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Everything posted by pauldconyers

  1. I am completely new to jb fishing. I bought a jb specific rod and about 20 nice jerkbaits for the job. I was thinking with an 8 I could just give it half or a full turn easily enough and not have to worry about it much. But I could certainly see over reeling it. Which I knew what to do LOL
  2. I've been debating between a 7 or 8 for a jerkbait reel. Being that you want some slack in the line and move the baits with your rod I was leaning towards the 8 to take up slack quickly. But you seem to like a 7 for this?
  3. What kind of rod/reel do you recommend for the BW, Blue?
  4. I have a brand new KVD Tour rod that I haven't even fished yet. I accidentally let the foam on the butt get up against some tar tape stuff I use for work. It is sort of sticky on there and I want to get it off but at the same time do not want to damage or mess up the rod. I am always leery of using products on things like this in fear of messing it up. Anyone have something they would recommend?
  5. Yeah, Smithville is literally just north of you off 69 HWY which runs right past your house.
  6. I think that area should be fine. Just to the west of there is the elementary school of you have kids of that age. The circled area is an intersection that they have completely blocked and redoing for WAY too long. If it's done you're good, if it is still not you will be hating life for a while as the only real way to get to it would be a big detour each time to get in and out. The star indicates a large area of duplex and quadplexes. I guess the majority of people there are OK but possibly more traffic than you'd ideally like. One of the great things about the Northland (and your house specifically) is you always seem to have quick access to highways and could get about anywhere fairly easily. I assume at time you'd be in the flight path fairls regularly as you would not be too far from the city's main airport.
  7. So no matter who you go through the 40% off Dobyns sale is gone, correct?
  8. I have a couple of extra spools for some of my reels. I'm putting FC on one, braid on the other so I can carry them with me and "hot swap" them from reel to reel if I needed to. I am trying to figure out what to sort of carry them in. My boat is fairly small so I do not have infinite storage options. Originally I was thinking about something like a medicine bottle like you pick up a prescription at the drug store but a larger sized one. Maybe put something in it like a cut up towel to provide it cushion. Then again, if I were to put it up wet it may rust or something. IDK, just looking for options and ideas here.
  9. Just to wrap this up I heard back from Shimano today with this response: That is simply a date code for manufacturing. It tells us the month, year and factory the rod was made in. It is only for internal use should there be a QC issue with the rod. That being said I think I will go ahead and take it off.
  10. It's not as bad as it looked in that photo. It looks like it may have been store or shipped with other items up against it and sort of "depressed" the foam a bit. I got it from a guy locally and it had all the tags and plastic wrapping on the rod for little more than a 100 bucks so obviously I could not pass it up and am tremendously happy with the deal!
  11. It's not so much something silly like that. I just wanted to ask other Expride owners if their 1-piece American market Expride rods came with that on it or not. Yes I would like to know what that signifies but it is not a big deal. A Google search surprisingly was a complete blank. I normally remove all tags and stickers from items because they annoy me but the main thing is I am trying to figure out is it something of significance to where if I remove it if I want to sell it a year from now I could have made more had it still be on there or something like that. At initial glance it does not appears to just peel off easily so I just wanted more info before I proceeded one way or the other.
  12. I recently got an Expride and was unwrapping the plastic from it last night. What does this gold sticker indicate? Is it ultimately going to fall off and I just take it off now so that wear and sun fade doesn't affect the look of the rod? The white writing it actually on the rod and does not come off.
  13. Why are you encouraging me to over spool the reel?
  14. What are those white zoom baits in the upper left of the picture?
  15. What I did was have him walk it all out then I had him walk it back as I reeled it up. I assume you are saying instead of that have him walk it out and merely hold the lure securely in his hand and I lightly lean back on it (to create tension) and walk to HIM with the rod/reel in hand, correct?
  16. Hmm, I do not remember. I think I might have loosened it before I started this. I guess I could walk it out and re-try. At the moment it is set for the amount I had to set for fishing today. Is that a good amount or should I set it up a certain way and try that?
  17. I am baffled here and hope someone can assist. This offseason I bought a lot of new reels and decided this was the time to start putting my own line on my own reels and not just making the guy at the local shop do it. This reel here is a Curado K and I put 50 yards of mono backing on then about 100 yards of Sniper on for main line. When I put it all on the first time I filled the reel up while having it in my hand. Because the line on the spool looked kind of uneven I wondered if I held the line over at an angle so today before fishing I stopped at a football field near and put the reel on the rod and then had my son walk it all out then I reeled it back in and being that the line was going through the guides I assumed it would go on fairly smoothly. When it went on it did not look super tight but did not look awful either and I applied some KVD line conditioner. Anyway, took it out for a bit today and after about 10-15 casts it looked like this. You can see that the line is not smooth on the reel and super wavy. It looks even worse when you are actually retrieving a lure. I can't imagine there is anything wrong with the reel, spool or line. Even though it was my first time tying an arbor knot to the spool and uni knot to connect the lines but I really feel they were pretty clean. What am I missing here or what do you suggest?
  18. I have a few different Shimano reels like the SLX XT, Curado K and such (and this question would apply to other brands as well) that has internal and external braking controls. For these 2 reels I normally set 2 on and 2 off inside and then adjust from there using the external adjustments. I figure maybe I could only have 1 on inside and apply more external brake to achieve the same thing and that got me to thinking. Be it performance-wise or more so for making the reel last longer would it be better to use more of the braking "power" from the internal or external side of things? How/where would using less or more spool tension affect performance and longevity?
  19. On this topic I would love to for there to be a service that allows you to pay to take their boat out with Live Scope or something on it and familiarize yourself with your most frequent bodies of water. I'd be a regular customer!
  20. Tom, can you give a sentence or two about where to find fish in these 6 seasonal period?
  21. For my job I get all over town and am in homes all over the city. I have a pretty good idea of what is where. But while I would accept your commission I doubt I would be much help finding you a specific place LOL
  22. Just depends on what side of the state line you want to live on. Lots of stuff in the mileage radius and your price range. Overland Park and the Olathe area are good on the KS side. So too are some new areas over by Cabelas. On the Missouri side in towards the North in Smithville is right near Smithville lake and others up that way. Liberty is nice too. Kansas City north of the river in zip codes 64154, 64155, 64156 and 64157 have a lot of stuff perfect for you too. South if KC parts of Raymore and even Belton would be great for you. East of KC where I live Blue Springs, Grain Valley or Lee's Summit would be great options. If you have kids research those school districts.
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