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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. Does anyone use the cheap bobber stops that are on Amazon such as these and have any comments as to how well they work to peg weight? >>https://www.amazon.com/VIPMOON-Fishing-Stopper-Cylinder-Available/dp/B07CMZYXPJ/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1532901267&sr=8-9&keywords=bobbers+stops They are about 1/3rd the cost of the 6th Sense or VMC. I would just pull the trigger on them since its only $7, but I figured I'd ask around first. When I search I could only find a post related to someone trying to use a similar cheap one for dropshotting.
  2. Didn’t think I was gonna get to get any fishing in today because it was raining pretty hard when I was supposed to leave and my little plastic boat doesn’t have a bulge. The rain broke a little and I caught a lot of fish before starting my study session. Couldn’t break 4 lbs but got really close with this one which was 3.96. Caught a lot of 3+ lbers.
  3. When will this bracket be available for purchase?
  4. You can download maps while on an internet connection so you will not need to use data while you are on the water. I'm pretty sure the GPS does not use cellular data. The only downside I can see would be the loss of waypoints added in real time based on what you saw on side or down imaging... I suppose you could always update your waypoints via your account/SD card after your day on the water so they would be present in the web app as well as on your dedicated devices.
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. I have a basshound 10.2 which is a 10 ft tri-hull plastic boat. The floor is separate from the hull and it has an inner foam. The thing is extremely stable and I even built a casting deck for it and mounted a foot controlled trolling motor to make it a mini bass boat. I feel comfortable on it in up to about 10-12 mph winds on the main lake of small (<400 acre) lakes. I have had two people in it crappie fishing on several occasions with no problem. It is extremely heavy for its size (I’d guess close to 400 lbs with a battery) and really not practical to load in and out of the back of a pickup by myself and even difficult with a partner. So, I trailer it essentially losing all of the benefits of having a small boat. Additionally, the combination of the weight and the tri-hull really limits it for speed. I currently have a 5.5 hp outboard on it which is not enough to get it on plane and can do about 6 mph. It’s rated for up to a 7 hp. All that being said, it is absolutely perfect for the small local lakes I fish.
  7. I think this a dream for many of us... I’m in.
  8. After yesterday’s study break I had to go back for more. Got this 4.16 lb one in 3 feet of water on a Siebert Blue Craw Dredge Dock Rocker jig.
  9. I had about an hour study break today to get on the lake. On the 5th time I thought I was snagged in the brushpile I was fishing, I wasn’t! It was a 5.62 lb brush bison!
  10. Is your drag tight? I once missed 8 blowups in a row until one of them really held on to it and pull some drag, then spit it out. I tightened my drag and then caught 3 fish in a row (all over 4 lbs).
  11. Personally, I have had terrible luck with the Siebert Brush jigs. In fact, I have snagged and lost all of mine that I have purchased. The “dock rocker” jig he makes on the other hand comes through brush like a Dream for me. I have been fishing it a ton in brush and rocks and have only lost one and caught hundreds of bass. The one I lost was because I got snagged on some brush on the way to the ramp at a tournament with only a few minutes remaining and we didn’t have time to drive the boat past where I had cast. Anyone else experience that the dock rocker jig comes through brush better than the brush jig?
  12. I think it is easier by using the same rod consistently. I have the 6’9 skipping rod he mentions in that video and it’s a good rod. The tip is pretty soft which allows some flex to help load up the rod to swing the bait parralell to the water. I can skip a bait to a about anywhere I want if I’m on the front of the boat. However, I learned to skip with a 7’ really stiff Berkley Pro Signature rod for about a year. Honestly, those skipping rods are not the best jig/single hook rods. They are good for skipping and extremely sensitive but the tip is a little too soft and you really have to slam them to get a good hookset. I have lost fish I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have lost otherwise because I didn’t have a hard enough hookset to get through the tip and to the backbone of the rod. I still love the rod and have learned to really hammer my hookset when using it (so much so that I frequently get bruises on my ribs). If I were to do it again, I would probably spend the money on a different rod.
