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Everything posted by Ksam1234

  1. So I have narrowed it down to either of these two. I’m looking for a good pitching /flipping rod or just an all around good rod for T rigs and jigs. I have heard both of these are decent. I am getting the perfect pitch in the orochi lineup or a 7ft 3 H in the helium 3 lineup , anyone who has used either of these how do they compare ? Sensitivity ? Easy to palm ? Lightweight etc
  2. I was thinking the Kistler helium now or the megabass orochi , or the 6th sense unicorn. Al seem very good. Do you think the extra fast tip on the helium is good for flipping/pitching though? Jigs and T rigs? I would think think fast is good so you use more of the backbone to drive hook home
  3. Mehabass orochi? I never even thought of those. I love megabass!
  4. Yeah I fish out of yak as of now. For probably another 2 years when my house is paid off. Then I turn that mortgage into a boat loan haha.
  5. I know it all comes down to preference but in the price range I’m looking for I would say some outclass others. I hate retieing all the time. I usually go back and forth between my spinnerbaits , small swimbaits , chatterbaits baits. Jigs and heavier T rigs all on the same rod and it uses a lot of line. So I’m looking for something to use dedicated for pitching into light or heavy cover. T rigged and jigs , prince range is 200-300$. I got a 200$ gift card for tackle warehouse for my birthday ! One thing I need to have is a hook keeper , so rods like the Zodias .. I love the feel and look but I would like a hook keeper ! So what do you all suggest for that? I was looking at those new 6th sense sensory rods or the unicorn , those look amazing but I haven’t found any reviews. Or the shimano explode or the new poison adrena but I haven’t seen reviews either. I’m not sure if they come with hook keepers either
  6. I’ll try and step up the rod. I have a ALX zolo MH F rod. I’ll try that and maybe go to 16 pound fluoro
  7. Yeah I guess I was being a bit lazy ha. I had something else tied onto my MH rod. But my hookset is the drop and set. Drop down reel and then set hard with a little slack to get it to hit hard into there mouth
  8. Thanks a lot man, things seem to be finally looking up now. They say things happen for a reason I guess. Hopefully my pup will be ready for next years fishing adventures !
  9. Ok I’ll try that! I thought about maybe trying a flipping hook style so it penetrates easier. I always have the hardest time threading those on T riggged though lol
  10. Hello ! I have come back after a small hiatus lol. But I was using 14# fluoro , sunline super fc sniper
  11. Sooo I haven’t gotten to fish as much as I wants lately but I know I’m not that rusty. Today I was pitching along weed edges and into pockets. Not heavy heavy weeds just minor stuff. I was using a Medium xfast rod , a gloomis e6x. I was using a 3/8 oz tungsten pegged on a 3/0 EWG superline gammy with a strike king rage bug. The problem is that the 3 bigger fish I seem to not penetrate. I set the hook hard and then when they got close to the boat they come off. I pull my bait up and notice the hook is still in the soft plastic.. happened 3 times in a row! The hook just didn’t come out. Idk if maybe using a different hook would be better .. I don’t wanna lose anymore fish
  12. Sooo life hit hard this year, my grandfather passed away in April and my wife decided to leave the month after .. so I haven’t been in here as much. But I have been fishing ! Things are looking up and I’m finally able to hop back on. I have been going out whenever possible and catching some hawgs. Here are a few of the recent wonderful fish to be caught. Also a pic of my new fishing partner ! She is 3 months old now. I gotta her at 8 weeks. Her name is mocha and is a chocolate lab
  13. Yeah everything has been super slow here. They are usually crushing topwater and other moving baits but they want everything slow this year
  14. Yeah the bluegill are just starting to spawn here to. I saw some beds the other morning as well as the Carp. Funny though bc I haven’t seen many bass beds. And dang.. those are some frisky carp lol
  15. No it’s not just you, pre spawn was “ok” this year but nothing amazing. I fish for smallies mostly but did managed a 6 pound 13 oz largemouth. But now it’s dead, weather has been so weird. It was 48 degrees at night two weeks ago mid June which is crazy.
  16. Yeah that’s crazy.. I figured the spawn was done here and in summer patterns but it doesn’t seem so.. maybe by the end of July
  17. Sooo I been going to a local lake I usually hit all summer and it has been insanely slow. The weather here in western NY has been horrible. Cold and rain with a couple random days of heat , then back to cold and rain. I went out Friday finally with steady heat and noticed the carp were just now spawning... that is crazy to think! Means everything is a whole month behind of where it should be. I would think the bass have already spawned but the carp usually do around the same time but they are super late. Anyone else having troubles and a really slow month now? Or any weird stuff
  18. Today was a great day for the frog! Csught about 20 on frog all day in the pads ! Then some others weightless with swimbait. Only got a pic of this decent one around 3 pounds
  19. It’s been awhile since I posted. Lots of life stuff going on but I think it’s finally all settled down, here is a nice one on a buzzbait I got the other day.
  20. Same here man all it does is rain. This has been the worst spring in years that I can rmember. Temps 80 and sunny one day and 42 and windy and rain the next 7 days. Then 75 and rain. Or 80 and sunny but 30 mph winds ... please stop ! Lol
  21. Only 4 years here ! And I love every moment
  22. Keitech fat impact !
  23. I love swimbaits ! I only throw keitechs Bc that what work for me but I usually throw them on a 1/4 up to a 1/2 oz open hook swimbaits Head , my favorite are dobyns or VMC boxer. I slow roll off the bottom or if there are weeds I’ll reel just over the tops and give my rod a couple twitches along the way, kind of like a jerkbait. If there is heavy vegetation I’ll throw them on a weighted weedless swimbaits hook. Usually trokar or gammy. I’ll toss those suckers into some nasty weeds and just swim it out. You can also let it sink and use it like a fish feeding on bottom or going after bass fry in the spawn.
  24. I use the regular Plano or waterproof , rust Free ones look nice but you can just buy the rust free technology pads you place inside your normal boxes. Then you can keep them waterproof ones and rust free
  25. Nice fish!
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