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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. I take them off when I put it on a hook. I think that piece is to help keep them form of the tail when not in use.
  2. I think if you have to ask yourself if you should hire a guide, then you probably should. Some guys get a lot of their thrill of fishing from the mental game of trying to figure out a new lake. Don’t get me wrong, hiring a guide won’t take all of that away though.
  3. Nothing wrong with that setup at all. I'd personally be ok using it with braid, mono or fluoro. Don't overthink it.
  4. If you are buying a new model year boat, then I would not expect to pay any less than the Crestliner online tool price. Especially if you plan on purchasing a boat with your specific selections. If you start looking at "new" last year model boats, that's where you can expect some savings.
  5. Talons weigh more and cost more mostly because the brackets are outrageously expensive ~$2-300 each. If I had a bigger boat with plenty of power and a bigger budget I would probably go with Talons. Talons also have the advantage of vertical deployment, meaning you don’t have to look behind the boat to make sure they’re not going to get into a dock cable or something. There is also no hydraulic fluid with Talons. However, I have a smaller boat and budget and needed to be the most weight and cost economical so I have power pole blades.
  6. What’s the 30% code?
  7. Im already dreaming for the Overtons 40% off code to return haha
  8. I have broken numerous of the bills on squarebills and flat side cranks within the first 5-10 casts. Seems like they come in bad batches, because I have a few of them that have received a lot of fishing time with no problems.
  9. I really like that top left Craw colored one. Where can I get one?
  10. Sounds like a good “all around” rod.
  11. Thanks for the offer. Probably not gonna buy any gear. I'm really too busy for it to be worth it. Was kind of hoping to just tag along with someone for a day.
  12. Slept on about $300 savings. Not sure if sad or happy.
  13. Had a MH in my cart and decided to sleep on it. They sold out before I made up my mind this morning.
  14. LakeMaster Cards are also excluded from the sale.
  15. I’ll be living in Philly for the month of May (May 6th - May 30th) doing some research at UPenn. Anyone want to show a Midwest guy what the Northeast bass fishing is all about? ? Will gladly buy gas, lunch (or breakfast or dinner) and reciprocate the favor if you’re ever in or near Omaha (or wherever I might be in the future). Would also reciprocate with College World Series tickets if you’re ever in Omaha in June (if I’m still living here). (I won’t have any of my own gear with me.)
  16. If you’ve never owned 580Gs then I would strongly suggest you go to a local retailer and find a pair that fit extremely well. The 580G glass is really heavy if they don’t fit well and give a major headache after a long day of fishing.
  17. I’m a diehard Chiefs fan and have been for my entire life. I cringe every time I hear or see Tyreek Hill and have since his day 1 on the team. As far as the woman that he hit marrying him is concerned, there are plenty of women who will defend men who are actively abusing them. I see it all of the time in the emergency department of the hospital, and I would bet if you think hard enough @Bluebasser86 you have seen it as a police officer. There is a special place for men that abuse woman. And in my opinion, NEVER is it being glorified on national TV/media as a potential role model. And at the point they do, that feeling of being on top of the world should not be propagated. Getting away with whatever dumb mistake is made on perpetuates that feeling. Yes, people make mistakes and I’m a firm believer that there is no unforgivable crime, but by no means should a person continue to be endorsed in a role model position. It is a bit of a double-edged sword though because if he had been able to turn his life around, then I suppose it would have set the example that people can change and that there is hope for people who make mistakes.
  18. The data are based on a combination of weather patterns, moon phases and the results of a single guide in Texas. I’m sure it works fantastically to predict the catch rates of that guide! The problem is that people have different fishing styles AND people consider different things to be a good day fishing. After talking with one of the co-founders, Mike Melhmann about the generation of the app, it’s my understanding is that it the rating system is based on numbers of fish caught. I use the app and have not found it to correlate well with my fishing style, and have actually found that I have caught some of the biggest fish on low rating days. Also, the rating for the day is subject to change up until the day of. The other thing that the app lacks is that you can’t look at ratings for past days. All that being said, if I were planning a day of the week to go fishing and could only choose one, I would choose the day with the highest rating that’s not on a weekend. Otherwise, I fish whatever day I can.
  19. Honestly, this is not a good picture to judge weight. I’d guess 3-5 lbs, probably closer to the high side.
  20. Which seller do you buy from?
  21. Panty Dropper Toxic Whipper Snapper - $280 - Pretty sure I could turn it around for more than that if I really tried hard. Its a sought after collector bait. I plan to fish it though. Bought it to tear up a lake I know has double digits in it this Spring. Demands of work plus flooding here and I have only had the chance to cast it a couple times.
  22. I keep a 32 oz cup in the boat and use it to try to be discrete. I make sure to rinse it well after using it and get a new one frequently. A plastic soft drink cup from McDonalds or a convenience store. I have to go like every hour so finding a formal restroom doesn’t work so hot for me.
  23. “... catch a big beast.” Is how I have modified the axiom. All caught with an East wind in the last month.
  24. Don't buy from Fishing Care Package. I had a terrible experience. Never again. I don't know how they still even have a website available or how someone is not in jail.
  25. I use the 7” Neko rigged in hot post-spawn when conditions are tough.
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