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Everything posted by MichaelCopeland

  1. Went out to Caney Lakes lower lake side this morning around 6am. The day started out kinda slow, I was throwing a Texas rigged drop shot with a 6" Aaron's Morning Dawn Roboworm tied on and a 1/4oz drop shot sinker. Got tons of bites, but nothing doing. Had to be bream or something pecking at my bait. Some of the hits were pretty hard too. Decided to go to the pier around 9:30am. Kept throwing the drop shot, because I was determined to catch something on it. Persistence and the virtue of patience paid off as I finally caught my first bass with a drop shot. It weighed in at 1lb 1oz. After several more bites and nothing doing with it, those darn bream...lol, I decided to start chunking my munky butt 110 Whopper Plopper. Made about 4 casts before this hawg sized bass annihilated it. When I got it on the pier, I just knew I had a new PB. Put it on the scale and was surprised to see it only weighed 3lbs 6oz. I weighed it several times just to be sure. It was pretty skinny. All head and no body...lol. Didn't get a measurement, but I guesstimate around 20" or so. If it had been eating good it surely woulda been a new PB. Probably woulda weighed at least 5lbs. Oh well, it was a great day out there all by myself. Plus I didn't break any rods this time either. I learned my lesson and when I got both bass close enough to the pier, I reached out, grabbed the line and pulled them up that way. All around great day. Now it's time for a shower and play some Yahtzee with my beautiful baby Linda! ?
  2. 30lb Sufix 832 braid has the same line diameter as 8lb mono. You can use 10lb to 30lb Sufix 832 braid on her set up. Although I'm not sure it comes in pink. ?
  3. Howdy Matthew and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  4. My beautiful baby Linda and I celebrated 4 years of being together today. Thank You Lord Jesus for her being in my life! ?
  5. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  6. Congratulations on your PB smallie! Beautiful brown bass! ?
  7. 6poundbass must be a Jedi, I see the Force is with him! ?
  8. Thank you sir! I sure do miss fishing that pond. Where I'm living in Minden, LA now there's only one pond that's a public pond and it's a hard pond to fish. There's tons of bank to fish from, but there's entirely too much vegetation in it. That may be good for the fish that's in it, bass included, but not very angler friendly. Every cast, whether fishing topwater, weightless Texas rigs or everything else in between, always reeling in some slop on it. A hollow body frog may be the only thing you can throw out there that doesn't come back like that, but I can't seem to attract any bites with it.
  9. Tell him your car broke down and you need him to take you to the tackle shop. Go in pick out a bunch of lures and baits. When you get to the checkout counter tell him you forgot your wallet and tell him you'll pay him back. Then immediately after he pays and you're out in his car, hand him the bag of lures and baits and tell him you got these for him. ?
  10. Here's a pic of granddaughter number 2. She was born today at 5:24pm. She too is in NICU. She should be out of there within the next 48 hours. She's 7lbs 4oz. Asking for more prayers for her as well. I know God has got this and I'm a proud Pawpaw of 2 new granddaughters. ??? Thank you brother and God Bless you.
  11. Here's pic of the first granddaughter that was born June 27th about 4 months premature. She only weighed 1lb 9oz at birth. Lots of prayers and the good Lord willing she is doing good. She now weighs 3lbs 1oz and getting better everyday. She'll be in NICU until some time in October. If y'all could please keep her in your prayers as there's no such thing as too many prayers. Thank y'all and God Bless y'all. ???
  12. Went down to Alexandria today for the birth of our new granddaughter and had a chance to go to Pineville and hit my old little neighborhood pond. My son still lives there and he walked with me over there. Didn't have alot of time to fish because we had to get back to the hospital for the birth. Anyhow my second cast with a 1/4oz Texas rigged 6" Yum watermelon red flake lizard landed this 1lb 4oz scorable bass. Nothing else after that though. It was nice to fish thare again and to catch a bass on top of that. Will post a pic of the grandbaby when I can. We have two grandbabies in NICU at the moment. So as soon as I can I'll post pics. ?
  13. Not a photo, but this gives a whole new meaning to the umbrella rig...lol! ?
  14. Congratulations on a nice first! ?
  15. Yesterday I went to Wally World to get a few things and as always had to go down the fishing aisle. Finally found a sunburn colored Booyah Pad Crasher to replace the one I lost months ago. Then today before I left work I picked up a natural perch Zara Spook, a pack of Strike King red skirts, a pack of Strike King black and blue skirts and a pack of Aaron's Morning Dawn Roboworms. Got the skirts to fix and experiment with the legs on my hollow body frogs. As you can see in one of the pics, I've done tricked out my sunburn colored Booyah Poppin' Pad Crasher with red legs now. ?
  16. Howdy Nolan and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  17. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  18. Howdy Red Dog and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  19. Howdy Tim and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  20. Howdy Jim and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  21. Hard to really tell from the angle. I'm guessing at least 4.5lbs. Could be as much as 5.5lbs or better. I always keep a scale handy. You never know when you might catch a new PB or even a state record for that matter. Heckuva Big Un though! Congratulations on your PB! ?
  22. Congratulations Great Grand Uncle! She's a little cutie pie! ?
  23. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  24. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  25. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
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