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Everything posted by pauldconyers

  1. Please feel free to give impressions once you have tried it out
  2. Welcome to our fine city bud!
  3. Now that's funny LOL
  4. Don't quote me or anything but I THINK you do not actually see the discount until AFTER you purchase and you go in and look at it. Annoying if you are trying to figure out your exact amount before making a purchase.
  5. Your boat back up and running Mike?
  6. The good news is the only two fishing products I want are Shimano! The bad news is they are both out about everywhere, including TW LOL
  7. I must have missed this. Certain items or a certain percentage site wide?
  8. What got me thinking about this was while watching a Tackle Advisors video about the Curado K. The XG model has the larger 95MM handle on it and he was saying this was the gear ratio he would use for flipping and jigs and that for a presentation as such where you sometimes have to fight fish in tight quarters close to the boat he would prefer a shorter handle. I am curious if anyone else feels the same way or for other presentations would agree.
  9. It is common knowledge that many of us like to upgrade the reel handle size on a bait cast crank reels to get more torque and such. Got me to thinking, are there certain techniques where a smaller sized reel handle might be nice or ideal?
  10. I parked the boat and made about 10 casts with each reel on the same rod. This was close to a tree line so there was an easy reference mark close to compare to. I guess it is more that the Lews reel is giving me a long more vibration or force transmitted back. Correct or not I correlate that to the lip and body of the crank digging and being forced down deeper by the water pressure. Not near the same feeling with the Shimano. Even being a "nicer" reel I see no way the Shimano is some how dampening the vibration. That's why I was wondering if somehow the same exact crank was running deeper on the Lews than the Shimano for no reason I could fathom.
  11. I just don't know what to think. The Lews was CLEARLY putting off a ton more vibration on my hands which I took as "resistance" and in my mind that meant it was digging down further. I would have to go try again to remember if it was just on the initial "dive" it takes or what. Casting distance and maximum depth on a retrieve while casting are the two main things here in my mind. Assuming ALL else is the same in the equation (other then the 2 reels) About the only way I could really know if try to find and area that I knew the depth and try both and see if the Lews hit the bottom and the Shimano didn't. I just don't know how one reel would be capable to getting to a lower depth than the other in this scenario. Yeah, I should have specified I meant maximum depth while casting. That is a thought. I will have to try again and see if the Lews was only really giving off so much vibration on "the way down" or throughout the whole retrieve. If a crank was coming back at a slower speed would that put off more vibration or hypothetically would a faster retrieve produce more vibration? I know that 5's seem to be the main preference and that is why I bought the Lews Tournament MB with a 5.6:1 and 23" IPT. I figured the Shimano Curado K 6.2:1 with a 26" IPT was not all that much faster and I liked the idea of being slightly better equipped to catch up with a fish swimming right at me and also being able to move it a bit faster when trying to induce more of a reaction strike. I really thought about the Lews BB1 everyone loves. Might cast further then these other 2, IDK. It was really hard for me to get past the 21" IPT, though.
  12. This question is somewhat misleading. Yes I know that line type, line diameter, amount of line on the spool and other factors can affect the depth a crank could hit but my question is a little more complicated than that. I am trying to decide between two difference reels as to which will be my deep crank reel. One is a Lews Tournament MB 5.6:1 with a 23" IPT and the other is a Shimano Curado K 6.2:1 with a 26" IPT. To compare them I put 12# Big Game on both and filled the spools up completely and used a SK 6XD as the test plug. While my comparison tests will probably continue I came across a weird deal which leads me to my question. They both cast roughly the same distance I think but I will say it seemed the line came off the Shimano better. During the retrieve the Shimano certainly felt more "solid" and smooth with the Lews more "geary" and sort of "looser." (I put oversized Winn knobs on the Lews and I REALLY wish I could figure out a way to put them on that Shimano!) Here is my question. The Shimano was much smoother during retrieve and while the Lews felt more "geary" there was noticeably a lot more "resistance" during the retrieve which I felt like might be because it was diving deeper and that is what got me thinking about this. Again same rod, line and plug on both with the only difference being the reel itself. The Lews is a tad slower 23" IPT vs 26" IPT but I would not think a slower and possibly stronger retrieve would allow for more wobble or "digging" power to the bait to get down more. And while the Shimano was certainly smoother I would not think the reel would somehow limit the depth the bait could get down to but with the Lews there was certainly a lot more resistance, which I took to mean and feel like it was getting down deeper. Casting distance and the ability to achieve maximum depth are probably the 2 biggest factors here but I would really like to hear your guys' thoughts here.
  13. First cast of the day, what did I snag here? Is this some sort of tadpole? If so I would have thought something like that would not have been out deep.
  14. Is there an easy way to take this side plate off a Curado K? Unlike some models where it just pops 100% off this one will open up, swivel, but stays attached. Is there a way to detach it completely? Also it looks like on the inside it has something to do with the braking system. Out of curiosity could you swap them between different gear ratio Curado K's or is their something about their design that it would have to be to a different reel with the same gear ratio for some reason?
  15. Great minds must think alike! Other than the fact this is a Curado K I have the EXACT same set up for jig fishing.
  16. I got one for my son to use as his first bait caster. I wasn't paying attention and bought the 6.3 model when I meant to buy the 7.3 for him LOL
  17. Needed to replace the FC on my deep crank set up so as a change I threw some 12LB Big Game on to give it a try. Would KVD line conditioner help at all with mono or roll with it as is?
  18. I have a few of these empty line spools and I want to take line off a reel but save it for later use but wrapping it around this empty line spool. The question is how to best do this? It would just take forever to put a screw driver in the middle and "spin" it by hand. I have heard some guys extract line from a reel with the use of a drill but I imagine that would be to take it off the reel and trash the line and in this situation I want to keep the line for use in the future. I can't see a way to install a handle on this plastic spool to turn by hand either. I like to work smarter and not harder and there has to be a way to do this easier!
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