Not a huge fan of the concept of a “New Years” Resolution (mostly because I like to start working toward my goals as soon as I conceive them). That being said, there are a for things I will strive for in 2018:
1. Finish my Ph. D. - At this point I would have to resolve NOT to do it to keep it from happening. Everything is in place I just have grind it out.
2. Contribute the maximum allowed to my IRA - As a graduate student I have no employer-offered retirement options. Considering, I will literally be in training (MD/PhD program) until I am 38 (28 now), living on a graduate student stipend means I have to stick to a strict budget to save significant amounts of money.
3. Fish all of the lakes in the Omaha Metro area - There are at least 9 stocked core lakes in the Omaha Metro area. Last year I fished 3 (probably the best 3 based on info from guys in club).
4. Catch a limit in a club tournament - Last year was my first year fishing with a club. I only had time to fish 3 tournaments. The first I weighed 4 fish. The second was a two day tournament. The first day of the tournament I actually had the best 6 fish (18 lbs; our club records 6 fish), but the second day I only weighed 4. The third I weighed only 1 fish (a 4.5 lb), but not enough of them.
5. Mentally Compartmentalize my fishing time - I have an obsessive personality. It has suited me well academically and financially thus far. That being said, I wasted a lot of time day dreaming about fishing when I could have been living in the time and moment with my beautiful wife. I want to get better at being present of mind when I am at home and we are together. Not 100% sure the steps I need to take to work on this, so I think this will be the hardest.