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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. When I am reading reviews for an item I always sort it by “lowest rating” first. I read the bad ratings and if there is a recurring theme (not just people having unrealistic expectations or having a bad day), I’ll go search in other places to see if people have had similar experiences.
  2. Tomahawk chop!!! GO CHIEFS!
  3. I wish he would just cut that turd hanging out the back of his helmet. Haha
  4. Pretty much the next day coming. I guess I’m just excited for life.
  5. This plagues me for fishing as well as other things.
  6. Seems to work for me... ***sorry I couldn’t resist***
  7. Sounds more like a man lure than a fish lure. Got Hinkle’s, DEPS 250s, some Romans and others ... it’s honestly embarrassing to think how much I’ve spent on some of these baits. But they get fished and the only one I have yet to catch a fish on is a DEPS 250.
  8. You make even be able to charge both batteries with that setup. Might take a little longer when they are low, but should be fine for maintaining.
  9. Depends on if you keep the reels on or not. I can fit 8 casting setups in an 8” tube. 4 facing one way and 4 facing the other and staggering the reels. Could fit a ton of rods alone. Probably 20.
  10. That is usually the time they will mark down the close-out namebrand stuff. Id save them at least until the ad comes out.
  11. You mean to tell me a pound of ice weighs less than a pound of water? Kidding of course. Thanks for sharing your info in detail.
  12. Got the hydraulic steering installed and lines and helm filled with oil. What I didn’t realize was how much turn of the motor I would lose due to the cylinder bottoming out. Boy am I disappointed. I really loved how how the little boat could maneuver at idle and how I could turn the motor to gain a couple inches in the garage. I went from having greater than 45 degrees of motor turn to either side to having far less than 45 degrees on either side. I did everything exactly per the instructions and checked it all multiple times. I think it’s just an artifact of the UFlex Protech system I am using. Hoping I can come up with something to gain most of my turning back, because the install is pretty much irreversible given the larger hole I had to make for the new helm and the routing of the old steering cable. *sigh* I’ll try to find some old pictures of the previous turning angle to compare to the new.
  13. Sounds like you’ve thought it through and the Tracker is the boat for you!
  14. What is the appeal of the Bass Tracker? You can possibly get into a slightly bigger boat (but older) that can do much more for around the same cost.
  15. Was also my first fish of the year. Didn’t weigh it, but I’d guess it was easily over 6 maybe closer to 7.
  16. Truly awesome and inspirational story! Thanks for sharing! Always great to get to do the tings you love in life.
  17. I think I only caught 2 that I weighed that were over 5 lbs this year... which got me to thinkin I didn’t get out much this year. The first came on a 3/8 oz Siebert Dredge Dock Rocker in Blue Craw Color with an Okeechobee Blue Rage Bug as a trailer. This was in the prespawn period. The second one came on a 1.5 KVD Squarebill in bluegill color in early July. In 2018 I had at least a dozen over 5 lbs. Geez I gotta make a resolution to get out more!
  18. I'm not saying you are wrong. I was mostly just thinking it was a nitpicky criticism. But I suppose its reasonable (and probably even a good idea) to try to extinguish fantastical claims (meaning they are assumed or inferred based on potentially tangential data)if they are not supported by evidence. There are however, plenty of data to support that there is a linear relationship in size of bait eaten and bass size (specifically shad)... the reasoning for that however, whether it is because the bass gets more energy per expenditure or if it can just simply eat bigger bait due to its size or some other reason, is just storytelling at this point.
  19. Please tell me you are not serious about this criticism. I would bet that a predator can instinctively identify high energy (calorie) targets.
  20. Overstock bait has YUM Bad Mammas for buy 20 for $10. Just picked up 40 bags.
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