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About fisherboy

  • Birthday 05/30/1990

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    rhome texas

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  1. well we caught a 7.5 out of this one. and been roken off twice by somethin huge. sorry yall dont like the white backround. when theres atleast 7-8 pounders in such a small body of water id rasther not risk it. but tightlines and have a great day!
  2. thanks, but i hardly ever blur out any pics but this is a small pond (3-4) acres with many big bass and if someone near me recognized it and told someone who told someone...etc. no more fishin hole.
  3. oh heres the big one. looks a little bigger than 5 now that i get it off the phone?
  4. hey all, i havnt posted here in forever....2nd time fishin in the last couple months and i think the rust is almost gone :)we went out to a new spot and i caught 4. lost 3 or 4 more. 5 lb's 4 lbs 3.5 and a smaller one without a pic. buddy caught one and lost about 3 to. good morning. now if only i could get that hookset back so i stop loosin em! ive got a month to land a DD before i move. if anyone can help it would be greatly apreciated ps- sorry about the white backround. wanna keep this new spot secret for a little while
  5. looks like she slept around to much.... that makes me not want to eat fish haha
  6. for me. rattle traps. havnt caught s&^t with em
  7. well ive only tried a bass assasin fluke once before and had bad luck getting any kind of action. so i decided to buy the actual zoom brand fluke and it had really good action. this was the only guy i caught but i only had 30 min. im just glad to have a new bait im comfortable throwing whenever now
  8. decatur in what state? texas by any chance
  9. cabelas brand has some strrrong garlic worms. left a bag open in the back of my car and a couple hours later the car smelt so strong
  10. how close to the top is it? you can roll a spinner bait just on top of it. ive also been doing god with very shallow diving cranks
  11. fish chris. will you be my yoda? im in cali atleast 2-3 times a year teach me your big bass ways
  12. hey. a 23 year old can be in her youth! im takin an 18 year old if that counts? im only 17 though
  13. if you have a basspro around this is a great combo. only 150 bucks to. 8 bearing reel. a friend bought one and its perfect. casts a mile to. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_90575_100003001_100000000_100003000_100-3-1
  14. looks like buzzbait heaven to me. ive got a bunch of fish on a spro frog in open water over weeds like that. maybe a really shallow diving crankbait to.
  15. i was just using a small yellow wet fly. ive got alot more flies now and hope to get into some big boys soon
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