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Everything posted by Dirtyeggroll

  1. you could put the transducer on the trolling motor and probably get comprehensible returns. If you had it on the transom and we’re pulling the boat parallel to the beam, I’m not sure the result would be satisfactory.
  2. ^^^ this and it also applies to the length. It’ll probably cost you more than $8K to add a foot and 35 HP to the boat if you think that’s what you’ll eventually want. It’s a lot easier to incrementally add electronics and they will also not hold their value like a foot and 35 hp will. If you are planning to fish rain or shine in most wind conditions the bigger the boat the better. The 188 will handle many conditions but the 195 will handle more. Rarely on the water will you probably think “only if I had the 195.” Even more rarely and approaching never on the water will you think, “only if I had the 188” (maybe when trying to get in behind/between docks).
  3. A kayak is probably a better option for toting around.
  4. I wouldn’t deal with fishingcarepackage if they were giving away guided trips. That place is a scam if there ever was one. You’ve been warned!
  5. Still a good deal either way!
  6. One for probably $50 in a couple weeks at the Spring Classic sale.
  7. Routine. Make it the first AND last thing you check. Put the master switch somewhere painfully obvious so it’s harder to miss.
  8. For 12k you are not going to get much of a new boat. I would suggest a 2000+ Ranger 185VS or 518 Comanche. There are lots of them in excellent shape, just got to have a little patience. Also, if you plan to keep it indefinitely then I would get the nicest and biggest hull that you can (of course there will be some limits with the Tacoma). I strongly suggest against letting electronics and trolling motors be a part of the equation. You can easily add those things for much less of a cost than upgrading a boat if it doesn’t meet your needs. ***edit*** if you plan on doing lots of river fishing an aluminum boat might serve you better than glass. However plenty of people fish rivers in glass.
  9. Line size can certainly effect the action of a bait... if that matters
  10. It depends on so many factors, rod power/action, line type/diameter/weight, lure weight, length of/type of desired cast and most variable individual casting mechanics. Its something one just learns to get a feel for and is not the same for everyone. You could calculate the physics of the ideal amount per gear and desired cast, but it would still be an imperfect calculation because of the difference in casting mechanics per person.
  11. Bass Pro Shops Neoprene Fishing gloves. Keep outside water off of my hands and protect from the wind. I do have to take them off every couple hours to dry my hands from sweating. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-neoprene-fishing-gloves?hvarAID=shopping_googleproductextensions&affcode_c=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyKrxBRDHARIsAKCzn8zWyxJnzTwBQueAEnVYvqXgPRvjOyjwGrS0-HZee665-oCP2s0VUyUaAhEUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  12. Yep. Lots of people doing that. Humminbird makes a bracket for it as well https://humminbird.johnsonoutdoors.com/accessories/mounts-hardware/ad-mtm-mega-trolling-motor-transducer-hardware-kit
  13. Nope it can work well. Yes the image can get distorted if you are moving the TM around a lot, but if you’re slowly moving along it can give you a better sense of your position in relation to cover/structure.
  14. The MSI transducer also does DI. I have both and planned to use the SI but got a 360 which makes the SI obsolete for what I would use it.
  15. Please give warm (maybe not) welcome to Patrick Masnowmes!
  16. Queen Frost and King Groot on their throne.
  17. Just run them from the switch/power supply for the accessory or nav lights.
  18. I have had to return a rod to that retailer because I had the wrong one and they were quick to replace it with the one I wanted with no cost to me.
  19. GO CHIEFS! If Green Bay ends up winning tonight they should call the SuperBowl the State Farm Bowl. Would also be a rematch of SuperBowl I (which the Chiefs lost) AND it would be against one of teams they lost to in the regular season (after having beat those teams, except Indianapolis, in the post season) Revenge Tour ‘20!?!?
  20. 5 degrees outside. “We’re just chillin’ “
  21. Had the a similar situation last year. Went with the glass boat because I fish mostly reservoirs and wanted a 17-18’ boat that could go 50+. It kind of depends on what kind of water you want to fish. If you fish a lot of rivers/creeks, then aluminum all the way. If you fish mostly reservoirs then a glass boat is IMO a better choice. If you fish BIG water a deep v aluminum boat. For 10k you can get a hell of an older rig if you have the patience to wait for the one you want in the right condition. There some good ones out there. Also, my dad has a Tracker 175 and there were a lot of things I didn’t like about it when I was looking for a boat. The bow sits high out of the water and it gets blown around like a leaf in the wind. It’s way underrated. He has a 60 HP and has a hard time breaking 32 MPH with two passengers and some gear. The bilge is too small as battery compartment, it takes a little engineering to get 3 batteries back there to run a 24v trolling motor AND adding the weight in the back brings the bow up even more. I ended up getting a 96 Ranger R70 (17ft boat) which is smaller than the tracker 175, but IMO my boat fishes much bigger than his tracker. I’m sure that effect is amplified in the R80 and R90 series. I can’t say much about other brands of boats because I don’t have much experience.
  22. Technically it has been released. But a very small number of units and any future are probably held up until April.
  23. It’s still not actually here yet. Humminbird needs to get it together.
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