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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. No fished shallow honestly or at the first drop off. Would be 4-5 ft water then drop off to 10-12 , me and my buddy tried everything. Only thing that would work is the spinnerbait slow rollled
  2. Was a colder morning but still decent conditions. Air temps around 43 with water temps sitting at 47.3 , started slow slow rolling a spinnerbait and this was the first fish of the day out of 6. A true beauty at 5 pound 13 oz , I was so sure it was a 6! I want that magical number .. soon though. The few we csught had some bloodied up tails to which seems like they are making beds ... I figured 47 degree temps are to cold ? Maybe not. You can see in the pic the bloodied tail
  3. Hello and welcome. Thank you for your service ! Let’s have some fun
  4. Usually anything megabass , but I would say mine is the black dog baits Shellcracker G2 , was 50$ plus shipping. Otherwise vision 110 st 25$ a pop.. and I have about 25 of them ?
  5. Almost there ! Lol. Was 48.8 degrees ... yay ?
  6. Your lucky then.. I love and only fish out of my kayak but for some reason boaters arkund here just always look down on me. Last year we had some guys come up from Virginia to fish for pre spawn smallmouth. They always come here I feel like. The two men kept staring at me as I paddled and they mumbled some words. Then they noticed I was catching 3:1 for every fish they got. And instead of politely comming to talk they shout over to me and said hey” kayak boy” what are you using. So my response was hey boating boy I’m using lures hahha. Not everyone is that way but I feel like it’s a 50/50 split
  7. Awe man that is awesome! Im jealous, I went out today for about 4 hours and got skunked! The water was so dirty and dingy from the rain and hard winds. Couldn’t find them , but I’m glad you did, I’m going to try and go Tuesday and see. Thank you for some motivation to, and I’m glad I could help you
  8. This is the worst when it comes to people with boats and kayaks. I fish out of a kayak and the boaters think they have the right of way and right to the water. This was on another thread before about how they treat kayak anglers. For example I was out fishing for 3 hours in the same spot. Doing the same drifts in my kayak. All of a sudden a boat comes out where I have been catching consistently. They are trolling over and all 3 on board start casting in my direction. Literally there lures are hitting the water I would honestly say about 10-20 feet from me. Like seriously ? Go away. Or there has been times where I’m fishing and boats cut me off. And idk if you fish out of a kayak ever but it’s hard to jsut move around whenever. So when they cut me off I’ll just continue to drift and have have close to running into the boat. Then they get mad at me and tell me to watch it .. sorry I have a paddle instead of a motor
  9. Yeah the smallmouth have been biting really good but the temps have been between 55-60 recently , air temps, but this weekend it was like 36 for the low and 42 for a high.. for 2 days straight and didn’t know if that would ruin the bite or something would happen @IgotWood
  10. Well thabk you! That’s very good information @IgotWood so it’s safe to say I’ll just have to fish even in the horrible conditions. I did invest in a good rain suit this year so it looks like it will be getting some use. The forecast doesn’t show lots of wind just lots of weird temps and rain. Some days are 40 some days are 65 lol but that is just how New York is.
  11. I wish .. if you find out let me know lol
  12. How do you like those ito shiners ? I love the 110 in all depths but never tried the ito shiner. They look amazing
  13. Nice man I love it ! I actuslly csught my PB smallmouth on the brown and gold one few days ago. They work!!
  14. I see this is an old thread but I can’t imagine how they think st Clair is better than Lake Erie. I have lived next to Lake Erie my entire life and the first fishing is amazing. You can catch 50 smallmouth a day easy, specially the time they were out. May and June is best season.. if anyone ever want something to fish Lake Erie let me know. @Jeff Browning
  15. 1. Jerkbaits 2. Spinnerbaits 3. Squarebills or lipless cranks , those 3 kill it. And if I have to slow down I use a tube or a senko
  16. So it sounds like the cold fronts aren’t to bad a thing then, and being on Lake Erie I think they are accustomed to this weather. I wasn’t sure if maybe they would just not spawn or if they would just continue comming in waves and wait for wster temps to rise. Currently they are 48.8. Today.. hopefully it starts hitting those 50 degree temps and really turn on
  17. So I’m unsure if this answer and looking for expert advice from everyone. So I know bass go into pre spawn and spawn depending on water temps and a few other factors but what happens when it warms then gets cold again? Or extended periods of the same cold water. For example the water temp where I fish has been 46-49 degrees depending on the day and time on Lake Erie. Now this weekend the air temps are falling into 43 for the hi and 32 for the low with snow flurries. The 15 day forecast shows nothing but 50 degree days and 40 for nights with rain. Would the continuous cold stop them from moving up? Would this weather actually be ok and just extend the pre spawn time having the water stay colder longer? Would the fish just say screw it and go into spawn mode anyways and I Be out of luck with the horrible weather ? Could it mean a horrible spring ? Or when the weather finally gets warm and the water warms to the 55-59 degree they stay on the same cycle and just get crazier and eat more ?
  18. So after years of beating up my canoe it has a small hole the size of a dime. It’s in the very front of my old town saranac , wondering what would be good to seal it so it’s water right again. Also I’m getting my new Nucanoe frontier 12 and went to get a fish finder for it. Wondering the best way or best transducer mount to add one.
  19. So it was another wonderful day. 60 and partly cloudy. ESE winds and a dream , went out this morning with water temps at 48 degrees and a smile. I started off with the jerkbaits and spinnerbaits and was hammering them. Had about 15-20 decent smallmouth in the first few hours and then it died down to a Hault. Decide to try some bottom baits and busted out the tube in a brown/gold flake. Instantly started hitting again! Woohoo, i caught about 6 on the tube and remembered I have a dark sleeper in a brown and gold color. I tie it on and I’m swimming and hopping and doing whatever I can to get bit .. all of a sudden “thunk” and the rod bends hard and the fight was on. She swallowed it and was hooked good and funny thing is that was the only bite on the dark sleeper all day .. old PB is 5 pound 4 oz. this one was just over at 5 pound 6 oz ! Not my true 6 pounder but it’s comming. Oh and @A-Jay good and bad news, megabass sonicside is amazing! Caught 3 nice smallmouth on 5 casts , bad news is that I broke off into rocks after that ahah. Guess it means I have to order 2 more ?.
  20. No I’m about 2 hours from there. And honestly no idea. Guessing I would say 45
  21. No I live in NY
  22. Going to pick up a new reel for it tomorrow. I’m thinking the quantum’s PT smoke or the quantum pro tour performance. I don’t reslly like the Shimano reels sadly.. lews and quantum reels are my thing. Plus the grey, black and red on the smoke would look sick with the Zodias @jbsoonerfan
  23. I should just call into work all week then right ? I mean I think that’s a valid excuse to my boss.. “why did you call in this week?” Well ya see ! 6 pounders are hitting !
  24. Brand new ! Shimano Zodias rod , omg this thing is light weight and sensitive , feels like tremors going down the rod , can’t wsit to truly test it out this week. Using it for jigs , T rigs and spinnerbaits.
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