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Everything posted by MichaelCopeland

  1. Thanks for the info. I thought about using it for hollow body frogs. Since I already have it rigged for a bladed jig, I'm gonna see how well that works. If it's not that great, I'll give the frog a shot. Being mostly a bank beater, I don't come across enough heavy vegetation for punching. Thanks again.
  2. I see the Core Tackle T.U.S.H. package. Those are the only swimbait hooks I use now. Love them. I mainly use the 1/4oz 2/O and 4/O sizes. Paired with Crush City The Mayor swimbaits 2/O for the 3" and 4/O for the 4". Great action. I have gotten more bites with that setup than any other. The T.U.S.H. work great with Strike King Rage Swimmers, Kietech Fat Impact Swings and Reaction Innovations Skinny Dippers. If you haven't used those swimbait hooks before, I think you're gonna really like them.
  3. I just recently acquired an EXH Moderate Fast rod. Not really sure what this type of rod is best suited for. As of now I have it rigged up with 17lb Big Game fluorocarbon(good line for the price) with a bladed jig tied on. However, that could change. Any recommendations?
  4. Patience did win for sure that day. I've been more calm and positive thinking these days while out fishing. If I get frustrated, it's due to unusually bad backlash or way too many snags. I don't even get frustrated when I get skunked. So far I've been catching more than getting skunked. I've been out about 10 times this year and caught a bass or two on 6 or 7 of those outings. I owe it to the Good Lord for giving me the patience, peace of mind and being able to use the knowledge I have in accomplishing that. Thank you sir! Continued good fishing to you and everyone as well. May we all catch a new PB this year and every year for here on out.
  5. Been doing good. Just working hard and doing some fishing every chance I get. There's nobody around when I catch them usually. I have a forward facing camera on my phone and take selfies. They may not always turn out the best, but at least I get the documentation of it. You will. I have faith. Never give up, especially this time of year. Maybe one day I'll be able to make it out that way. It would be awesome to hook up with you and do some fishing, 10lbers or not.
  6. Thank you sir! It's nice to finally make it to the 7lb club. Next goal is the trophy club 10lbs or better. You know my last PB 4lbs 8oz was caught with the Rayburn red craw Booyah One Knocker that you sent me last year. Was actually the first time I used it. Haven't really thrown alot of crankbaits, lipless or otherwise. That's changed now that I've built some confidence in them. Thank you sir! I'll definitely never forget it, even if/when I beat it.
  7. Thank you sir! Gotta go get ready for work now. Have a Blessed day my friend!
  8. Thanks man! I've only caught 7 so far this year and 2lbs 6oz is the smallest. I've caught a 4lb 8oz, 3lb, 2lb 6oz, 2lb 9oz, 2lb 11oz, 2lb 13oz and a 7lb 4oz. It's been a pretty good year thus far. Gonna try my luck at Caney Lakes in Minden on my next day off. Heard some good ones have been coming out of there lately. Thank you sir! Yes that's what I'm fixing to do now.
  9. This past Tuesday, my day off, I walked down to the bayou up the street. Got there approximately 11:20am. Started out throwing lipless crankbaits, a couple different colors. No takers. So I decided to throw two different jigs, a 1/2oz football and a 1/4oz bitsy flipping jig. No takers. I varied the cadences and all, still nothing. Turned to my spinning gear and throwing Rage Bugs, Max Scent version of the Rage Bug, Ol' Monsters, Senko style worms all Texas rigged weightless and even tried a wacky rig with the Senko styles. Nothing. So I changed back and forth between those baits, because that's all I really brought with me. Trying to simplify things more than I have been. Still nothing doing. I looked at my phone to check the time and it was 7:25pm. I decided to Texas rig a blacklight Zoom Z Craw on my spinning gear weightless and make a few more casts before heading home. 3 casts later this massive 7lb 4oz big momma bit. I set the hook and was like cool I'm not gonna get skunked and it's a decent fish. As I reeled her in, the closer she got to me she decided to make a last effort lunge away from me. That's when I felt the true weight and knew I had a big un on. Got her to the bank and tried lifting her up to me, rod bending over pretty good. Didn't want to break my rod, I landed her on the bank just out of the water. The bank was still a little muddy and slick from all the rain we'd had up to that point, but I had to get her in my hands for weight, pics and all. I eased down, so not to slip into the water and I grabbed her by the bottom lip and hoisted her up. I was hooping and hollering "Thank You Jesus!" Got my weight, pics and all, released her and tried a few more casts. Nothing else and it was getting pretty dark so I headed to the house. Wasn't the day for quantity, but was an awesome day for quality. The only bite I got, but was the best bite I've had(basswise) in a long time. I can feel it now. It's not gonna be long til I get that trophy bass! Sorry I'm not on here much, been trying to put all the great info I've gotten from here to use and I've gotten to get out more than normal to fish. Thank y'all for everything y'all taught me and I'm passing it along to my customers at work. God Bless you all and I love you all! Have a very Blessed day! ????
  10. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  11. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  12. Hola and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  13. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  14. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  15. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  16. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  17. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  18. Howdy Clark and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  19. Howdy and welcome to our fishing family! ?
  20. Howdy Dustin and welcome to our fishing family! I'm in Shreveport, LA. ?
  21. It's been a while since I've really posted on here. Sorry bout that, been pretty busy at work and haven't done much fishing since about the end of October beginning of November. Tuesday, February 5, 2019, I finally caught my new PB of 4lbs 8oz! Caught her in a most unlikely place, the bayou about a 30-45 minute walk from my house. At least for the past year I thought anyways. I'd never caught a bass there. Y'all may remember the 2lb 4oz crappie I posted about a year ago I caught there. Well Tuesday I refused to believe there was no bass in there. I was right. Within my first 10 casts, with a Rayburn red craw colored 1/2oz Booyah One Knocker it was on. She didn't put up much of a fight. After a few more casts, I hit the bridge piling with my crankbait and broke the back treble hook off. So I started using a few other baits I had brought with me. Nothing doing for about 4 hours. Then I went back to the same spot I caught my new PB, put a new treble hook on that One Knocker. Within 3-4 casts, my crankbait banked off the bridge piling and as soon as it hit the water my second bass was on to the tune of 3lbs even. Apparently there is bass in there and I'm guessing only big uns. I believe if there were small ones in there they would have bit pretty much anything I threw. Gonna get back there as soon as I can, cause I refuse to believe that 4lbs 8oz is the biggest one in there. 2019 started out great for me, basswise anyways! Miss y'all and God Bless! ??
  22. I'm in. I picked all Louisiana boys just to see what happens.
  23. Prayers sent ???! God Bless y'all and Merry Christmas!
  24. Even if it were New Tires Lunch Plates, I'm not ordering one...lol! ?
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