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Everything posted by MichaelCopeland

  1. Right on! Glad you got it all figured out. Nice catches too!
  2. Chalk up another one for the junebug red Ol' Monster! I know this ain't a big un, but it's a pretty bass. There's a pond about a 30-45 minute walk from where I live. I've heard there isn't any bass in it so I haven't been there but a couple times before this evening. When I was there before I had very little tackle and lures to try. Now I have a decent amount of both and since my girlfriend left for her vacation this morning and I can't drive until I get my DL back I decided I wanna fish and that pond is the closest body of water I can walk to. So I walked there. Not long after getting there a couple kids walked by and asked me if I was catching anything. I told them I just got there and haven't had any luck yet. I asked them if there were any fish in there and they replied yes. I asked if there were any bass in there and they replied yes. They also said one of them caught a 4lber not too long ago there. That put a smile on my face and gave me added confidence I would catch something. Well I did. It was only about a pound/pound and a half but it was a bass. I'll definitely be back to this pond regularly. Pics of the bass and pond below.@Glenn thank you for the video on fishing big worms. Never thought of buying any before I saw that video. Now I'm hooked on them and it seems that's all the fish are biting right now anyways. Gonna get me some Magnum Ol' Monsters too.
  3. Hello and welcome aboard!
  4. There's not one type of line, that I know of, that will give you all you want in a line. A copolymonoflourobraid would have to be invented to have all of those qualities. I mainly only use 50lb Power Pro Spectra braid it had a line diameter of 12lb mono. It's very easy to tie, it's very strong and works great for me. I haven't had any issues with visibility. If the fish see it, they don't seem to care, therefore I don't care either. The only mono I use is Berkley Trilene XT low vis green as a leader when needed.
  5. I would target them in the water...lol! Seriously though, I would look for shaded areas with points, emerged vegetation, laydown trees in the water, rip rap and/or noticeable breaklines. If you have some kind of electronics you should be able to find the submerged vegetation as well as humps, drop offs etc.
  6. All the spinning reels I have has a switch at the bottom. Switched one way it locks the spool and only allows line to be reel onto the reel spool. Switched the other way it unlocks the spool to allow a backwards spin. Check to make sure it is switched to lock the reel spool from going backwards. It's possible the tension you have on the line is counteracting the line you're trying to spool on and causing the reel spool to spin backwards as you're trying to spin it forwards. That's the only other thing I can think of that may be causing your problem.
  7. Maybe there's a problem with the reel itself. When you're reeling the line onto the reel spool does the spool move up and down? It's supposed to if it doesn't. Other than that, I have no idea what else could cause that. If I were having that issue I would take it back to where I got it and exchange for another one.
  8. That's good. You should be ok if they don't come in before then. The homemade ones do good for you and you're fine tuning them so they should work even better. Good luck on your big fishing trip!
  9. Right on. My hands do feel the sensitivity and I feel it lots more with the braided line I use. I have a Lew's Carbon Speed Stick MF spinning combo. I was under the impression, from what I've seen others post or comment on here in the past, that several factors help with sensitivity. Action, line, guides, brand, material and ones own two hands. Thanks for clearing that up about action and power being a factor.
  10. Doesn't the flexibility of a fast action also help with sensitivity?
  11. Yeah that does suck. Is there any chance they could come in before your big fishing trip?
  12. I caught my PB LMB on a weightless Texas rigged Strike King 5" Shim E Stick watermelon red black color.
  13. If I'm not mistaken the action determines the sensitivity and power determines the backbone to set a hook and pull a fish out of heavy cover. A fast action has great sensitivity, at least my Medium Fast rod does and the heavier the power the more backbone to get a harder job done. I'm still new to alot of the bass fishing, the rod powers and action and all so I may not be totally right on that though.
  14. I've heard good things about them, but I don't have any experience with them. In my opinion though, just because it doesn't work well for some doesn't mean it won't work well for you. Just in case though don't set your hopes too high. Maybe even set them fairly low that way if it works great for you it will be like a bonus. My guess would be if the homemade version was working well for you then the original should work at least as well if not better. Good luck with it!
  15. By the way @David Neil Jr. welcome aboard! ?
  16. A Booyah Pad Crasher hollow body frog. Haven't caught anything with mine yet, but I've been really close and I'm not giving up on it. Also my new favorite the Zoom Ol' Monster 10" worms. First time I used them I caught something on about the 3rd or 4th cast.
  17. Heck of a fish you got there. Congratulations on the PB! Still at my daily like limit, so I'll give you the proper likes as soon as the limit expires. ?
  18. Whether mornings, afternoons, evenings or nights things seem to turn out that way. With the exception of the sore knee and trim going out. Sorry to hear all that, hope the knee is better soon. However, I do believe a bad night fishing is better than a great night sitting home watching whatever.
  19. Sounds like you may not have enough tension on the line as you reel it in. Before I close the bail to begin reeling line on is I manually wrap the line around the reel spool very tight about 4 or 5 times in the direction it spools on and hold that tension then close the bail. Holding a good amount of tension still I begin reeling to fill the spool making sure it doesn't loosen up any in the process. I leave about an 1/8" of the spool unfilled. Hope this helps.
  20. Happy I got to go fishing. Unfortunately there was a kid's tournament going on at the time we got there. Not wanting to just drive around to another lake, only had limited time today, we stayed and tried to stay out of the kid's way. I found what you'd think was a pretty prime location from the bank to fish from. I mean the water was clear, a nice little breeze, there was a big tree laydown, I could see what appeared to be a drop off about 2 ft out from the bank and bait fish everywhere around. With all that I still got skunked today. I threw about everything I had and the only thing I could get bit on was the Ol' Monster junebug red and only the bait fish were hitting it. Tried it fast, slow and in between. Mixed up retrieves and still only bait fish hitting it. It was even fairly shady in this location. Not sure what I did wrong, if anything. Oh well it was nice being at the lake regardless.
  21. Thank you sir! Was kinda hard to get the whole fish in a selfie...lol. I let him go so he could grow up to be a big un one day. We're heading out shortly to do a little more fishing before the rain gets here again. Supposed to rain practically every day this coming week including today and tomorrow. Hope I can get a good one today maybe more. I'll be happy just being out there though.
  22. After almost 2 weeks without being able to go fishing, had about a couple hours to wet my line this evening after work. Could only go to Lake Buhlow, not exactly the best fishing there, to get my therapy in. Tried out my new Zoom Centipedes, Ultravibe Speed Worms and the Ol' Monsters. Didn't get any bites on the Centipede. Got a couple bites on the UV Speed Worms including one that snatched off more than half the worm all the way to the hook. Was using Gammy 2/O EWG offset hook. Took that off and put on a 4/O Gammy EWG offset hook and the Ol' Monster. Caught this 1lber, I know he ain't that big, but he took that big worm pretty aggressively. It was right after a little drizzle of a shower. Even though I didn't catch a big un, I was thankful to land this little guy. Any bass beats no bass any day.
  23. Hello and welcome aboard!
  24. Hello and welcome aboard Wes!
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