Went out to Caney Lakes lower lake side this morning around 6am. The day started out kinda slow, I was throwing a Texas rigged drop shot with a 6" Aaron's Morning Dawn Roboworm tied on and a 1/4oz drop shot sinker. Got tons of bites, but nothing doing. Had to be bream or something pecking at my bait. Some of the hits were pretty hard too. Decided to go to the pier around 9:30am. Kept throwing the drop shot, because I was determined to catch something on it. Persistence and the virtue of patience paid off as I finally caught my first bass with a drop shot. It weighed in at 1lb 1oz. After several more bites and nothing doing with it, those darn bream...lol, I decided to start chunking my munky butt 110 Whopper Plopper. Made about 4 casts before this hawg sized bass annihilated it. When I got it on the pier, I just knew I had a new PB. Put it on the scale and was surprised to see it only weighed 3lbs 6oz. I weighed it several times just to be sure. It was pretty skinny. All head and no body...lol. Didn't get a measurement, but I guesstimate around 20" or so. If it had been eating good it surely woulda been a new PB. Probably woulda weighed at least 5lbs. Oh well, it was a great day out there all by myself. Plus I didn't break any rods this time either. I learned my lesson and when I got both bass close enough to the pier, I reached out, grabbed the line and pulled them up that way. All around great day. Now it's time for a shower and play some Yahtzee with my beautiful baby Linda! ?