  13. I have never thrown a jackhammer, but I do make my own chatterbait with a BPS Tungsten football head jigs (1/2 oz) and the blades from retired Z-man chatterbaits (specifically for the coffin blade) that thumps so hard it throws slack in the line, can be retrieved super slow, starts thumping on the fall and “rolls” through about any cover (the jig has a weedguard). It costs about $8 to make (cheaper if you catch the “parts” on sale). I have considered calling it “The Backhoe”. Of course, I don’t sell these since I’m sure Z-man would hunt me down, but I sure like to tell people about them haha.
  14. Where do you find that?
  15. Unfortunately, most of the sellers that participate in the regular seller specific 20% off code have recently been out of stock of Tatula SV’s. You will probably have to wait for a sitewide coupon. Worth it to keep an eye out during both though.
  16. We have an abundance of RED squirrels, it’s the black ones that are uncommon.
  17. Anything that will float me away from the bank. -Jon boat -Old detached floating dock -canoe -kayak -pontoon -ski boat -inner tube -and currently my modified Bass hound which I love
  18. There is a local lake where I live which is one of the only lakes where there are black squirrels in this area. Seeing a black squirrel in my area is uncommon and kind of like finding a four-leaf clover. I have been dreaming of building a “baby black squirrel” swim or glide bait kind of like a Johnny Rat or Ms Slammer.
  19. Was considering signing up to fish a fancy pay-to-enter, high stakes tournament as a co-angler. After reading this thread, not a d**n chance. I am glad I am in a good club with boaters that love to see their co catch fish just about as much as they like to catch them themselves. In many cases a boater will tell me they left a specific spot that looks juicy just for me. Of course these are club tournaments where no money (except big bass) is on the table, so I can see how it could be considered different. Occasionally, I'll get a little excited and make a bad cast (because of wind or odd angle) or a poor choice of cast position relative to the boaters in my club and cast in their lane. I always let them know if I do it by accident, and warn them beforehand and during so that if it continues to just 'front end' me. Relative to the OP's situation, I don't think you were necessarily in the wrong. In a situation like yours, the boater had to make a choice to fish one side over the other. Part of the added challenge of being a boater, in my opinion, is indeed fishing against the co-angler. Every other boater has a co-angler, so its essentially 'fair'. Honestly, if you get angry because the co-angler hit the crevice you missed after passing it or that you didn't put the boat in position to hit, then don't fish co-angler tournaments. Some of these comments really make it sound like it is such a chore to have a coangler and that you are doing a service to the world. Seriously, where does this end. "I'm gonna fish the bank with a frog first, don't fish the outside weededge." or "I don't know how to skip under docks so I'm just going to fish the outside of them and you don't skip under them." Yes you are providing the boat (and all of the cost associated with that) and probably paid some extra tournament fees but you already have a HUGE advantage being on the front of the boat (and yes I realize at sometimes it can be extra work and even a disadvantage, but the overall it is way toward advantage). With all that being said, I do realize it is quite a skill to position the boat so the co-angler can make some good casts. The only instance where I would say that the boater had a right to be upset for the OP, would be if he was working extra hard to make sure the boat was in good position to make sure that you also had a good shot at the same bank he was fishing.
  20. I love the jigs I got. 3/8 oz Blue Craw Dock Rockers. 5.59 lber.
  21. Been getting caught up in the old hype of the original Bass Pro Shops XPS Swimmer. Of course, it’s no longer in production, hard to find and expensive. There is a copy called “The Babe” sold on Tackle Freaks that is currently out of stock, so per the suggestion of @Bluebasser86 I picked up some Optimum Boom Boom 6” Swimbaits (I picked up both pre-rigged as shown in the picture and some weedless that are not shown) and some 8/0 Owner Beast Swimbait hooks. I plan on throwing these in one lake that is way overpopulated with stunted crappie but has a decent population of 5-7 lb bass and in another lake that the bass can’t resist a bluegill or sunfish colored squarebill.
  22. Oooohhh man!!! I should have waited to place my order for 2 dozen+ jigs!! Maybe I need more...
  23. How does this perform compared to a plopper?
  24. I referenced the universal code because it seems all of the eligible sellers for the PARTYINUSA code are out of high speed Tatula SVs
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