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Everything posted by MichaelCopeland

  1. I'll have to check out the videos when I have a little more time. Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.
  2. @Bluebasser86 can you give me a link to this post about slow rolling chatter baits around weedlines? I'd like to read it.
  3. I don't really have that problem on my jigs. I use Arkie jigs and they seem to hold a trailer pretty good, so far anyways. The only thing I have problems with the trailers on are my Z-Man chatter baits. For some reason, and I don't know why, I've bought them a couple weeks ago and each one had a bait keeper near the head. Lost those and replaced them one at a time. First one has the bait keeper but the one I just bought doesn't. It did come with an Elaztech trailer to use with it and it's kinda hard to put on and take off. Only thing about it is it's not really that effective, yet anyways, and other trailers keep sliding down after a few casts. I need to see what all kind of Elaztech trailers are available because they would definitely be the answer to that problem if they have some like I want and the bass seem to like.
  4. How are you going about the hook set? I ask because when I use Texas rigged anything I set the hook by dropping my rod tip, reel in slack and sweep hard left or right depending on my stance at the time.
  5. Where can I find his post? I'd really like to read it.
  6. Gonna have to try the slow rolling along the weedlines move with the chatter bait. I have burned them back along the weedlines and caught some usually dinks or a tad bigger. No big uns that way though. Definitely will try slow rolling them next time out.
  7. Congratulations on the home state PB! Nice big girl!
  8. I need to read up some more and watch more videos on the ned rig. I hear alot about the effectiveness of it, just haven't tried it yet. I guess mainly because I don't have the required tackle and/or lure/bait to rig it.
  9. Here lately I haven't had to really set the hook much. That's with the chatter bait mainly. The only way they seem to be wanting that is by me casting it out and burning it back. They attack it so hard that they literally set the hook themselves...lol. But like everyone else if it feels like a bite or something different happens with my line I drop my rod tip, reel the slack and cross it's eyes. Most of the time it's not a fish, but when it is a fish it gets hooked. I still miss occasionally but not near as much as I used to. Usually when I miss it's because I get that bump or tug when least expecting it and don't have enough reaction time to set the hook.
  10. Howdy and welcome aboard! ?
  11. Looks like it's a catfish or at least it has those whiskerlike things that catfish have. I agree it looks radioactive for sure...lmbo! ?
  12. Wow you're killing em from the bank! Those are some pretty big bass. What you been catching em with?
  13. Yesterday morning before work we went to Wally World and I bought a new Z-Man white chatter bait to replace the one I lost Monday. After work I went to the bigger pond by the house and the new baitcaster/white chatter bait/sprayed grass sweet beaver combo did it again. Was the only one I caught but she was in the 3lb range. Liked to never got the hook out. Had to take my pliers and crimp the barb on the hook to get it out. All is good though she swam away just fine. Loving the cooler weather. Hoping it stays like this for a while. I'm on vacation this coming week so I'll be doing a lot of fishing and hopefully a lot of posting pics as long as they're worthy. Not posting any more dinks...lol! ?
  14. Congratulations on your PB! Not sure if there are any smallies around here where I live. If there are I don't know where to find them. All the talk I hear about em on here they seem to be fun to catch though. Congratulations again! Nice bass!
  15. Hate to hear about your car. Glad you're ok though. Thank You Lord. You're right cars are replaceable and you ain't.
  16. Thanks man! I actually caught the 4lber with a weightless weedless Texas rigged red bug Ol' Monster. I did catch the 3lber with the white chatter bait. Unfortunately I lost that bait in a low hanging tree branch. That's when I called it quits for the day. What all was in the Yum box you bought? Whatever it was sounds like you're killing em too. Nice to see you doing well out there. The fall season is practically here and they're getting more active so we all should be catching bunches and big uns too. Post up that pic of the 5lb big girl and brag about it...lol! ?
  17. Howdy Andrew, welcome back and thank you for your service! ?
  18. Howdy @FritzLikesToFish and welcome aboard! ?
  19. Howdy and welcome aboard! ?
  20. They starting to get more active. Here lately the only way I've been able to catch em is either snailing an Ol' Monster back to me or burning a chatter bait back. Both ways got me two big uns yesterday. Heckuva catch and on your last cast at that. Nice! Bass! Congratulations on your PB and first bass caught off your new to you bass boat! ?
  21. These articles have helped me tremendously. Still have more to read and learn though. Howdy and welcome aboard! ? I don't use any weight when I throw a Texas rig. I believe it allows for a more natural presentation. I also fish them pretty slow almost snail slow. I don't drag them or hop them or anything like that. I just very slowly reel them in. Of course that's with u tail worms and Ol' Monster worms. For me that technique works really well. When they don't want it slow, I throw a chatter bait out there. Ol' Monsters and chatter baits have been working pretty well for me lately. Lots of great advice in these forums and in the articles section. Read up and learn as much as you can and go out an experiment. Good luck on finding what's right for you.
  22. Awesomeness! Heckuva catch! Congratulations to your wife on her PB and winning the big fish of the tournament also! ?
  23. I lost my white chatter bait just a little while ago to a low hanging tree branch that I was trying to cast on the edge of. Lost the battle and had to cut it off. Oh well the main reason for this post is before I lost my chatter bait I finally got me a big un(a big un to me). My new PB! This girl is every bit of 4lbs. Was alot heavier than the one I caught earlier. She put up a bit of a fight but I got her in. Caught her on the red bug Ol' Monster out in the middle of the sunlit smaller pond here by the house. Glad I decided to cast out there. My original PB was 2+lbs and today I broke that twice! What an awesome day this has been! ?
  24. Howdy and welcome aboard! ?
  25. Another one for the baitcaster/white chatter bait/sprayed grass sweet beaver combo. Could be my new PB. Didn't have a scale but it felt bigger than any of the other bass I've caught. I'm guessing 3lbs.
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