Hi, all.
Joined up today as part of my fishing revival. I'm in my early 40s and been fishing since I could sling my Zebco 33 for bluegill, bass, catfish, walleye etc. and I even had an active fly fishing period for a while since I live in the midst of some fantastic trout waters. I had a several-year hiatus while I did some other stuff like helping with young kiddos. Now that my kids are getting older and sometimes even want to join me at the water, I'm finding I can get out and fish a little. I fish mainly from a kayak, but occasionally drown worms from the bank with my 7yo daughter which, as it turns out, is great fun still.
This site has been a great resource as I get a feel for what's changed in the last few years. I just picked up a new baitcaster, A BP Pro Qualifier 2 (My first BC) and am researching what I'm going to mount it on and spool it with. So back into the pages I go. Just wanted to say hello and thanks for all the help already and the tons of assistance I'm sure is coming soon.