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Everything posted by pauldconyers

  1. My dad is wanting a portable fish finder he can use between two different boats. When I think of them I think of the Garmin STRIKER 4 Portable Fish Finder but before I purchased one for him I thought it would be smart to consider all my options. Does anyone other than Garmin make such a product that I should consider? While I am not trying to spend a lot of money on this item the Striker 4 is obviously void of a lot of features so I wondered if there was other Garmin (or other brands) I should consider. I also should probably point out he will never go ice fishing so any specs or features to do that should be ignored here. I found this other portable Garmin that I will link below (how long has this one been out?) and was wondering if anyone had thoughts on it. All I am looking for is an item that he can sit on the seat, throw the head over the side and get the basic info needed and not be on a 1 inch screen he can't see. What do you suggest? https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/garmin-striker-vivid-5cv-ice-fishing-bundle-with-gt8hw-if-transducer-and-lead-acid-battery?hvarAID=shopping_googleproductextensions&ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=Shop|BPS|TopPerformers|Boating&gclid=CjwKCAjw9e6SBhB2EiwA5myr9l4ZaMg4N85mSAvLg3z41xNU4lcxWIr35T2gphLt9oQM3bw-SM4SfBoCxWsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  2. Interested in hearing your review on these
  3. Fraud problem?
  4. I think the point is people do not know what is on that banned list
  5. Clayton, what % of the time do you find yourself taking the boat out vs the yak?
  6. Shhhhhhhh.....
  7. Well name the day and time and we will do it!
  8. I own 2 of those Curados (and 2 Curado DC) but don't know much about the 70 MGL. What can you tell me about the difference between them and the Curados? When you say more palmable is that because the physical size is smaller?
  9. This spring I bought a couple of the Bull Gills and I am trying to figure out what rod I should throw them on. When I throw treble hook baits I think about my using one of my moderate composite crank rods but it may be a bit heavy for the 7' rod and the 7'10" seems like much longer than ideal. If I want to get away from the moderate rods I have two 7'2" Exprides, one being a MH and the other a H. Which rod would you recommend I try? 12 to 16lb FC on all of them.
  10. I figured you would be weighing on this, assuming you have and use a Swank 77X. If I wanted to pick up one of the SK models for use around here to try out would you recommend the regular size that is 3.5" long and 5/6 oz or the junior that is 3" long and 1/2 oz? I would be trying it on my 7' glass crank rod with one of those Curado DC's you worked on with 12lb sniper.
  11. I'm bringing this thread back to life. Got a Bass Pro flyer in the mail today and saw this bait in there. Being a Strike King fan boy I was surprised I had not heard about it. Anyone got their hands on it yet? Any reports on it?
  12. While I am sure a lot of this answer will be personal preference but I am curious when using say a shakey head or trick worm (no matter how you rig it up) what is your mindset regarding throwing in on a spinning or bait cast set up? Are there certain techniques you just are more comfortable with one set up or the other? Is it purely a weight amount that dictates your choice?
  13. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Mustad_Wacky_O-Ring_Replacement_Pack_25pk/descpage-MWO.html
  14. That's what the name implies but from the design it did not look like that. It looks like it would do a number on a fish!
  15. Clearing out my parents garage I found my grandpa's old tackle box. Found some interesting stuff in there but I am curious about this tool. It says "Fish Gripper" on it so I originally thought something to do with hold fish but it certainly does not look like that to me. Since he had a ton of split shot weights I am wondering if this is a tool dedicated to squeezing them tightly on a fishing line. What do you think this is?
  16. Several are on the the darker the bait the more contrast and silhouette it creates train
  17. Speaking of Nichols products I have had my eye on this for a bit: https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-NICHOLSLRS.html?from=basres
  18. It is always interesting to see the difference of opinion on this topic. Some guys want to go as bright and outrageous as possible. Other the darkest option as possible. Who is to say who is right.
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