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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. Has been a very difficult battle with the bait monkey this Black Friday/Cyber Monday. I staved him from getting into the boat fund I am building for Spring and have made zero purchases so far. Now I just have to keep him controlled for the Christmas sales.
  2. Either will be a great reel. You will adapt to the brakes on whichever one you pick. While I am huge fan of my Tatulas, if you think the MB fits in your hand perfectly compared to the Tatula then maybe go with that one. In my opinion you would be splitting hairs between the two.
  3. http://www.omfishingsinkers.com x10 x10 x10 takes a couple to a few weeks to ship, but it’s winter so who cares.
  4. The lake near my house is being drained this year and showing are casualties from attempted ice fishing from years past. The water in these pics was 8-12’ deep before the drain.
  5. Never been there. Lots of good crappie fishing at Stockton and on Spring river though too.
  6. Shoal at the low water bridge access and Empire Lake in Galena primarily. This is one my dad caught last year out of shoal. We also frequent Stockton, Pomme de Terre, and Table Rock. Elk River has some really fun smallmouth fishing. Not a lot of really big ones, but on some days you can catch one on about every other cast all day long. I used to fish a lot of farm ponds down there but the guy who used to take me to all of them isn’t around anymore. Tons of GIANTS in farm ponds down there. Ive also heard great things about the strip pits over near Pittsburgh, KS but have never been over there personally.
  7. Awesome! Show us pics when you get a chance.
  8. Did you have any luck with this? I may be move toward central Texas in a year or so, so it’d be useful to know.
  9. I feel ya. The lake near my house is being drained and all the fish miles due to zebra mussels. The other nearby small like I like to frequent has ice 10 or so feet out of all the banks. *Winter Blues*
  10. How has the utilization of any of this advice worked out for you?
  11. Whereabouts in SW MO? I grew up in Joplin and still have family there. I make several trips a year to fish with my dad down there.
  12. Dammit. I bought several of the Tournament ZX Rods this spring/summer on the basis of the lifetime warranty.
  13. If I used my wife’s toothbrush (any part of it), the lake wouldn’t have to be drained for me to end up at the bottom of it.
  14. 6th Sense will have 25% off entire orders for Black Friday.
  15. One thing I have noticed so far is that all of the bills on the crankbaits have changed from clear to a more opaque milky white color.
  16. Anyone know if there are any differences in hardware that come in the box between the Lowrance Elite 5 HDI and the Lowrance Elite 7 HDI? Are the the transducer and power cables all the same? Can the units be swapped out by without the need to run new wires/transducers? The reason I am asking is because I am selling my little boat which has an Elite 7 HDI. My dad has an Elite 5 HDI and I figured we could swap units so he could have a slightly larger display and because I don't think it will make any significant difference to the sale of my boat. He already has an Elite 5 configured on his boat.
  17. So far the baits have seen an overnight in baking soda and a scrub with dish soap and a toothbrush. I got excited cleaning them and forgot to take before pictures of all of them. Will get more pics later.
  18. The Deps actually cleaned up really nicely with a minimal amount of work. I really felt like I hit the jackpot. I drive by that lake everyday and everyday since August when they started talking about draining it I’ve been thinking “I’m going to go get my Flat75 back as soon as it’s low enough.” Well it turns out that the landscape matting they had put down was like fly paper for crankbaits for more than just me! The stuff was just littered with them. There were at least a couple dozen spinnerbaits I left behind because I felt they wouldn’t be worth salvaging. I’ve only even covered a quarter of the bank, albeit the bank most fished. I think there are still more goodies to be found on what’s exposed and some of the most boat-fished areas with snags haven’t been exposed yet.
  19. Already on it. Scanning it with a drone weekly.
  20. I will try to post before and after pics of each of the baits.
  21. I’ve been pretty depressed lately because I’ve been too busy with training/work to get out fishing much. On top of that, the lake near my house that just really started producing this year is closed and being drained due to zebra mussels. So now, when I do get a small window of time to fish I can’t. Additionally, its winter in Nebraska and the water about to get hard. Since the lake by my house is being drained, I thought I’d try to make the best of it. I have lost a dozen or so crankbaits in that lake due to some landscape mat-like material they put around the jetties. Today, since the lake was really drawn I went to go see if I could find any of them. Specifically, I was looking for a 6th Sense Flat 75 in the original Wild Lava Craw pattern that is no longer available. Long story short, I found it and about 100 other baits including a Deps 175, some megabass jerkbaits and some original wiggle warts! Now I need your help restoring them. I plan to replace the hooks on all of them and the split rings on most. However, I need help figuring out the best way to clean them up. So, I am asking for tips on how to restore these baits. Share your experience down below. Thanks!
  22. The point of your statement is in the right direction but some important details are a little inaccurate. Warm blood to the extremities actually makes the extremities warmer. But, as you stated (and as I did), it also increases the rate of total body heat loss. The extremities feel warmer because they are warmer. That warmth, however, is being diverted away from the core, where the vital organs reside, and where heat is more easily preserved due to a variety of lessons. In other words, the physiologic response to cold is to shunt blood away from the extremities and toward the core to protect from hypothermia from visceral organs. When this system is overridden, the the core and peripheral body temperature drop at the same time and the thought is that when you extremities really start to feel cold so is your core body temperature, which is potentially dangerous. Many skiers and snowboarders end up suffering from hypothermia each year due to the effect alcohol to blunt the thermodegulatory centers in the brain so there is loss of peripheral vasoconstriction and loss of shivering (which generates heat). What tends to happen is they stay out too long and are too far away from a way to get back. By the time they start feeling cold is really too late and the other symptoms of hypothermia (essentially lethargy/tired/weakness) take over very fast. To fall in to cold water without in tact mechanism to shunt blood away from the extremities and to the core could be catastrophic. Also, the common bodybuilding supplement is actually L-arginine which is a cofactor necessary for the production of nitric oxide (vs. actually ingesting nitric oxide). The primary reason people don’t tolerate these types of vasodilators is headache and flushing. Sorry to take up space in the thread with a physiology lesson. Try at your own risk.
  23. OP didn’t limit the discussion to mittens, gloves and hand warmers. He asked for unique and effective ways. I presented some of which have been scientifically proven to improve hand warmth and dexterity in the cold.
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