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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. Agree It seems to pull through the water more than quick dart rolls like the Vision 110
  2. Spring 1997 I caught my PB, 8 lbs 8 oz. 25 years ago... Holy cannoli when did get I old enough to say 25 years ago
  3. Oooo tell us more.
  4. There are lots of different OTC “nasal sprays”. There are 3 generally categories: •topical decongestants - oxymetazoline and neosynephrine •topical steroids - fluticasone, mometasone, beclamethasone, flunisalide, tramcinilone and budesonide •saline sprays - there are a variety of salt water sprays available, but all are essentially the same I suspect what you got hooked on was one within the topical decongestant category.
  5. The menthol in Vick’s stimulates the TRPM8 receptor lining the nasal and lower airway mucosa. This in turn produces a sensation of cool. Air moving through the airway is also cool relative to stagnant humidified air, and thus the menthol simulates the sensation of increased airflow. Fluid dynamics studies of the airways, however, have demonstrated that neither menthol or Vick’s produce an actual increase in airflow. As an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, to combat nasal congestion, I’d recommend starting with nasal irrigations (NeilMed or NetiPot, or I think there are now generic versions available). Additionally, topical nasal steroid sprays, such as Flonase (generic is fluticasone) are a good place to start. Nasal sprays like Afrin (oxymetazoline) work well to decongest the nose nearly immediately, but if used more than a couple days can cause a rebound congestion resulting in a cycle of “addiction” to the spray to keep the inside of the nose from swelling. (There are some newer data out suggestion if Afrin and Flonase are used in combination the rebound congestion can be avoided, but I haven’t seen enough of it personally to feel confident in recommending).
  6. I received all of my purefishing orders.
  7. I’m sure the volume of orders they are receiving is unprecedented to the nth degree.
  8. The original code purefishing worked for gift cards. They must be aware of the sale because the current code does not work for gift cards. I wonder a little bit if they are trying to liquidate for some big power /ownership change that is about to happen
  9. Just worked for me. Just bought a Revo Beast and boatload of flat worms.
  10. 3. LVS34 not obsolete, due to AT2, shoot LVS32 is still not obsolete.
  11. I have had several break. Some have even broken in a Plano Tackle box.
  12. Yep. I was 17. Lots of stuff going on in my life at the time. Had been on a bit of a hiatus from fishing for about 10 months due to said stuff going on. Was mid May, not long after school had stopped for the year and I finished my construction job early for the day and had some time to kill before going to my night job at the ice cream shop. I had showered up and was in my uniform and had about 45 minutes to kill and the creek by the place I was living at the time caught my eye. I just so happened to have my dad’s two piece Fenwick spinning rod in the back of my little yellow Ford Focus hatchback. I stopped and remembered I had gotten my license the previous June since I had gone on a canoe trip that I had planned to do some fishing. I got out of the car and walked about a 100 yards to the bank and cast out the little Rebel craw dad and it got hung on a rock and then the line snapped about 4-5 ft from the bank, just out of reach. I was leaning over the edge of the bank using the rod tip to try to free it up and retrieve it when I was startled by someone from behind me, “what are you doing out here” and I fell face first in the water. Of course it was a conservation officer. I told him I had made one cast and got snagged. He asked for my license and I told him I had it and it was in the car (I hadn’t previously actually looked at it, just remembered I had it). So he walks me back to the car and I can’t find it. I ask if he can look me up by my drivers license and he does, “Looks like it expired in February.” It dawns on me that in the great state of Missouri the licenses aren’t good for a year from purchase but expire at the end of February regardless of when purchased. He proceeds to write me a ticket and I go to the ice cream shop soaking wet. Oh, by the way, fishing without a license in Missouri is a misdemeanor and I have to report it every year when I renew my Missouri medical license. Huge PITA. You can bet I ALWAYS triple check I am in 100% compliance forevermore.
  13. I’m my line of work I see blood and brains in places they are not supposed to be pretty much every day. Working in the neck there are some rather large blood vessels that jump out in front of you sometimes. Fortunately it tends to be the veins and usually are controlled with a little finger pressure until something more definitive can be placed. The only time it ever bothered me, and it wasn’t the blood per se that was bothering, was when I watched an early teenager lose about 70% blood volume via a nosebleed in a matter of minutes. Fortunately, I was able to get it slowed enough to get to the operating room. I still lose sleep over this one because there a couple places way back in the nose and at the base of the skull where if there’s a small fracture and bad bleed (carotid) there’s nothing you can do but watch. The most blood I’ve ever seen was after someone came in secondary to a trauma. During the surgery to getting bleeding under control, we transfused 32 units of blood. That’s all of the blood in the body three times. Seeing blood though, doesn’t really bother me itself.
  14. “You don’t stop because you get old, you get old because you stop.”
  15. @Siebert Outdoors can you make in a 1-1/4 oz size?
  16. Go on eBay or Amazon and find the cheapest nasal speculum you can find. Definitely less than $10 (probably even have something for less than $1). This will allow you to place any size O-ring on any worm and won’t be restricted by the size of the wacky tool.
  17. Shhhhhhhhh (it is the walleye series)
  18. The Cabela's Mean Eye Jerkbaits work pretty good. Got the one pictured for $1.99 during a sale. Caught a 32lb bag with it that day and multiple 20+-lb bags since then.
  19. But how many hours will you spend browsing BassResource gaining bass knowledge...
  20. Live imaging systems setup like trail cams on the lake. Pay a fee to log into them at your fishing spot.
  21. Caught a lot drum and got distracted by some crappie. The hunt for some Kansas smallmouth continues.
  22. Any tips about which ramps to use or underwater hazards at Melvern? Going out there on Sunday against my better judgement (windy).
  23. Turtle is delicious.
  24. Screwed my finger to an exterior wall about 100’ up on a lift. At first just thought it got my glove. Started yanking on it and just wouldn’t budge. Looked a little closer and the screw was right through the center of my left index finger. Not sure how I didn’t feel it. Once my brother thought it would be funny to loosen one of the wing nuts on my stilts. Ended up coming out right next to a big pane glass window, lucky I caught myself on one of the ceiling wires, however I did not the scaffold over carrying my tile right through the window. Not long after that I spiked my brothers thermos with laxative on a day I knew he’d be up on stilts all day. I don’t know how he didn’t notice, it was a ridiculous amount. Man was it hilarious to seem him take off across the job site toward the job Johnny and figure out how to get in there with his stilts on.
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