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Everything posted by MichaelCopeland

  1. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  2. Nothing wrong with it, although you could get reported to the Better Bassness Bureau! ?
  3. Howdy Michael and welcome to our fishing family from NW Louisiana! ?
  4. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  5. I bet that '68 Road Runner looked sweeeeeeeeeet! You got any pics?
  6. Even looks a bit like a stealth bomber/fighter with the exception of color. The wicked part, though, is when you turn the pic upside down. Looks really wicked that way.
  7. My team didn't do squat! I don't have anyone in the top 50. The closest I got was JVD in 51st place. Oh well guess there's next season. Unless somehow the tie breaker is still in effect for me. Don't think it works that way though.
  8. Nice! @Siebert Outdoors really digging the packaging! ?
  9. I would say 3lbs maybe a little less. This one I caught this past Tuesday only weighed 3lbs 6oz and the mouth and head are a bit bigger than the one in your pics. I didn't get a length on it, I actually guesstimated that, but it was every bit 20" or so. I used a scale. I recommend like @Darren. said and buy you a scale. When I finally catch my new PB I want to know what it weighed not a guesstimation of what it weighed. Still a nice bass you caught and nothing to be ashamed of. ?
  10. What are the line lb test and lure weight recommendations on the rod?
  11. Took this pic last night before going to bed. It was on the window next to the door. A wickedly cool looking big ole moth! ?
  12. Picked up just this pack of plum crazy 7.5" Culprit worms today. Payday is tomorrow so I didn't have alot to spend, plus I've been wanting to try them out. ?
  13. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! Nice bass! Don't overwhelm yourself with too many different baits. Whatever you've been throwing seems to be working. Go with that until it stops working. My suggestion would be to get you some Yum Dingers(they are half the price of Senkos and work just as good) in junebug, green pumpkin and watermelon red flake for wacky and Texas rigs, get some Zoom trick worms and Ol' Monsters same colors as Yum Dingers for Texas rigs(trick worms can be wacky rigged as well), get some VMC weedless wacky hooks in 1/O and 2/O size and some 3/O, 4/O and 5/O lightwire EWG offset Eagle Claw TroKar hooks(TroKars are a little pricey but well worth it, they are super sharp). To be able to further give suggestions, I have a question for you @HotDogAngler, what kind of rod(s) and reel(s) are you using? ?
  14. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! Thank you for your service! ?
  15. Howdy Al and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  16. Excellent write up @everythingthatswims! I had to work on the days of your tournament and missed the coverage. I did keep up, somewhat, with the posts on here about it and I was rooting for ya. You did an awesome job of figuring out things on a lake you'd never been before and only had one practice day. That says alot about your abilities and knowledge of the fish. Congratulations on a good finish even if it was 2nd place. Not too many people get the opportunity to compete in that event, much less get that far up in place. I have faith that not only will you be able to compete in another one of those before you leave WVU, but you'll also come out on top with a 1st place Championship victory! Best of luck to you in your future and one day I would like to see you competing on the pro level, if you want to that is. God Bless you brother! ?
  17. Thanks brother! It was a pretty fun day. Just wish the belly on that last one woulda went with that mouth...lol! ?
  18. Awesomeness! That bass looks like it did some of its own acrobats as well! ?
  19. Did you catch any bass as well? Looking forward to the vid of the 3' rocket! ?
  20. I would fish all the shaded bank line I could access. I don't own a boat or kayak, so it probably wouldn't be as much of it as I would like. If you have a boat or kayak, I would spend as much time out there as I could to fish all of it. That would help you learn it and find the productive spots. If I could only take one rod with me, it would be at least a MF. You can use more techniques than just finesse and throw a little heavier baits and/or use heavier weighted Texas rigs. If all you are taking is a MLF rod with you then you should probably fish more open water to prevent more hang ups and the chance for a nice fish to tangle you up in the cover and break off. If you can take 2 rods, I would take a MHF, also, in order to fish the laydowns and any other heavy cover.
  21. Yeah when I saw it come up with that big bucket mouth and chomp my 110 WP I just knew I had a new PB. The next one I catch with a mouth that big is gonna have the belly to go with it...lol! ?
  22. I thought that too, actually. The way she didn't put up any fight after annihilating my 110 WP. It was like it took everything out of her just to slam my bait. She swam off ok when I let her go though, so I don't know really.
  23. How deep is the pond? If it's not too deep, at least not too deep a little ways out from the bank, maybe you could get you some waders to see if you can get out far enough to fish the lilly pads out in the center. At least some of them. Could be a way to test your theory of the bass stacking up there. ?
  24. Thank You Lord! Thank you everyone for your prayers! She got to go home Sunday evening. She was in NICU since she was born August 16th. Her stay in there was a little longer than expected, but she's home now! ?
  25. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ? Prayers the Lord lays His healing hand on your back. ???
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