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Everything posted by SuperCorona

  1. It's going to be really different since Louisiana waters are off limits.
  2. I'm in from the opening gun this year.
  3. Ha, that's where my son is at with his wife right now! In fact, I will not take him fishing until I get the OK from her. The last time there was a problem, somehow it was my fault according to my wife.
  4. I was reading on another forum about the same type of interference. The solution was to install a DPST switch between the charger and batteries.
  5. I had to buy a new charger after my portable charger was stolen so I went with the Cabelas Pro Series 12 amp 2 bank unit. I mounted it in one of my rod boxes and it works great.
  6. I've got the Navionics app that works well on my Android.
  7. Upper decker just before leaving would be even better. A plugged toilet on a fishing trip would be pretty inconvenient.
  8. ^^So true^^ My sister-in-law had a great pond full of huge bream. A few otters got in there and cleaned it out. They vanished when there was nothing left to eat. She has since restocked the bream and with the help of the Ogeechee River flooding, there are some nice bass and catfish in there now. While we were there a month ago, I saw an otter cross the driveway from the pond heading into the woods. We set some traps the next morning and caught 2. I took a .22 rifle along while fishing and shot one on the opposite bank from me a couple days later. She hasn't seen any since.
  9. Good info. New 73sv is arriving today from Cabela's. Maybe I'll return it and wait on the 93sv to drop in price, too.
  10. It usually happens once a trip with my son. He likes to move around a lot in the boat and sometimes I lose track of him and his rod. We have had some classic tangles. One time his line ended up through a split ring on my jerkbait, plus my reel looked like a bloomin' onion. A few weeks ago my wife picked up my spinnerbait rod and threw a 30 minute backlash.
  11. I turned my 7' finesse rod into a 6'8" rod with the living room ceiling fan the other night. The real sad part was that I was in the process of getting up to turn the fan off to avoid that very unfortunate accident. The rod was laying across my lap and when I got up....grrrrrrrrr
  12. That Honda eu2000i is a nice generator. We ran 2 in parallel in our bbq competition trailer.
  13. Thanks for the tip on the Garmin deal at Cabela's! I showed it to my wife and she said "Merry Christmas"! Hopefully it will get here this week so I can get it installed in time for the weekend.
  14. During the dawn of home computers a buddy and I played a floppy disk tournament game. When you paid your entry fee, they mailed the disk to you. It was a different lake each time. You could pre-fish the lake for a certain length of time and then you had to start the tournament. Your results were written to the disk and you mailed the disk in when you were finished. Tourney results were mailed out about a month later with the entry form for the next tournament. It was pretty cool for 1990! I can't remember the name of it though.
  15. I keep my soft plastics in their original bags and keep those bags in a couple of BassMasters bags.
  16. Google "fish tagging kit". There are a bunch of them listed.
  17. That's crazy looking! Uhhh, how close to Times Beach are you?
  18. I unknowingly set the hook on a 4.5 pounder Sunday that was sitting in some pads. I cast over the pads, worked my weightless t-rig trick worm to the back edge and tried to drag it on top. It appeared to be hung up so I gave it a good pop to free it from the snag. Next thing I know my line is running straight right and pulling drag. Fortunately I got it into the boat before the hook fell out of its mouth.
  19. I'll give my wife advice when she asks for it. Otherwise I just check with her to make sure she's doing OK. When I get too preachy with her about her technique she gets defensive. She never makes excuses. My son's main excuse is I don't position the boat correctly.
  20. I stopped by the Cabelas in Augusta GA a couple weeks ago and they were very well stocked. If my wife hadn't been waiting out in the car, I might still be in there.
  21. A few years ago we had a house with a nice pond. I hooked a big bass and it broke off my 10 lb Trilene XT. From that moment on my goal was to get another shot at her. I'd see her once in awhile and couldn't get even a look at my bait. Then one afternoon I saw her cruising the shallow end of the pond. I had a big lizard rigged and ready, something I'd never presented to her. I pitched it out in front of her and she inhaled it. I set the hook and she took off for the weeds. Somehow my thumb hit the thumb bar on my reel and I backlashed. There was no way I was going to lose her this time, even with my drag not working. I walked around the pond while keeping the line tight. I was finally able to drag her out of the weeds and land her. My scales weren't working, so I estimated she was close to 9 pounds. I tried to take a picture but it didn't turn out so good. I let her go and she headed back to the deep part of the pond, never to be seen again.
  22. My wife's mom(91 yrs old) lives with us so it was always hard to plan any kind of vacation, so for years we never went anywhere. This spring we started talking about fishing and maybe taking a little fishing trip. Her mom used to fish but now a trip to the bathroom tires her out. We decided to get a little boat, Tracker PanFish 16, so we could go out whenever we wanted for a few hours. It's the best thing we've ever done. Since May we have spent more time together and had more fun than in the last 10 years. I also get to fish with our son a couple times a month. In a few years I'll be taking my grandson out to teach him how to fish. At first we had to get all new gear since most of our fishing stuff had been lost, broken or given away during various moves. I could get pretty much whatever I felt we needed to catch bass, bluegill and crappie. Now I've been told to quit buying so much tackle. I'm down to getting a monthly LTB box, replenishing terminal tackle and a couple colors of Trick Worms. I have to save up for a sonar upgrade so that's my incentive now.
  23. Goose Creek Res - water temp 69.8 - 72.0: Yesterday started off pretty good with a 4.5 pounder in a clump of pads on a Z3 trick worm followed up by a 2 pounder a couple casts later. Same cove, after seeing some short-lived top water feeding I located some shad hanging out so I slowly circled them. The bass came back up about 20 ft from my boat and I was able to get a couple 2.5s. The schooling action is starting but not lasting long and I haven't seen it anywhere else on the lake yet. Overnight temps are supposed to be dipping into the high 40s this week so I'll be on the lookout for even more action.
  24. LOL....I used to play quite a bit and my wife wanted me to teach her. We went out one time. On the way home we stopped at Oshman's and I bought her a tennis racket.
  25. I can vouch for that! My son and I were trolling Shad Raps on Lady Evelyn Lake in Ontario for northern pike and walleye. We got a 7 or 8 lb northern and as I was getting it out of the net it drove one of the treble hooks into the meat of my palm. I was able to get the fish off the crankbait before it ripped me up too bad. From then on I learned to remove the lure before removing the fish from the net.
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