when it comes in. I want something good enough to be able to use in shallow water though without the equipment giving false readings and all that weird junk. I fish in shallower lakes from 2-10 feet. 2-30 ft. And one goes down to 50 feet. I usually fish the shallow area but would like to start venturing into deeper water or help find fish when it’s super cold, I don’t want to spend 1000$ but I’m all ears for what everyone has to offer
  3. And everyone said it depends on the kayak. I first got a old town saranac 146 and I loved it. Now I got my first true fishing kayak and it’s a NuCanoe frontier 12 and it’s amazing. It has plenty of room, stable, so much room for accessories etc. the only thing I hate is wind! But like everyone said you must have a good anchor system. Wind will always be annoying but there is way s to get around it.
  4. I got the S/M. I also wear a large size usually. They run bigger. I like my gloves to be a little more close fitting
  5. I like them a lot honestly. They fit perfectly. I prefer these over the huk ones also, I had a chance to try both. The webbing on them is nice to and helps with grip, I ususlly wear a L/xL but I feel like these run a tad bit bigger. I like my gloves to be a little tighter so it’s not all bunched up so I got the S/M in the Columbia
  6. Woooo!! Ice out was about two weeks ago and temps have been between 50-68 and water temps finally rose up. Saw some bluegill swimming around , carp , even some nice bass back in creek channels just hanging out. Within the first 20 minutes I got my first bass of the year! Nice 5 pound largie. Got about 7 for the day and they were just gorgeous fish. So happy to feel the tug again
  7. Going to attempt to go out again tomorrow, high of 68 degrees today with 20-30 mph winds, hopefully warms water some more. Tomorrow should be 61 and 10-15 mph winds so that’s perfect. Hoping I catch something!!!
  8. Same as mostly everyone else. I have a lighter rain suit but if it’s cold just layer underneath. We usually can’t start fishing till April or May bc of ice cover anyways and it’s ususlly in the 50s by that time.
  9. I usually keep my plastics on unless it’s going to be days that I don’t fish.. which doesn’t happen once I start haha
  10. Got my new megabass that was on backorder ! The sonic side in gp pro perch, thanks @A-Jay for showing me this ! Can’t wait to use it on some smallies .. still waiting for my dark sleepers to come in
  11. Yeah man I got to demo one the other day and it was amazing. You can stand and even walk around with ease. Has so much room for everything. I’ll keep you updated
  12. I actually just purchased my first true fishing vessel! I bought a nucanoe frontier 12! It won’t be here for 3 weeks which stinks but I can’t wsit ! I fish out of an old town saranac now but it’s nothing like this will do. Congrats
  13. Thanks everyone , I went out again yesterday and still skunked. There was other fisherman out who also had no bites even using real minnows and worms as bait. I don’t have a fish finder yet so I can’t locate them using electronics but I fished the entire lake. Slow jerkbaits with 5-15 second pauses. Slowing crawling jigs. Just hard to locate anything I guess. I’ll keep trying!! And it truly is just after ice out because there was still some snow covering the hillside. This is always the hardest time of year for me. @Boomstick @Paul Roberts @Pickle_Power @wcjohnson
  14. 6th sense hybrid jigs or swimjigs ! Love the bluegill fire or the bluegill juice or the black light. Also dirty jigs and siebart jigs
  15. That’s good to know. I like how light it was but I guess I’m still inexperienced as far as “feel” I know what grass or rocks or stumps feel like but i need more time I guess. Not that I would buy a 450$ rod but I’m glad I know I need to learn more
  16. It’s crazy to see how many people have a hard time in pre spawn , pre spawn is probably my favorite time on Lake Erie. All the smallmouth are super shallow. 30-50 smallmouth in a 6 hour day are common. Little to huge they are just super aggressive an destroy anything around. My favorite time of year !
  17. Sooo is it because maybe I’m inexperienced ? Only been fishing for 4 years but I didn’t notice much difference in sensitivity. Obviously the GLX was lighter and felt more solid I guess but as far as more sensitive .. not really anything
  18. Right after ice out ! Can’t get a bite for nothin ! Which is what’s going on right now
  19. So I went out today for 6 hours with no catch. I fished two small lakes about 60 acres and 83 acres. I tried jerkbaits , cranks, ripping lipless cranks. Jigs of different kinds. One has a lot of trees and I flipped trees and tried to crash cranks into them. Other is very grassy and tried deep diving cranks and shallow. Deep jerkbaits etc.. water temp is around 40 degrees. Why won’t they bite. The one lake is called new Albion lake in New York and other is bear lake New York Incase you wanna look them up. This is always my hardest time of the year and can’t ever figure them out. One lake Is only 16 feet deep max and I fished the deep and the shallow with no luck
  20. Your close to me in Chautauqua county
  21. Carp fishing is fun to! Grab some dough balls and hang on
  22. Or when I talk about jerkbaits. And I have to jerk harder or faster depending on how they want it
  23. Right ! I think trolling is kinda bleh, you just wait for a fish to bite .. no real casting or anything. @N Florida Mike @EGbassing
  24. Sooo pretty much as topic says. Anytime I mention I fish and other fisherman around me are like “oh yeah I love fishing , I go for perch, crappie, walleye. Just troll and catch fish !” And I tell them I’m more into bass and occasional northerns or Muskie they look at me like.. “uhhh why bass .. so you just catch and release , don’t even eat..” and they just have this dumb look on there face. I guess they have never experienced a frog blowup or crazy bite of a huge fish or the rush of a smallmouth jumping... poor guys.
  25. I hate you for showing me this hahaha (joking) , but I haven’t stopped looking at it since last night ! I think I might get this ..
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