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Everything posted by MichaelCopeland

  1. Howdy Alex and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  2. Howdy Bobby and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  3. Howdy Brandon and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  4. Howdy Kevin and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  5. Howdy Rob and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  6. My beautiful baby Linda! I love her bunches! ?
  7. Well I tested my scale and it was accurate on the weight of the 4lb bag of sugar. Thanks @JustJames for the encouragement and positive thoughts. I, too, believe it's coming soon. ?
  8. I'm gonna test my scale out today on something that won't be flopping around. My girlfriend suggested to put a full thing of sugar in a bag and weigh it. Should weigh to within +5 or -5 grams of the actual weight of 4lb bag of sugar. Thanks! Cool thing is is there's more that size and even bigger out there. Sucky thing is that area is only opened through Labor Day weekend. Just gonna have to get out there as much as I can before it's closed til next Memorial Day weekend. ?
  9. Not sure about pc or mac photos, but I use the Image Shrink Lite app on my phone for uploading pics here. Works great for me. Prespawn all the way til a little ways into fall the chatterbait is a good choice. My go to bait in almost every situation. I just love it. ?
  10. If that's what's working, no need to change until it stops working. When it stops working fish a chatterbait(3/8-1/2oz in forage colors). It just works. Nobody can tell me not to throw a chatterbait...lol! This time of year especially! ?
  11. Where I was yesterday had lots of thick underwater vegetation. I tried topwater first and only one fish was kinda interested as in it didn't make the greatest effort to get the Prop Frog. Was a killer wake though. Started throwing my trusty 1/2oz breaking bream Project Z chatterbait with a green pumpkin Rage Craw trailer and almost immediately started getting good interest. Fishing it just above the thickness below and popping it up towards the surface. Water was clear enough for me to see about 2 to 3 feet deep or better. Anyways I tried fishing in the thickness without any success. So I went back to the chatterbait fishing it like I was before and this hawg annihilated it. Don't get frustrated if you can't fish what you want to in that situation. Throw a chatterbait in a color that matches the hatch in your area and call them up from within the thickness. It worked for me and I'm sure it could work for you as well. ?
  12. Yeah I wish I'd had time to weigh her again. My first thought before ever putting her on the scale was a new PB about 5lbs worth. Was pretty surprised to see 3lb 4oz on the scale. As far as calling her 5.5lbs, I'd love to, but without an accurate reading I'll just call it a tie with my PB. Don't want to cheat for a new one...lol. ?
  13. Howdy Eric and welcome to our fishing family! I use the Image Shrink Lite app for uploading photos. It's pretty easy to use from my phone. ?
  14. Howdy @JLewis134 and welcome to our fishing family! This forum has lots of great advice and information. I've learned bunches so far and there's still tons more to learn. ?
  15. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  16. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  17. Howdy from NW Louisiana and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  18. Howdy Brian and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  19. Also for that inbetween thump and flash you can use Indiana blades. Same idea as Colorado blades only smaller and a little less thump.
  20. Not sure about needing a new scale, but I probably shoulda weighed her again. She was feisty and kept flopping out of my hand. She also did that while weighing her, so it's probably not truly accurate. I didn't want to keep her out of the water any longer than I already had so I didn't weigh her again. Didn't get any measurements unfortunately. Forgot I had a measuring tape til after I'd already released her.
  21. My son, John-Allen, when he was 3 years old. He's 19 now and doing pretty good for himself. I'm one proud daddy!
  22. Day use area opened up this Memorial Day weekend at Caney Lakes lower lake side in Minden, La. I had to work all weekend and Memorial Day so I got up early and was there by just a little after 6am this morning. Tried my new Prop Frogs but nothing really showed interest in them. That's when I started chunking my trusty ole 1/2oz breaking bream Project Z with a green pumpkin Rage Craw trailer. About 3 or 4 casts later it got smoked by an approximately pound or pound and a half bass(not pictured because it shook off my bait before I could unhook it myself and it hit the pier and flopped back into the lake). Got a few more bites but nothing committing so I tried some other baits. Nothing doing with them after about 2 hours of trying different ones. Went back to my all time fave 1/2oz breaking bream Project Z same trailer and a few casts later this 3lb 4oz hawg annihilated my chatterbait. She gave a little bit of a fight but I got her in fairly quick. Pulled her through the tall weeds on the shoreline and was raising my rod up to grab the line to unhook her when my favorite rod snapped about a foot from the tip. Oh I was so frustrated with that. I'm back to just a spinning and a baitcaster arsenal at the moment but at least this big girl didn't get away. Finally inching closer to a new PB and I believe it can happen in this part of the lake. There was lots of big splashing going on and I saw a few big bass in there. Soooooooo can't wait to go there again. Think I've finally found a good spot. Just sucks it's only opened from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. I'll just have to go there as often as I can in that time frame. ?
  23. In my opinion, one without the other is pretty useless. If I had the money to have spare anything, it would be complete combos of what I needed for whatever situation I faced. If I had the time I'd like to have to fish, then I might have an extra reel or rod to experiment some. Nothing against those who would do it differently. I'm a firm believer in fishing with what I feel comfortable with and you should too. However I or you choose to do it. In the end, it's the fisherman that catches the fish, not necessarily the gear(although gear helps). ?
  24. I need to be fishing where you are. Nice bass! ?
  25. Bought the Texas toad colored Lunkerhunt Prop Frog today. Now I've got a white one and a black one. Just waiting to get to try them out now. ?
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