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Everything posted by SuperCorona

  1. I used to live on a golf course in the Kansas City area and there was a nice pond within 200 yds. One mild winter there were 2 geese that stopped at the pond and stayed. My neighbor thought it would be a good idea to start feeding them. Every night he'd get home from work, walk down to the pond and dump out a pile of corn for them. It didn't take long for them to be waiting for him in his backyard, which he thought was pretty cool. Within 3 years there were 50+ geese in his backyard every afternoon and he was asking me how to get rid of them. I laughed until they started spilling their guts in my yard and terrorizing my almost blind Sheltie. I started shooting my pellet rifle at them as they marched up the hill from the pond. The golf course maintenance guys would do their best to scare them off with flash bangs, wolf decoys, etc. Nothing ever got rid of them.
  2. No kissing but I do pat them on the butt on their way out the door.
  3. I've spent most of the summer teaching my wife how to fish a t-rig Trick worm. At first she was gut hooking just about everyone because she felt like she had to tell me that something just tapped her worm a couple times. After telling her to set the hook instead of first relating her experiences, she's been getting better hook sets in the mouth and rarely loses a fish. I can't tell you how many she's missed because she's bad about staying in contact with the bait.
  4. I had the same thing happen with a 11 lb blue a week ago. I pitched a copperteuse big TRD across some hydrilla. Immediately I felt the weight and it went straight down. Thought it was a nice bass burying itself in the weeds. I trolled over the hydrilla, right on top of it. That woke it up and the fight was on. I was using 15 lb braid with 8 lb fluorocarbon leader. All the possible weak points ran through my mind as I was fighting this beast. Finally the big cat rolled to the surface and I got half of him in the net. I'm not a big cat fisherman but that was fun.
  5. This one of my then month old grandson is my current favorite.
  6. When we first moved to SC about 7 yrs ago I fished a little pond on the property almost every day for 2 years. The only days I'd miss would be a couple Friday/Saturdays a month when we were at a BBQ competition. Now that we have a boat, my wife and I average 2 times a week and I get out at least another time by myself or with my son. Next week we're headed to my sister-in-law's place outside Warrenton GA. Her neighbor maintains a very nice trophy pond that we can fish. I hope to get in 5 or 6 days uninterrupted.
  7. Earlier this year an older(older than me and I'm 63) gentleman shared a good spot and technique with me on a lake that my wife and I were getting skunked more often than not. Using that info, I was able to locate several other similar spots on the lake that produced good results. Now I've shared those new spots with a couple of others. As far as being a jerk goes... Am I a jerk for telling a ramp hog he should have prepped his boat up in the parking lot before clogging things up at the water? These guys that roll into the lot, immediately back down the ramp and then take 10-15 minutes to get their boat ready to launch really get my blood boiling. I'm on and off the ramp in less than 3 minutes when I'm by myself, so it sets me off when some inconsiderate clown does this. Here's something you don't see every day. "Admiral Halsey" launched his boat "THE BOSS" and then discovered he had a dead battery. The truck was there to jump start the boat. There were 6 boats waiting.
  8. My first topwater catch, a big bluegill, was on a Hula Popper at Beaver Lake about 50 yrs ago. I think it is what really got me excited about fishing. That said, I haven't used one in 30 yrs.
  9. Are you using a heavy cover flippin hook and a snell knot? That combination will improve your hook ups 100%. My rod of choice is a Lew's 7'6 TP-1 Speed Stick, right around a C note.
  10. Water temp in the Cooper River has been 75-76 the last 10 days so it's coming down slowly. Went to Goose Creek Res on Wed for the first time since Irma and temp is still mid 80s. I did have a decent day fishing nose-hooked trick worms and 4" senko t-rig around the edges of the pads. My wife caught her first plastic worm bass!
  11. I joined the BR Crew late, but had a lot of fun. I'll be in from the start next time. Thanks @massbassin508!
  12. Years ago we were crappie fishing off a dock at Lake Buchanan. Guy on one corner pulls up his fish basket to drop another slab in and there was a big fat cottonmouth in the basket. The snake couldn't get out and nobody was willing to try to get him out. I think the guy cut the string and let the basket sink to the bottom.
  13. This morning my wife and I get out after a hectic weekend. Beautiful morning, we launch with no problem. Dumb thing #1: I had already stuck the 8.5' spike into the Micro anchor and with the tide getting higher we only had about 8' of clearance under a bridge. Nothing broken thank goodness. Dumb thing #2: We get to a bend in the creek that looks promising so I deploy the TM. I step on the pedal and nothing happens. I made sure the power cable was plugged in. I checked the fuse block. I made sure the prop hadn't fallen off. By now we had drifted into a pad field. Just as I was about to go ape ****, I reached down and hit the switch on the side of the pedal and turned it on. My wife just shook her head and laughed.
  14. I can tell if it's a mudfish, right after it breaks off.
  15. I know that problem all too well. Yesterday my son and I were frog fishing and I had warned him about little gators chasing. He makes a pretty good cast and a little gator goes after it. He casts again and as the gator starts after the frog I cast my frog about 10 feet behind him. The gator stops and looks at my frog. My son starts his retrieve again and the gator looks back at his frog. He stopped his retrieve and I started mine. The little gator's head was on a swivel and he didn't know which one to chase. It was pretty funny to watch.
  16. I started to trade Palinuik for Feider at the last minute, but went with my initial gut feeling (dart throw).
  17. @Koz I know what you mean about the gators. Even fishing from a boat they are not as spooked as they used to be. One of the lakes I fish in the Charleston area, Goose Creek Reservoir, is where the city dumps nuisance gators. I wouldn't do any bank fishing at night there. They love my frogs and will chase them through the grass. Obviously that kills the fishing in that spot. I'd be glad to take you and your son out in my little Tracker boat anytime you want to come up here. We can fish GCR, Cooper River or Santee Cooper.
  18. Here's my guys with yesterday's results. I'm reasonably happy so far. Group Angler Place Points A Brandon Palaniuk 47 180 B Aaron Martens 9 262 C Jonathon VanDam 16 243 D Brett Hite 108 59 E Takahiro Omori 21 230
  19. I've tried that. It only works a few days a month.
  20. Mowed yards and worked on the golf course behind our house. I'd fish in the creeks and pond on the course after the last golfers finished up. I set up my sister and one of her friends in the used golf ball business. All the balls I'd find in the woods, rough and water were cleaned up and given to them to sell. All was good until the pro shop got wind of it. All of that kept me flush with roadrunners and beetle spins.
  21. We started @ 6am this morning and fished until the lightning started up in the distance around 1pm. Major t-storm the rest of the afternoon and we didn't see anything. We did have a good time fishing and my wife finally caught her first LMB!
  22. Otters did a number on my sister-in-law's pond. It was full of dinner plate size bream and now it's virtually empty.
  23. My first memory of fishing was at a pond close to Carthage MO where my great grandparents lived. We were sitting on a dock fishing with worms and cane poles catching bluegills. I had to be 4 or 5. My first fish casting was a big bluegill on a Hula Popper/Zebco combination when I was 11. I was with my dad and grandpa on Beaver Lake. I remember another fishing trip to Northern WI close to Spooner when I was 7 or 8 with my parents and grandparents. The 2 things I remember about that trip were eating frog legs for the first time and my grandpa reeling in a yellow perch and a big northern pike clobbered it at the boat.
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