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Everything posted by Johnbt

  1. If you are referring to a home equity loan or line of credit, a bass boat doesn't qualify. Maybe in 2025 it will, unless they extend the current regs. www.irs.gov/faqs/itemized-deductions-standard-deduction/real-estate-taxes-mortgage-interest-points-other-property-expenses/real-estate-taxes-mortgage-interest-points-other-property-expenses-2 "For tax years 2018 through 2025, if home equity loans or lines of credit secured by your main home or second home are used to buy, build, or substantially improve the residence, interest you pay on the borrowed funds is classified as home acquisition debt and may be deductible, subject to certain dollar limitations. However, interest on the same debt used to pay personal living expenses, such as credit card debts, is not deductible." For tax years before 2018 and after 2025, for home equity loans or lines of credit secured by your main home or second home, interest you pay on the borrowed funds may be deductible, subject to certain dollar limitations, regardless of how you use the loan proceeds."
  2. "If I could only fish ONE flat-sided crank, it would be the 6th Sense Crush Flat 75X Crankbait in Baby Bluegill." I have 5 or 6 in different colors and have had pretty good success with them, but I don't have that color. "On sale at TW right now $6.98" Sure enough. And then I did the mailing list members only sale thingy and got 20% more off. Had to get a couple for my friends at that price. 6th Sense Crush Flat 75X Baby Bluegill x 4 $22.32 $5.58 ea. (And some other stuff to get free shipping. Mostly Nichols and Terminator spinnerbaits.) _____________ Edited to add: The 6th Sense site does not show a 75x in Baby Bluegill. Must be discontinued. https://6thsensefishing.com/products/crush-series-baby-bluegill
  3. "I'm curious why no one is using the Meiho tackle box in the US. " They appear to be very nice. This is the first I've heard of them.
  4. "I believe that you are right about sales being flat due to the economy." The economy and much higher prices on many things I've looked for. No wonder so many of the vendors aren't restocking. I recently rearranged my tackle storage and needed a few more Plano (a Pure Fishing company) 3670 CUSTOM DIVIDER boxes. I thought they'd be more than $8.99 due to inflation, but everywhere I looked they were $14.99 (@TW and Tackle Direct), $16.99 (@Amazon), and $12.99 lots of places that were and still are OUT OF STOCK. It's sort of sad seeing some Wall Street types once again spending a lot of money, not making enough to stay afloat, and have to scramble to find a new leader to bail them out somehow while they refinance debt and try to stay out of bankruptcy. And we get higher prices. You would think they could make some big bucks from their high prices, but then again they have executive salaries and benefits to cover, and the interest payments on all those big loans. After 60 years of investing I have to admit that most of the bigwigs aren't as smart as I would like them to be or as smart as they think they are. It's hard to pick the winners from the losers. __________ Not fishing related, but a prime example of how being smart and well educated isn't always good enough. Good reading if you like the topic. Anyone familiar with the rise and fall of Long Term Capital Management? They were among the best and the brightest and they collapsed and nearly took the country down with them. www.businessinsider.com/the-fall-of-long-term-capital-management-2014-7 "Twenty years ago, one bond-trading hedge fund grew from launch to over $100 billion in assets in less than three years. It saw yearly returns of over 40 percent. It was run by finance veterans, PhDs, professors, and two Nobel Prize winners. Everyone on Wall Street wanted a piece of their profits." There is a wonderful book about them. www.amazon.com/When-Genius-Failed-Long-Term-Management/dp/0375758259 "Praise for When Genius Failed: <great title btw> “[Roger] Lowenstein has written a squalid and fascinating tale of world-class greed and, above all, hubris.”—BusinessWeek “Compelling . . . The fund was long cloaked in secrecy, making the story of its rise . . . and its ultimate destruction that much more fascinating.”—The Washington Post “Story-telling journalism at its best.”—The Economist" ________ Warren Buffett's involvement in the bail-out and his lessons learned. His offer was turned down. https://novelinvestor.com/buffetts-lessons-long-term-capital-management/ "The whole Long Term Capital Management – I hope most of you are familiar with it – the whole story is really fascinating because if you take John Meriwether, Eric Rosenfeld, Larry Hillenbrand, Greg Hawkins, Victor Haghani, the two Nobel prize winners Merton Scholes… If you take the 16 of them, they probably have as high an average IQ as any 16 people working together in one business in the country, including Microsoft or where ever you want to name. So an incredible amount of intellect in that room. Now you combine that with the fact that those 16 had had extensive experience in the field they were operating in. These were not a bunch of guys who had made their money, you know, selling men’s clothing and all of a sudden went into the securities business. They had in aggregate, the 16, probably had 350 or 400 years of experience doing exactly what they were doing. And then you throw in the third factor that most of them had virtually all their very substantial net worths in the business. So they had their own money up. Hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars of their own money up, super high intellect, working in a field they knew, and essentially they went broke. That to me is absolutely fascinating."
