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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. Not for me. The bill shades my eyes and the sunglasses are for the glare. A gaitor(sp?) is to protect my neck. Or a gaitor I have found that the less of my skin that is directly exposed to the sun, the more energy I have after a long day of fishing.
  2. Those leg raises at the end were too easy. Got to add some mass to those legs to add some weight to work against to get those abs up to par. Kidding of course. You ever incorporate standing squats into your leg day? I hate leg day. By the time I’m over the soreness it’s Monday again and time for leg day again. The only time I enjoy leg day is for about the 2 hours following completing it before the soreness starts to kick in. 100% have to do it as the first workout of the week or I spend the whole week dreading it. Gotta get it done. The soreness isn’t as bad as the dread of doing it. Haha
  3. Dobyns Rods ratings tend to be “overrated” compared to other brands. I have a Daiwa Tatula Elite H/F that is 6’9” (Andy Montgomery Skipping Rod) and I have found to be very sensitive. I have only compared it to a Dobyns Champ Mag Heavy/Fast and a Skeet Reese Jig/Worm rod. If you would plan on using it for more than skipping I would suggest something a bit longer. The shortness of the rod seems to compromise casting distance for anything under 1/2 oz (I primarily throw 3/8 jig).
  4. Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
  5. A couple extra split rings? Maybe a thin wire key ring? i don’t know precisely what a hook weighs and it probably varies from size and manufacturer. I do think you may benefit from casting crankbaits that are too light, rather than too heavy. Wouldn’t think hooks would change too much in the way of wind resistance.
  6. Probably eBay vendor when there is a 15% off coupon code.
  7. Because of the trebles? Can always take those off. Changes the weight which could be added back with something else pretty easily.
  8. Get that under control!
  9. Get a spray bottle and wipe it down with a rag using an aluminum safe cleaner of your choice after every use. Takes 5 minutes. Less if you have your co-angler do one side.
  10. Oxiclean + laundry detergent for 24 hours really seemed to do the trick. It was a little more aggressive in removing paint compared to dish soap + baking soda, but there was far less residue left with the Oxiclean + laundry detergent. 90 of 100+ of the baits pictured that I found in one day. I have about a dozen Shad raps and rattle traps left to clean.
  11. I only keep about 60-80 yards of “high quality” line on my spool at once. I will first fill the spool with something super cheap as backing and then top it off with 60-80 yards of Tatsu or Invizx. This means I have to replace that top off when it starts getting short due to new ties, nicks and break-offs. This allows me to spool new line at a higher rate without the cringe of the cost. Additionally this keeps my line/spool diameter closer to the same measurement throughout the year bringin a little more consistency to my cast/thumb control. I am constantly throwing my baits into the gnarliest cover I can find which takes a toll on the line. I topped off my jig rod (Tatsu) once and my squarebill rod (Invizx) once this year and didn’t find the need to change the others. I am also adding KVD Line conditioner after every outing which seems to significantly have improved the line suppleness and memory compared to last year when I wasn’t using it.
  12. Consider a mid to late 90’s Ranger R70 or R71. Very affordable and very good reputation for an entry level boat.
  13. At least that’s what most people try to do. Unfortunately, if the gift cards don’t get used up during the Christmas sale, they usually don’t make it until the next big sale. Haha
  14. 1) Tighten the brakes all the way down. Back them off as you gain confidence in casting. 2) Leaders are overrated. 3) Watch a couple videos on how to adjust the spool tension. Finally, unlike a spinning rod, the action is in the wrist. You don’t need to whip the rod around to make a good cast. Just keep doing it. It’ll probably be tough at first but keep practicing through and after a night or two of sleeping on it you will find you have delevoped enough coordination to really start having fun with it. Good luck. Please report your results.
  15. Head down to Pittsburg and fish the strip pits. You have to walk or drag a tin boat to the good ones, but there are some monsters living in them.
  16. 100 yard is a lot of spool!
  17. Welcome! In Omaha myself. Picking up a new to me Ranger in Spring. Hit me up to go fish.
  18. Can anyone link the similar thread from last year for reference? My goals for this year: - Continue to work on compartmentalizing fishing: I am obsessed, as it is part of my personality. I daydream of fishing constantly. I want to continue to get better at being present in the moment with other aspects of my life and continue to learn to suppress my urge to obsess about everything surrounding putting fish in the boat. - Fish a tournament as a BOATER (that means acquire a “full-size” boat). I sold my Basshound turned mini bass boat in early December to make room in the garage for something bigger. - Win a tournament: Last year it was my goal to catch a limit in a tournament, I did that successfully and even placed 3rd several times as a co-angler. - Place top 8 in my club/make the state team: I would have made the state team this year, but I blanked on a tournament and I didn’t have a chance to fish another one to take its place. This will probably be my most difficult goal. Med school isn’t the most conducive to tournament fishing. - Catch a fish on a Hinkle Shad: I got bit by the big swimbait bug in the late fall and I want to learn how to make them produce. - Break 7 lbs: Won’t be a new PB (current is 8-8 lbs) for me but it’s been since I was 8 years old since I caught my PB. I wanted to break 6 lbs last year and got it done, so I am upping it this year. I’ve found a lake that has a high probability for a fish over 7 lb and plan to hunt one down.
  19. Chiefs are repeating last season. The Chiefs secondary is terrible and everyone knows it. The league has caught on to all of the trick plays. Unfortunately, if the Chiefs are ever able to put together a strong secondary the heavy hitters on the line will probably have already moved on.
  20. Its a used boat. I talked to Sam (the owner) and he said he wouldn't let it go until it had been thoroughly inspected and tuned up (compression test, water pump, etc)... And wouldn't be ready until January and it wouldn't impact the price... The thoroughness seemed too good to be true... But all the reviews and such I can find suggest that is just the culture at Bedford Sales.
  21. Hi all, I have found a used boat in Morris, Illinois at a dealer by the name of Bedford Sales. The deal on the boat is pretty good and they said they won't let it go out the door until they fully inspected it. I am wondering if anyone has ever delt with Bedford and can share their experience. The deal is borderline too good to be true, but still somewhat believable for a 20+ year old boat in good condition with some bells and whistles. Thanks.
  22. Or it’s the ideal time to get a great deal because people are trying to get rid of boats to avoid storing them and there is low demand.
  23. For at least the last 10 years, I don't think it has mattered which running back has been behind the Chiefs O-line. Honestly, I hope on Thursday that we don't play anyone who needs to rest or to recover from minor injuries. We don't need anyone going out for the playoffs. We've got to be in it for the long haul this year. Some inside intel has me pretty sure that Mebane is going to be back this week for the Chargers which doesn't help our cause.
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