I've only been bass fishing since late March early April of 2017. I've had more 5 to 8 hour days of getting completely skunked than I can count on my fingers and toes combined. In fact, I only get to go fishing when my girlfriend will actually take me unless there's a pond close enough for me to walk to, which I was fortunate to have that for a few months before I had to move. I'm limited to fishing from the bank, so most bodies of water I get to go to have hardly any accessible bank to fish from. I've only been able to get out on a boat 3 times since I began bass fishing. However, with all my limitations, I was determined I was gonna catch some bass. I didn't give up. I asked questions on here and got good answers from the awesome folks on here. I've read alot of the articles on here to help give me some insight on what to look for to find the bass and why I should look for those areas. I read books for the same reasons. Of course all of that had to be practiced out on the water. I practiced, practiced, practiced every chance I got. Some days I didn't catch anything, some days I only caught dinks or just 1 bass, some days a mix of dinks and keepers and some days a mix of dinks, keepers and an occasional hawg. Myself, I'm in search of big bass, monster bass, trophy bass whatever you wanna call them. I still get completely skunked often, but I do expect it considering what I'm targeting. The reason I fish is for the peacefulness and beauty of the outdoors, the scenery God created for us. I fish because I feel free of almost every burden in my life. I used to get very upset when I got skunked. Now I feel Blessed for the time I get to spend out there and if I catch a dink or a keeper size or a hawg, well that is a bonus. I still have limitations for when I can go fishing and how much bank there is to fish from, but the wait on being able to get there is the only part that sucks. When I get out there, it's total bliss! Have faith, be patient and be confident when you're out there. Try different things until you find what works for you and stay with it until you have to change things up again. Then repeat the process. I wish you the very best of luck and I hope you don't give up. God Bless! ?