  5. Tupperware works, so do plastic Coke bottles, but now I use Arctic Ice packs in multiple sizes. They are expensive, but so buying ice every day.
  6. I think they are already in charge. At least I didn't order one of every color, but I did double up on some of them.
  7. I have a lifetime VA freshwater and saltwater license. The price decreases with age starting at $265 for 44 and under. At 65 or older it's $25 for fresh and $5 more for salt. https://dwr.virginia.gov/wp-content/uploads/media/lifetime-license-application-resident.pdf
  8. https://frabill.com/products/telescoping-lure-retriever-9865?variant=40020426522833 "The heavy-duty Cam-Lok™ design allows you to extend the handle up to 15 feet, then locks in place for a sturdy hold. Leave no lure left behind." It doesn't take very many $6 spinnerbaits and $8 crankbaits to break even.
  9. I have always loved spending money.
  10. I still can't believe they stuffed this bag to bursting and nothing was crushed or even cracked.
  11. We had snow on the ground and cars in Varina the other night along with 3.7" of rain in the gauge. This is a mile or so from the Henrico County boat landing on the James below Richmond. I've seen one truck recently pulling a boat down Osborne in the direction of the ramps. It was 25*F this morning when I walked the dog. The Parade of LIghts was Saturday night after the toy parade.
  12. The package came !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our regular carrier drove down the driveway at 9:45 p.m. in her little Grumman LLV truck. I had the Christmas lights still on and three lights on the front of the garage. They had originally loaded it for her to the roof with packages ON TOP OF THE TRAYS OF LETTERS. She said she couldn't see to drive for the first hour. 10 p.m. and she was just getting down to the letter trays. No wonder everybody in the area had empty mailboxes today. But she was cheerful as usual. Maybe I'll get around to some lure pics later. 40 lures in a white ULINE bag - a Bubble Mailer #7.
  13. Long casts? They're the ones up on the bank or above the bank in a tree. I set up and adjust my rod-reel combos in the back yard at 30 to 45 yards depending on the combo. On the water I let the trolling motor do the hard work, or let the wind blow me in closer.
  14. Want to see the pics of my 40-some new topwater baits and floating worms and stuff? Yeah, me too if the post office ever gets it here. Don't use the USPS to ship anything to Richmond VA. ____________ Am I allowed to recount my experience with the local Sorting and Distribution Center? On 11/26 I ordered an expensive mess of topwater baits, some for Christmas presents. They printed the mailing label the next day and it shipped. Being free shipping from the west coast, it came all the way across the country by truck. I have USPS tracking on it. On Sunday morning 12/3 at 5:49 a.m. it scanned into the Richmond VA Sorting and Distribution Center (one of 20 in the country I'm told.) It took a week, that's about right. Of course tracking was still saying the expected delivery was Saturday 12/2. Then for four or five days I got a tracking text at 6:45 p.m. or so that it was on the way to the 'final destination', aka the local post office. (The Distribution Center is on the east side the Richmond airport and our local post office is 7 miles away on the west side of the airport.) We're maybe 10 miles south of the airport. On Thursday 12/7 I did an on line request to have the USPS look into it. Not a formal complaint, just the form on the request page to give them a chance. The nightly texts stopped. Yesterday 12/10 just before 1 p.m. I got a text that it would/should be delivered today between 4 and 8 p.m. We will see. Did I mention that the Richmond Distribution Center has been front page news around here, everybody either has a complaint or has a neighbor with a complaint. (And why has our mail been delivered between 8 pm and 10 pm for weeks on end? Some areas haven't received any mail for 2 or 3 weeks fwiw. The City's Commonwealth's Attorney had a town hall date and time scheduled with USPS for a week and the last day the USPS backed out. USPS finally met with various people including representatives of our two U.S. senators. The head guy said he'd have it fixed by Thursday, but didn't say which Thursday.
