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Everything posted by pauldconyers

  1. Thanks for the advice once again Russ! I'm going to try to keep an eye open for Black Friday sale online or around us here locally. Academy has a good selection it appears so we will see what I find.
  2. After some time on the water I ran by BPS tonight to look at these. Saw some models that said A/M 24 or A/M 33 on them. It appears the A/M part stands for automatic or manual inflation. It also appears the number refers to the pounds of buoyancy it offers. My question is how do you determine how much you "need"? Is it determined by your body weight? I assume more is better (which costs more) or is the higher amount truly overkill and just a waste of money? Anyone have an idea on how to determine the appropriate amount?
  3. Yeah, I am totally good with life jackets the two boys have. I just need to get myself a different one. The traditional styled one I have from BPS is just to hot and bulky to where I don't even want to wear it and my wife has made it CLEAR that is not an option, especially if the boys are with me. I guess I would have to decide between a model that is a manual or automatic one. Automatic sounds like a better option but it might sort of come down to price for me. The ones that have a C02 cartridge with it, roughly how many "inflations" do you get per cartridge?
  4. Terrific, thanks again for your input! I had one final question of you about a different subject if you'd be so kind. In the past I have read how much of a proponent you are of using quality PFD. I wondered if you would check out this question I posted a few days ago and give me any option or advice you might have? https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/221111-need-pfd-pointers-or-advice/
  5. Hoping I'd hear from you because I knew you were a proponent of using them. Some have said on here that the hook does not seem as sharp out of the package for the red ones. Have you noticed that? If so do you have a hook sharpener you like that would work on both trebles and single hooks?
  6. But these are the same hook, other than color? Does the exclusion of the work "elite" mean there is some sort of difference or not?
  7. I assumed some sort of maintenance or upgrade going on.
  8. ESPECIALLY if it's currently 70 where you're at!
  9. May the odds be ever in your favor...
  10. I always get so confused by DSG sales. Seems like every other day I get an email about some super secret flash sale. Some it seems you have to be a member, some you don't. Some sales are on all items, some on just select items. Just too much hassle to try to figure out for me. I wish they had a section you could just click on and show what items they currently had a price break on. I hate having to go through 20 pages just to see 1 or 2 items on a page that are discounted.
  11. Yes sir! Hard to tell from the picture, what all did you get?
  12. When I see numbers or specs like 21s and 24s what does that refer to?
  13. I've had nothing but smooth sailing with mine.
  14. And what would those instances be?
  15. Both boys already have properly fitting life jackets. I too have a new Bass Pro traditional styled life jacket. I just do not like how restricting they are and how hot they can be in the summer. So I figured if I MUST wear one for my safety and as an example to the kids then I better have one that is less intrusive and more comfortable. I guess I do not need an auto-inflate model, I just figured if I ever fell into the water it would be because I was having some sort of "medical event" or something and may not be able to pull the inflate cord. Our sons are 8 and 4 so clearly neither of them would be able to jump in and save/secure me. While I'm not Michael Phelps I certainly can swim for survival, as it were. Maybe it comes down to price because again I am hoping to find a great deal around Balck Friday perhaps.
  16. For a price like that I could pretty much but a new unit...
  17. Then do you remove the snap that comes on the chatterbait if the whole point is to not have to re-tie and can swap them on and off quickly?
  18. Been reading on here lately about guys fishing small crank baits with clips/snaps and had a couple of questions. First off, is there a difference between a clip and a snap or are the terms interchangeable? A while back I bought some of these Mustad Fastach clips in size 1, would these do the trick? And I would want to first remove the split ring you usually tie onto, correct? The line would be FC is that matters. I was planning on using these on RES but could I use these on pretty much any moving treble hook bait like squarebills and 3XDs too? Bad idea on to use on something as large as a 5 or 6 XD? Good or bad idea to try on a Z-man chatterbait?
  19. Now that I'm taking our two sons under the age of 10 with me on our 14' jon my wife is insisting I wear a PFD 100% of the time. So I figured if I asked for one around Christmas time she couldn't say no and would have to get one, right? I'd like to get one of those ones that inflate automatically when you hit the water but the problem is I have NO idea how any of them work or things to consider when making a purchase. I am trying to keep the price at around 100 bucks and would have no problem waiting until around Black Friday. Any advice be it brands, features to make sure it had, how the inflation system works or even a specific recommendation would be great! TIA
  20. I've got the Garmin Striker 7SV unit on my boat and have the transponder mounted on the back. I find myself going fishing more and more with friends who a lot of times do not have fish finders on their boat and I've been trying to think of a way to take along mine. I couldn't imagine wanting to undo the transponder and mess with wiring each time, though. I came across what Garmin calls their portable fishing kit. Looks like it comes with a nice bag, bracket for the unit, suction-cup mount and foam float for the transducer, battery system for power, and possibly the wiring for the transponder. From what I can TELL it appears it does NOT come with the transponder, is that correct? How much would a second transponder cost? Does anyone have any experience with this setup?
  21. Forgive my ignorance but what is that for?
  22. I reached out to him but he never responded and now has marked them as sold.
  23. As others have said I'm skidish about adding another knot into the equation. Plus since a lot of my fishing is with my 8 year old son with all the attention he requires when we're on the boat stopping to tie leaders and such just sounds like a real issue.
  24. What in the world are you using a 10/0 beast hook for?
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