  15. I have a Harbor Freight 40" aluminum ruler screwed to the deck. I think it was $2.99 in 2014. $4.99 www.harborfreight.com/40-in-aluminum-ruler-69366.html I keep these Home Depot paint stirrers handy for friends who are having a bad day.
  16. Now I know why the two Plano 3670 custom divider boxes I just ordered have about doubled in price since the last time I bought some. I think maybe PF paid too much for Plano in 2021. Oh well, they didn't cost nearly as much as the 40 topwater baits that were on sale elsewhere.
  17. Donation made. Do me a favor and don't include me in the drawing. I'm an old retired guy with too much stuff to lug around already and more due to be delivered by 9 tomorrow night.
  18. "We all used to carry around a baby food jar for cig butts. " I was going to say beer cans.
  19. I could have had a free 150 a couple of years ago. A boat was dumped on the side of the road near me a couple of miles from the Osborne Boat Landing on the James River.
  20. My wife keeps a spray bottle of SHOUT laundry stain remover on the shelf above the washer. It says to presoak for 1 to 5 minutes. We've done everything from no presoak to overnight and it always works. We have a dog and two grandsons under 7, too. I used to use all of the other methods. A 22-ounce SHOUT is only $4.08 at Lowe's.
  21. trigon, trigonon, Greek. Maybe they liked the DC Universe demon connection. The DC Universe is hugely popular if you believe the movie tickets sales numbers, although completely after my time - I stopped reading comic books in the late '50s and they didn't name the company DC Comics until 1977.
  22. Ancor, as well as others, makes step-down, adhesive lined, heat shrink butt connectors. A 22 or 18 ga wire can be stripped and doubled or tripled over before insertion and crimping. The wire insulation goes inside the butt connection so when you hit it with heat the adhesive glues the butt connector to the wire insulation and provides a waterproof mechanical connection. One example: (I don't have time to search for all the options because our dog has a vet appt.) Heat Shrink Butt Connector, Step-Down, 16-14/16-10, 25pc Part # 320225 Ancor's new assortment of adhesive lined heat shrink butt connectors can be used as a step-down from one gauge size to another _______________ I've used these kinds of butt connectors for more than a decade and never had one come loose or lose a connection. If you're a belt and suspenders kind of person you can get some adhesive lined heat shrink tubing at Harbor Freight, Lowe's or West Marine and cover the entire thing. Or just buy a bottle of liquid electrical tape and paint it on.
  23. But why did they name it after a supervillain Demon that was introduced by DC Comics in 1980 and 1981? "Trigon is a supervillain appearing in media published by DC Comics. He is one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe, having enslaved many worlds and dimensions."
  24. "And the app sells your fishing stats to the highest bidder " Including the precise coordinates of the little cove that holds all of the big fish?
  25. I have always worn polarized sunglasses, at least since the '60s anyway when I could afford them. www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/sunglasses-and-your-eyes#:~:text=Can%20wearing%20sunglasses%20damage%20your,UV%20to%20access%20the%20eye Short version. Cheap sunglasses can damage your eyes. Sunglasses need to protect against all the UV light, not just certain frequencies. Get them to fit properly, too. "Can wearing sunglasses damage your eyes? Sunglasses are bad for your eyes if they are used the wrong way or do not block UV. Eyes adapt to ambient light, and pupils dilate when light is dim or you’re wearing dark sunglasses. That creates a bigger area for UV to access the eye. If the lenses are simply colored and do not block UV, you’re opened up to eye damage."
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